What the Spirit that moves through us all wants you to know right now.
Relax dear one and know that the planet upon which you walk is currently undergoing huge and positive transformation. Now only is you Beloved Mother Gaia, undergoing intense shifts and changes, you too dear ones are experience these same intense shifts. This week many of you have been experiencing huge emotional releases which is causing turmoil within you lives. Know that this is temporary and the more you are able to love and nurture yourself through these times, the more easily you will be able to see that these times and these changes are most important and necessary. Today we ask you to rise above any perceived problems and make sure that the words you speak, write or thinks are as positive as possible. Many of you still haven’t realized that your words and thoughts create your reality. This is a great truth dear ones and now you urge you to follow our guidance and advice. You are indeed being called to Master your human experience. Become the Master of your own life. Things are manifesting and unfolding and even unraveling quickly at this time, so the more you are able to focus on the light and good in yourself and the world the more that this will become your reality. Focus only on that which you deeply desire and do not dwell on the fears that within. This is not a time for fear, you have lived in that place for too long now. Today is about love, the new earth that is being birthed at this time is pure and simply all about LOVE. Love is all there is, all there ever was and all that ever will be. Offer this love to yourself today and know that by doing so you have a positive effect on the entire planet. What you do, think and say truly matters. During these intense days we ask that you nurture yourself daily and allow us the beings of light to nurture you as well. Meditation is of utmost importance at this time and many of you are still not doing that and until you do you will never truly see the value of the most sacred connection. You are love and light dear one, plain and simple, love and light. The love and light you seek is not far away, no it is not. It is right there within you and your precious healing heart. Be soft and gentle we say, soft and gentle and please allow your heart to lead the way. It knows and always has known the way. We send you radiant healing rainbow light and are here to support you through these changing and transformative days.
You are light dear ones, you are love, we are one. Namaste, (((<3))) Lisa and her Legion of Light xo
Thank you, Beautiful One. Namaste, Divine Lisa. Namaste. ♥