Crystal of the Week – Rhodonite
Rhodonite is an excellent heart chakra stone as it stimulates, clears and activate this chakra.
Intuitive Message – Allow your beautiful heart to heal and as you do you heart will open to the love that is readily and freely available to you. Remember love and healing always begin within. There is truly no other way. Even if you deem yourself unworthy and unlovable know that God, your guides and your Angels love you deeply and unconditional exactly as you are….warts and all!! Trust and allow this love to envelope you. You are loved, right here right now in this moment. So please take the risk and love and accept your exactly as you are today. You dear one are a beautiful and divine Child of God and the Universe. You are made up of pure, eternal love and light. There are no exceptions to this Great Truth. Make all decision based on the feelings you have within your beautiful heart. Trust your heart as it clearly knows the way.
Keynotes – Achievement, potential, emotional balance, an open heart
Message from the guidebook –
You are well on the way to achieving your heart’s desire, so trust and keep and open heart and mind. Life is always full of potential and you are always on the right track, so do not be discouraged by the recent setbacks you may have experienced. Keep quietly focused on all that which you wish to create and achieve. Enjoy the journey and keep a loving attitude.
Have patience and faith, and the universe will help you manifest your dreams. Something wonderful is soon to occur. Trust and keep an open heart and mind.
This message from from the Guidebook with Toni Carmine Salerno’s Crystal Oracle deck
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