I have been guided to bring the message of love, support and guidance to you today from God/Creator/Source, affectionately known as the Spirit that moves through us all. I asked what we most needed to know today to move us forward on our path toward our full potential living in alignment with our True Essence, our Higher Self. I was guided to pull a card from the Gateway Oracle deck by Denise Linn, the card that came to us today is….a goodie <3
Dear Children I know your heart, I know everything there is to know about you and I love you so very much. You have asked for a sign, a message, someway you would know what you are meant to do. You seek and yet still many of you do not see, you do not hear. You continue to move through life on your terms, in your own way, never really stopping for a moment to connect with me, to connect with you heart. You know it is not the bigger house that makes you happy. You know it is not the faster car, or the 3 children that you so deeply desired. No these things will never bring you the happiness you seek, because as you are now beginning to see, happiness does not come from external possessions, things. No dear ones, happiness is an inside job. It is the work that only you and I can do together….yes, indeed you will be brought teachers, healers and messengers along the way, yet none of them can actually do your work. They can merely show you the way, offer love, and support, guidance and inspiration. Yet, no matter how they might, or actually how much you would like them to be able to heal you, to change you, to save you…..they can’t. No they can’t. You dear one are the only one who can do this. You are now and have always been the master of your own destiny. Believe this dear one, believe this because it is true. Yes, I have loved you so much, loved you eternally and unconditionally from the beginning of time. You are a child of my heart, you are a part of my eternal and loving soul. We are one you and I and I have never left your side, I have never abandoned you, as so many of you feel. It is you dear child, it is you who has walked away. You have been too caught, up in your human experience and the illusions that it has created. The idea of separation, the illusion of time, fear of lack, fear of success, all of these are creations of the human experience and your fearful EGO…..the part of self that judges, compares, doubts, etc. This is the down side of your human experience and yet today I am here with you asking you to begin seeing and using your power rightly. Yes, you are all powerful and divine children of God, yet many of you have been allowing the illusions of your human experience, to allow you to forget who you really are. And who you are dear ones, are beautiful and divine Spiritual Beings, here at this time having a human experience. And although the human experience has been a difficult and painful one to this point for many of you, it no longers have to be so painful or so difficult. No dear ones, today I ask you to begin to walk more gently through life. Trusting the flow of the Universe and all that is through you, allow it to gently, yes gently nudge you forward. When the nudge has not been so gentle it is merely because you needed. Yes, sometimes children need tough love and just because the love is tough does not take away from the fact that it is indeed LOVE.
I ask you all today to begin taking action in the direction of your dreams and if you are no longer sure of what your dreams are, I ask that you honour this. Slow down yet, keep moving, breathe more deeply, walk more slowly, drive more joyfully. Slow down dear ones, yet keep moving and you will soon begin to see clearly what you next step must be. For many of you the answer is right in front of you. The next step is right there in front of you and you fail to recognize it. It is right there in front of you….that chore you have been putting off….the load of laundry you have to do….the meal you need to prepare. All of these things have value and are the next step for many. Stop sitting around daydreaming, wishing and hoping for things to be different. Go on and take some action too make them different. If nothing changes, dear ones, nothing will change. You will continue to have the same human experience over and over again, and wonder why you life is so. Well my beautiful children, I say to you today, that the very best thing you could do for yourself to move you further along your path, is to do the very next task right there in front of you to do.
Stop looking around at other people in your life and comparing your reality to theirs. You were all born for different things and yet the great truth is you were all born of my eternal love and light. You are love and light and as such this is your hearts deep desire…..to love and be loved in return. You all want this and yet, so many of you live with illusions which keep you separated from your Source and each other. Now dear ones, is the time to break down these barriers that your human experience has caused you to erect around you heart.
The easiest way to connect to your Source is in nature and through you heart….stop thinking about me, and instead spend some time talking to me and get to know me again, it won’t be longer before you once again understand you connection to me and all things. I am there with you by your side, in your heart and I am so looking forward to you taking some action today and walking back toward me, your Source, your Creator, God, who loves you so much….I am your mother, I am you father, I am your strength, I am your beautiful, divine heart. I love you dear child, I always have. I am there with you loving, guiding and supporting you every step of the way. Love, peace and healing is my dream for all of you. It is your birthright dear ones, and I would be honoured if you would take a moment to breathe deep, connect and remember who you truly are. Be Blessed <3.
Eternal love and light, Lisa
Thank you for posting this message. I really needed to hear it today.
That makes my heart happy to hear Tawny. Lots of love to you xo
Thank you Lisa. Perfect timing, as always. Love Jane x