Love is all that is.
You are love and you dear ones are so very beautiful. Do not doubt your beauty. Become familiar with the wonder and beauty that resides within. You shine dear child, your light is so bright. Your sight and senses are opening up and you are becoming more clear than you have ever been before. You dear one are awakening to the radiance within. As you do know that there is much that will fall away. Gently let go and release all that is no longer serving your greatest and highest good. The more gentle you can be at this time the easier this process becomes. At this time the layers of self in their egoic state are being peeled back and for many this is happening in the most painful of ways.
There is a great need for release and as we work with the energies of our Divine Grandmother Moon today this need is being intensified. Just look around at all the extreme weather conditions worldwide. Much is being shaken up at this time and the message to all who are reading this is that, you dear one are so very loved and supported as you move through these intense shifts, intense changes and major releases of the blocks within and without that are in the way of the manifestation of a true Heaven on Earth.
This is a time where all of humanity is being guided to see, feel and love the connection that we share. Breathe in – you are love. Breathe out – there is light. Inhale light, exhale love.
You are love. You are light. I AM love. I AM light. WE ARE ONE.
Quan YIn is here with me now and once again her loving reminder is all about compassion and kindness toward self. She is here to help and she has brought to me pink butterflies and pink flowers. Leading me to connect with the high heart. This is a time for healing and transitioning into the new. She wants you all to know that there is great love surrounding you at this time, as you courageously seek within to heal and transform your life. You are one with all of creation. You dear ones, are intricately connected with all that you see. All the beauty and all love that you see around you is also within you. As you breathe so do all things in nature and the Universe. At this time it is most important that you follow the guidance that you are receiving from within your beautiful, heart.
The answers you seek are within you. You have always had the answers you seek. Slow down and tune in and listen to what you are being giving. This is not a time to push your way through you days. No actually quite the opposite is called for at this time. Slow down and know that this is an important part of your process. This is necessary and it is o.k. You are o.k. and everything is indeed working out for your greatest and highest good.
Breathe and connect. Breathe and connect. All is well. All is Divine. All is love. Breathe it in and allow yourself to be supported by all that is. Keep breathing, as this is most important so that you may nourish your body with “prana” / “chi”, simply stated Life Force Energy. Breath is an easy way for us to tune into that which is real and Divine. When we connect with our breath and the way it moves through our bodies we begin to feel. We may notice that there is some stuff that kinda doesn’t feel so good. Keep breathing anyway. Although, the tendency here as you start to feel would be to hold your breath or to begin to breathe shallowly again. Breathe deeply and keep breathing this way. Just because something feels uncomfortable or there is physical or emotional pain, know that this does not make us inadequate in any way.
We are being totally guided, loved and supported at this time to make some real and healthful changes on every level. Body. Mind. Spirit. All much be aligned and in balance and our breath is the gateway to open up this Divine connection. Keep breathing in light, keep exhaling light. As you do you will begin to see, if you don’t already the brilliance of the light that resides within you. You will begin to understand that this is what you were born to be. You will come to know what it is that you came here to do. You can be all that you have dreamed and yes indeed you can live the life of your dreams.
It is up to you. Your willingness, your courage and your honesty will be the qualities that carry you forward. You see dear ones, all the answers you seek are now and have always been within. Compassion via acts of self love are most important at this time. Breathe and connect. Relax and let go. You see, right here, right now is exactly where you are meant to be. You are love. You are light. You are strong. You are bright. Breathe in the love that is all around. Exhale the light that resides within.
Right now if feels to me and truthfully I have been shown and told time and again that right now we are in the midst of a great cleanse, a purification if you will. It is happening everywhere and on many, many levels. Every single Soul on the planet right now is experiencing it. To the degree that we are willing to accept the support that is freely offered to us, will be the extend of either how difficult or smooth this cleansing/purification will go.
This support freely offered all of us at this time is our birthright. We need only to trust and follow our Divine inner guidance to help ourselves along the way.
No more kicking and screaming fighting the flow of life. This is not a time to push through. No this is a time of breakthroughs. Breathe and connect to the flow of the Universe that moves through you. It also moves through me and every living person, place and thing of the planet. Now is a time for doing our part, no matter what that part may be. For many there is a great need for a detox and for many this is your part at this time. Breathe and connect to your physical body and observe how it feels. Keep breathing, if anything comes up that doesn’t feel right, just let it go. Keep breathing and keep drinking lots of water as this will support the process of detoxification/purification. Cry if you need to and know that each time you have a release like that you are becoming lighter, more free.
Whatever you do, know that at this time it is exactly what is need for the greater and higher good of all humanity. Take the time you need, resting and gathering up the strength you need to carry on.
Onward and upward I like to say.
Just remember we need always take only one step at a time. As you do please remember you truly never walk alone.
We are all so very loved, so very loved indeed and Quan Yin is here offering to us love and compassion. And she is reminding us to to do offer this same love and compassion to ourselves.
Breathe in love, exhale light. Relax, Release and Flow. All is well. Breathe to connect. We are ONE.
Namaste, Lisa xo
Thank you SO much, Lysa.
This morning while getting ready for work I kept seeing in my mind’s eye a very bright, very beautiful blue light. I asked myself what it could be, and the answer that came to me was Mother Mary. I am so grateful for her presence, and for your wonderful message today. Namaste. 🙂