As I begin to share with all of you some of the teachings of the Spirit Guide, Emmanuel, as shared through Pat Rodegast. I feel guided to say that the Introduction to this book was written by Ram Dass, about 30 years ago.
We live in very exciting time my sisters and we are encourage to get out there and share that which we are passionate about.
I am passionate about Love, Healing and Peace upon Mother Earth. This is my Life’s work, it was what my Soul agreed to come here and do. I know that all that I year for a deeply desire, is meant to flows from within.
I have been shown that regardless, of how many times I choose to walk away, from my Truth, I am always gently, patiently and lovingly guided back. In fact, there was nowhere to return to because home and the Truth has always resided within.
I say this because many years ago, when in my early 20’s, I began to feel a yearning a calling from deep with me. Actually that calling that deep desire has been there for all time. That yearning has never changed and the calling of my Soul has always remained the same. Mine is a path of service to humanity, always has been and always will be whether I choose to accept that or not is entirely up to me. Yet I do know that my Truth has never changed.
Due to my life experience and the agreements of my Soul, I made some choices as a teen that lead me down a rather painful path. Along the way, and early on in fact addictions took hold and off to the races I went. I lived on the edge and truly on a path of self destruction. Alcohol was my thing and it got in the way of so much. It helped me to cope in a world where I felt such sadness (over personal experiences i.e. divorce) a darkness of sorts settled in. Yet it never really offered me any useful tools, that helped me to feel better within.
My light filled, “imaginary” friends went away and different energies took their place. The new energies kinda frightened me if the truth be known. I felt isolated and alone, so angry at the world and most people in it. I didn’t know how to cope or what to do, there was nowhere I truly felt comfortable and at ease. Yet the truth in fact is that I was so insecure and uncomfortable within me.
At 14, I turned to alcohol, which lead to other things. By the end of my grade nine year 1984, I drank, smoked pot and had sex. Yikes!! Way too young, way too young. So if there are any Maiden Goddesses, out there reading this please believe me when I say, it is best to wait. It truly is and this is coming for a non-judgmental Mother Goddess Soul who has been there. Give yourself the greatest gift ever by loving and accepting yourself, knowing that as you do, your self worth increases, in positive supportive ways. Don’t give yourself or your most precious gifts away. This will only have a negative impact on your self worth and believe when I say, you will have to one day heal it. Save yourself the work by loving you today. Don’t be in such a hurry to grow up because I can assure you that when you do, you will yearn for simpler more carefree times.
In sharing some of my story my hope is that some gorgeous maiden sister is reading this and connects with it deeply as truth. There is always enough time for all the stuff we wanna do, key is not rushing it, or our unique process of Awakening. We are all hear meant to experience joy, peace, love, abundance and contentment, all of these gifts flow forth from within. This is the year to reconnect with humanities Great Truth…..we are all ONE and we were all born to thrive and shine Co-Creating with the Source/Creator Energy that connects all things.
For me I sobered up in February 1995 and in n those early days of sobriety, I was so egocentric and really felt the world revolved around me and I was in very few ways positive. Affectionately by some I was referred to as “Sally Sunshine” or “Nellie”, remember Nellie Olsen? Yet by six months in I had settled somewhat and the fog was beginning to clear from my 9 years of blackout drinking. Blackout drinking simply means for me that 90% of the time I drank, I would blackout, yet be functioning on some levels, waking in the morning not having any recall of the night before. Let me tell you that is some scary stuff for a teenager.
Writing has always been a great support for me in coming to my own understanding about the Truth of me, and in fact of all of us. As I write I often feel as if I am having a conversation with God/Goddess, my Guides and Angels. Sometimes I am guided to look back at my early writings and there is one thing that always jumps out at me…..the wisdom and the love that was shared on those pages, the Sacred Teachings and Great Truths that came through. It is important for me to note that back in 1995, during my conversations with God/Creator/Source, one term I was guided to use often was Great Truth’s, written just like that capital G and T. I still write the same way today….Great Truth’s don’t ever change…..they are Eternal.
Great Truth’s have always to me felt like Creator/Source teachings flowing through me. Back then I never shared things like that with anyone for fear of being judged or condemned by others. Truth was that I was judging myself, with questions of what gives you the right Lisa Lyle, to teach about God and Spiritual Truth’s, so for me at that time it was best to stay uncover. That cover has been slowly lifting for years, and today I am becoming more comfortable with my ability and qualifications to do the work that I have come here to do.
All that being said, a few days ago to once again read Emmanuel’s Book and as I have been reading I have felt a real pull to share with someone, anyone, everyone… It is so exciting to read simple teachings which I believe are the same Great Truth’s that I have deeply felt.
This is the year of all ON, Creator/Source Energy, moving in a way, that fuels each of our unique Soul’s. Our passions and desires to return home to Love are meant to lead the way. In fact the, Truth is that home is right there inside of you. It is within your physical body….which is truly a Vessel of Light.
It is, the desire of each and every Soul incarnate at this time, to once again feel a merging with their Soul, with Love their Creator/Source/God-like Essence. It is an honour for me to share with all of you that which I feel are teachings that are meant to heal and empower humanity at this time. Our number one lesson…..We are Love. We are Light. We are ONE.
So without further a due, it is with great joy and excitement that I begin to share with you today the simple beautiful teaching of Emmanuel, from the the book Emmanuel’s Book…Compiled by Pat Rodegast and Judith Stanton.
Emmanuel’s Overview of the Human Adventure
The purpose of life is exploration.
Adventure. Learning. Pleasure.
And another step towards home.
Physical bodies
are rather like space suits.
Your physical bodies
can be symbols to you of restriction,
of ultimate pain and death,
of surprising and alarming needs
and of unexpected triviality
that knows no bounds of denigration.
Or they can be seen as chosen vehicles
that souls are inhabiting
because, rather like space suits,
they are necessary where you are.
It is within your humanity
that you will learn
to recognize your divinity.
The spiritual and the human have to walk hand in hand
otherwise the spiritual has no foundation
on which to take hold.
We are all one.
Ours is one reality, one energy, one perception.
The mind cannot grasp this fact
or accept it without battle
but the heart is yearning to know it.
Is this not life’s purpose –
to know that you belong,
that you are safe and eternal,
to know that in your spirit reality
you are already one with God?
The human condition is not the antithesis of heaven.
It is the reproduction, within a limited, vision
manifest in physical form.
There is nothing in human experience
that does not exist in spirit.
This is why the human condition is a blessed one.
It is a mirror, a faithful replica
of the spirit’s situation.
There is Divinity in all things
an in order to find that Divinity
on must work with the material at hand.
To disregard clay
is to question the Divine Energy
that formed it.
Your text has been completed.
It is all here. There is nothing more
that humanity needs to hear in order to grow.
There will be no new teachings,
for they are unnecessary.
What we in spirit are here to do
is to point you
to what has already been given.
You live in a loving universe.
All of the forces are here to give you assistance,
to give you support.
We admire you tremendously.
Those of us who have been human
know full well the courage it takes.
Wow, now isn’t that beautiful? I am really interested to know how what Emmanuel’s shares with us here, makes you feel? Please do share, because remember my sweet friends, “sharing is caring”.
Sending lots of Love, Light, Respect and Gratitude, to you today and always…..Namaste, Lisa
Image is the cover of the book from which I share.
Very beautiful Lisa, I look forward to your sharing of this book.
With Love and Gratitude,
I have all 3 of the Emmanuel’s books, I read and re-read
How do I know WHO I am? How do I get there?