As I sit to type this message to all of you, I can hardly believe the date is Monday December 30, 2013. My how fast it seems that this past year has flown, yet at times progress has seemed excruciatingly slow. Can you relate?
Anyway, this post is just going to be a short one to sort of update you all what has been going on in my life. Early in December, I experienced my laptop crashing, as you can imagine this has a huge impact on my ability to deliver my services. Thankfully as a result of the kindness of some friends, I do in fact have an older laptop that I am now using although it does not support the use of my HD camera, therefore I have been unable to do Intuitive Weekly Guidance videos now for a few weeks. I miss doing them and I hope to be able to begin sharing with you in this way again soon. The hardest part of not being able to record video messages is that 2014 Yearly Intuitive Readings were all intended to be delivered in video format this year. This was the way I was guided that I would be doing them, and my guides were saying that it was an effective way to manage my time, as yearly readings are a time consuming process.
I am so GRATEFUL that each of the 2014 readings that I had available were in fact claimed by 10 beautiful souls. Now that I am unable to record these messages, which would likely have taken at the most 90 minutes, I am typing out the messages which is anywhere from a 3 – 5 hour process. Yikes. For those 6 who are still waiting for your messages, I ask that you please be patient as I am doing my best to work through them. Currently doing reading number 4 out of 10.
In the meantime I have been guided to focus my energy on creating and teaching workshops as well as Reiki at my healing centre. So during the month of December I have been busily putting together a Calendar of Events for Wisdom of the Heart Spiritual Healing Centre in Ajax, Ontario, Canada. The first three months of the year look great and I am very excited about the growing community that is expanding build on a foundation of love and respect.
So that brings me to this past week. My whole intention for this month was to create, create, create, which for me meant that I would be writing, writing, writing. Workshop materials and manuals. Well Mother Nature, had something big in store for us here in my part of the world. After a beautiful day celebrating the Winter Solstice, with some gorgeous friends and family. We created pine cone bird feeders and distributed them down by the lake, for our feathered friends. The we were hit with an ice storm last Saturday night, and at 1 a.m. (Sunday), our power went out at home. Power was finally and gratefully restored on Thursday around 4 p.m. As the fog clears, I am sure that more will be revealed to me about the significance of this experience. Until then all I can say is…, those pioneers were hardy, mucho respect to them!!!
So right now for the next week or so, I am going to be busy, getting things together and hopefully, maybe getting on top of things a bit, which means I will not have much time to devote to my online community, as my focus needs to be on fulfilling commitments. I am grateful to each and everyone of you who is reading this message, and I thank you for the blessings you have bestowed upon me. It is an honour and privilege for me to be of service and I cannot wait to get down to the business of doing and being all I came here to do.
Look out world, 2014 is my year to SHINE and let out a great big ROAR!!! Here I am living my heart centred dream, WooooHoooo!! Who’s with me?
Sending Love, Light, Respect and Gratitude, Lisa xo
Hi Lisa
Just a quick line to say thank you for all your wonderful oracle readings during 2013 which kept me sane in a very disjointed year on many levels.
I look forward to your return in 2014 when you have your shiny new laptop to ‘SHINE’ from 🙂 and share more of your beautiful interpretations.
Namaste, Margaret (UK)
Aww, thank you for taking the time to say that Margaret from the UK. I so appreciate sharing more with you over the coming days and years. Sending Love, Light, Respect and Gratitude to you today and always, Namaste, Lisa xo