Crystal of the Week – Stichtite in Serpentine
Excellent for deepening meditation, clearing your energy centres (chakras) and detoxifying your thoughts.
Intuitive Messages – This stone always speaks to me about heart healing and and opening of our psychic gifts. Allow your heart to lead the way, and as you do know that you are eternally connected, guided, supported and loved. There is nothing you cannot achieve if you allow yourself to trust and believe in yourself and your dreams. This is a week to go for it and know that as you do healing is taking place on a deep and more profound level than ever before. With Love and Gratitude, Lisa
Message from guidebook –
Fear and negative thoughts are preventing you from experiencing peace and joy in your life. They are blocking your creativity, and as a consequence, your life seems dull and dreary. You can change this situation by consciously choosing to love and trust the universe instead of fearing it. Sit quietly in meditation and invoke the healing power of love, imagining yourself bathed in beautiful healing energies. Visualize all the colours of the rainbow swirling within and around you. Feel these beautiful healing colours flowing through your mind and heart and imagine your thoughts being infused with eternal light. Practice this each day as it will help transform your negative and fearful thoughts to positive inspirations.
There is nothing to fear, you are eternally surrounded by love.
The message from the guidebook comes for Toni Carmine Salerno’s Crystal Oracle deck
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