Yesterday I came across this great acronym for FAITH – Finding Answers in the Heart. Since hearing it I have really been struck by the wisdom of it and decided to write about my thoughts on it.
Isn’t the heart where all our our answers are? Where our truth lies? Isn’t it when we live and act from our heads that we get ourselves into trouble?
One of the cues that I have been using in my yoga classes lately as we come into forward folds is to lead with the heart and not the head. That is the place from which I am really trying to live from these days. All of my words and actions originate from my heart. My heart holds all of my answers, my truth and my life.
From the time of our inception when two cells came together as one until the time of our death our hearts beat within our chest nudging us to listen to and follow its wisdom as it leads us home. Unfortunately, not many of us are able to do that all of the time. As we get older and have more life experience I think that I becomes necessary to listen to that voice deep within us if we are ever to be truly happy.
Our truth never changes and has been the one constant in this life time and maybe others. The heart will never lead us astray. Our hearts are the place within us that hold the wisdom of the universe and if you wish God. The more we disregard our hearts and operate from an egoic place the more our hearts break and shut down to giving and receiving love. Still the very centre of our being never changes. Our truth never changes. The very deepest part of us always stays the same, gently calling out to us, urging us to stay true to that which we know is right for us.
How many times have you ignored a gut feeling? How many times have you been led astray by EGO (edging God out) and PRIDE? How many times have you been directed right back to that original thought or feeling?
So many of us spend so much time doubting our own wisdom and power that we end up unhappy, unfulfilled and full of dis-ease. We give our power away to people, places and things in turn making those outside factors that things which motivate and control us. I believe that it takes a very courageous person to listen to and honour their own heart. Especially when outside influences don’t agree with or understand our hearts wisdom. Our souls journey. Our journey is ours and ours alone. We all have our own journeys to take. We may find that the more we are able to listen to our hearts wisdom the more and louder the opposition from the outside world becomes. This is often when many of us give up, shutdown and turn away from our truth in order to appease others. This is a time that is crucial for us – whether we are making big or small life decisions. Maybe we are thinking about changing jobs or leaving a relationship. Maybe we are just thinking about cutting and colouring our hair. Either way the choice is always ours. Don’t give away your power. Don’t ignore your hearts wisdom. You have always had your answers. You always will. So many times you have doubted. So many times you needed to learn lessons along the way and you did and that is wonderful. Now is the time to put those lessons into action.
Your truth will always remain, your truth. The one constant through your whole life. It speaks to you sometimes as a whisper and other times it screams at you. It is always there gently and lovingly guiding you home. It is a safe place for us and if we are able to listen to and honour what it is telling us it will always lead us to great things………..OUR DESTINY!! Remember though that freewill always, always overrules destiny so chose wisely. Listen well and above all trust you own wisdom.
Living from the heart is a powerful place to live. The more we can tap into our own power the more we are able to allow and support others as they learn to trust the wisdom of their hearts. I am loving this place where I am in life today. Is it where I thought I would be in my 40th year? Maybe not but it is certainly a place that feels right and safe and I am finally ready to take a leap of faith and trust that I am being divinely lead. My heart feels full and I feel very peaceful and content these days and I am so very grateful for the guidance that I receive on a daily basis. I am supported and loved and it is a wonderful place to be.
Thank you to all of you who are reading this – some of you I know and others I haven’t met yet. My wish for all of you is that you are able to find the courage and strength to trust the wisdom of your own heart. It will never lead you astray only home. Namaste.
Light and love,
Thank you Lisa that is a very powerful message, although it is hard sometimes , to keep the faith I always have & always will……Namast <3
I hope that you have a wonderful trip, your puppy is sooo adorable <3