When I logged onto Facebook this morning there were 5,818 likes on the page. I noticed that because my guides for years have been working with numbers to bring me messages of love and encouragement. I am and have always been very drawn and felt connected to Numerology and numbers. I have a great memory for birthdays, anniversaries of all kinds. I am guided to share with all of you today the messages that these numbers bring.
First 818……Your positive affirmations about your career and finances are working, so keep going <3.
58…….Your finances are improving, and there will be a positive change in your financial flow. This could also signal a job promotion or career change, with and increased salary <3.
18……Your thoughts are the valve that opens and shuts your financial flow. As you stay positive, all the material resources you need come to you easily. However, your worry can stop this flow, so ask your angels to help you stay upbeat, especially where it concerns money.
You will see the recurring current here in each of the messages and the way that I was guided to read them is important. Things are going good and this is a fact. There is always enough to meet my needs and then some. Yet isn’t it the human way to worry? Why is this? My many years walking this path have affirmed for me time and again that I am supported. I am loved. I am guided. Yet, too often I have doubted my heart, my path, my work so did things only for the financial side of things. I no longer do that, and because I have stepped outside of a regular paying job that deposits a paycheque into my bank account every two weeks, there is uncertainty. Will there be enough? Well the answer that that is yes!!!
For many at this time the message is clear. We cannot keep doing what we have been doing and expect things to change. On the eve of the Full Moon / Partial Eclipse in Scorpio, I can’t help but to feel that many of us are being asked to really let go. Dive in and get to doing YOUR work. Now I do not know what YOUR work is, yet what I do know is that we are Spiritual Beings with Souls that have incarnated into human form. That being said, I feel that the work most of us have come here to do is that of a spiritual nature, healing humanity. Now that may sound odd to some and like a tall order. Well it is and yet the truth is we can each do our part. The first step in doing our part is to listen to our hearts, because our heart/soul knows what it has come here to do.
When we get stuck in worry and doubt that the heart knows and that we are supported we shut down and we shut off the flow of the Divine within our lives. I have seen this first hand in my own life. When I am just being me and happily and gratefully doing the work of my heart, so much abundance flows into my life and not just in the financial form. Yet when I am stuck in fear and doubt, things stagnate, and the flow becomes awkward and uncomfortable. Thank goodness, I am at a place within my life today where I rather quickly come back to resting in the arms of the love that is all around me. Our guides and angels never leave us, they are always there patiently waiting. Sending us numbers, feathers, songs, animals. We need only to remain open and grounded into our humanness.
Breathe in deep dear ones and listen to the whispers of your heart. Be willing to release anything that does not feel light. Be kind and patient to yourself as you do. These are quickly changing times that we are living in and all we can do is the best that we can each and everyday. Be soft, compassionate, gentle and kind with your beautiful healing self as you go. This is not a race, nor a competition. Everyone is doing the best that they can today.
Love yourself enough bright ones, to take time each day to sit in stillness. Notice I didn’t say sit in silence, because for many this is what keeps them from meditation. Stillness, is all we need. Breathe deeply into your belly…..exhale deeply. Belly lifts on the inhale and drops back on the exhale. Keep breathing deep and for a few moments today give yourself permission to just be in the wonder and beauty of you.
Sending so much love, light and gratitude, Lisa
P.S. The picture was my view from my yoga mat the other day and I just noticed that the image number is 5575…..we are never alone dear ones and yes you are on the right path.
Thank-you so much for sharing this <3 It reaffirms the messages I keep getting <3 Sending light love harmony and angels <3
You are so welcome and isn’t this what it is all about….sharing and in the process getting the confirmation and reassure that we need. Thank you for taking the time to comment. With love and gratitude to you, Lisa