Crystal of the Week – Red Jasper
Jasper – This stone is known as the supreme nurturer and it supports us during times of stress and brings tranquility and wholeness. This stone also facilitates shamanic journeys and dream recall. It is protective and helps ground energies in the body and absorbs negative energy. It cleanse and aligns the chakras and the aura. It also helps to balance the yin (feminine) and yang (masculine) energies in the body. It aligns the physical, emotional and mental bodies with the etheric or spiritual body. Jasper brings with it courage and determination, and helps you to deal with things as they are presented. Encourages honesty with self.
Red Jasper – As well as all the properties of Jasper, Red Jasper helps ground energies and rectifies unjust situations and provides insights into the most difficult situations. This stone calms the emotions and when placed under you pillow helps with dream recall. The base chakra is most affected by this stone as it assists re-birthing …out with the old, in with the new.
Intuitive message – Root chakra healing, and the collapsing of foundations that were not built on solid ground. Grounding, healing, nurturing and gentle rebuilding is what I am hearing from this stone. It also speaks to me about tuning into your heart. How does this space in your body feel? Is it full of light and expansive or is it tight and restrictive? Observe, don’t judge, simply observe. Exhale anything that feels uncomfortable. Working with our breath at this time is most important as it helps to open up blocked spaces within our physical body. This is a time of breaking down that which simply doesn’t work, so that we may build a new and solid foundation. You are so supported as you do.
Keynotes of this crystal – Nurture, Care, Protection, Energy Flow, Life Force
Message from the guidebook –
You may soon find yourself drawn into a situation in which you feel compelled to care for and protect someone who is in need of help. THis may be a person or a pet that has recently suffered some kind of trauma and is suffering from anxiety or depression. Your love and attention will help them heal and simultaneously you will subconsciously heal and aspect of yourself that is also yearning to be nurtured. What is being healed is an emotional trauma you experienced in the past, possibly in your childhood, or it may even stem from a past life. There is no need to recollect the past or try to figure anything out. Remember that we each mirror one another and self healing automatically occurs when we care for another`s needs.
Trust in the healing power of LOVE.
This message from from the Guidebook with Toni Carmine Salerno’s Crystal Oracle deck
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