Today I am guided to share some feelings I have around this coming full moon which will move into my sun sign Virgo tomorrow (Friday) morning at 10:17 a.m and reach her zenith there on Sunday March 16 at 1:08 p.m.
I chuckle a bit as I was guided to notice the numbers here and that each adds up to 9. Another important factor for me and this coming full moon and it likely speaks to the energy shifts I have been feeling all week as 9 is my life path. I have been feeling it all week, this for me is a very important full moon, possibly the most important of the year. This is likely true for many of us when the moon sits in our sun sign. This moon is also known as The Crow Moon, another sign as Crow is one of my life long guides.
When it comes to Virgo energy she is precise and exact, no messing around, she aims to get the job done. This can be challenging energy as we have been doing the best that we can going with the flow and staying in the moment. Virgo wants us to get the job done, particularly the one we have most been avoiding in creative ways. No more justification for holding onto behaviours, beliefs and attachment to self limiting things (relationship, possessions, pain). Right now as the moon moves into and through the sign of Virgo, she is looking and hopeful for a clean sweep and she will pop the bubble of fear and illusion that you have felt keep you safe. If we have been living in fear and caught up in illusions this can be a painful experience and one which the ego struggles with. Keep in mind our egos are fueled by fear and our own beliefs about our self worth.
As we move into the energy of the moon waxing to fullness all weekend, we can expect to feel some volatility in our lives. I feel the energy of Pele here, the Goddess of Volcanoes and the Original Divine Spark of Creation of Light and she speaks to me now of the purification through her fire so we may walk freely into the full expression of our Divine Spark of Light within, unleashing and freeing the Goddess of all Creation, into BEing.
If you are feeling, over the next few days, like you are a volcano ready to erupt, for no apparent reason, please keep in mind that this healing that is taking place within you is as deep as it goes. Right now and for quite some time now we have been healing our DNA and karmic bloodlines. The lessons that we move this weekend are going to for many, be earth shattering and take your human experience to a whole new level. We are all coming into alignment with our TRUTH and the fact that our individual TRUTH flow from many GREAT TRUTHS. Spiritual Truths and Laws. No made up man made ones.
I am being asked to remind you all that the individual personal healing work that you do is important. Very important indeed and has great value in the big scheme of things, of which we from our limited perspective we, see very little. .Don’t be afraid to let go of the illusions that you have held so dear. Detach from the illusions that those around you also hold dear. We cannot do another’s work. We must each do our own and that is more than enough for many of us, lol. It is by doing our inner work, having our bubbles burst and aligning with Truth that we begin to truly experience and live in the Divine Love, Abundance and Joy that is our Birthright.
Virgo is the epitome of a Mother of the Earth. The collective Virgo heart has big dreams of a beautiful Earth, Heaven on Earth really Where all, are living the life of their beautiful heart centred dreams. A regular Garden of Eden right here in our own backyards, where all are treated as equal, all have value, and all deeply understand their personal responsibility for the betterment of all humanity. Mother Earth is calling us to bring our attention and awareness back to her because it is through our connection to her that we are nourished, nurtured and sustained. We are being asked to encourage and support one another, sharing our gifts. Giving and receiving in beautiful harmony.
Please be easy on yourself this weekend and take as many time outs for you, as you need. Release the need to rush this weekend and create more time and space in your life to simply rest and renew. I am being shown a battery being plugged in, being charged. If you start to feeling antsy and volatile breathe deeply and take some time to go within.
Having our bubbles burst doesn’t always feel nice, yet the TRUTH is that in fact this is what many of us need and this full moon in Virgo is happy to oblige.
Sending lots of love and full moon blessings from my bubble to yours…..Lisa xo
I am definitely an exploding volcano this week but I am focusing on using this energy and putting it into my work. Yesterday was an explosive day but today is more relaxed. Hope your week goes well : )
Thank you for taking the time to comment Karla, and I wish you a wonderful calm weekend. Sending Love, Respect and Gratitude to you xo
I agree with a lot of this, makes more sense of how I have been feeling which is reacting to stress. Ty.
Thank you for commenting Bonnie, and just keep breathing into your beautiful healing heart space. Sending Love and Gratitude to you, Lisa
Thank you for your kind words of guidance. Feeling extremely tired, worried about about the nerve throbbing from head to toe on my right side. Lets hope the new moon brings about the inner healing and lessens the anxiety about my condition. Thank you once more.
You are so very welcome Damyanti. This full moon will support you in releasing your anxieties which stem directly from fear. Be willing to allow the release to happen, you are so support by this moon in doing so. Thank you so much for commenting, I appreciate the interaction. Sending lots of love, and the brightest of moon blessings to you. xo
Thank you divine Lisa Lyle for these messages. I’m so ready to have the passion in me ignited to fully embrace all of me and let go of my illusions and old belief patterns that are no longer serving me!!! Let the truth of who I am be revealed, bring it on!! 🙂 so much love and gratitude to you!!!
You are so ready!!! Lots of love to you gorgeous Gina 🙂
Thank you for sharing this .. Myself being a virgo hav been feeling the affects of this full moon since the 12th .. Im quite sensitive to lunar energy full moons and new moons generally mess with my sleep but this moon even more than usual .. Thanks for helping me understand this more .. Love light & blessings .. Ps .. Keep up the fantastic work 🙂
Thank you for being here Bebe and taking the time to comment. I trust you are now feeling some relieve as the moon wanes. Thank you for your support and encouragement. Sending Love, Light, Respect and Gratitude, to you Lisa
There is a lot of fear in me at the moment. Worried I will not always be able to look after my husband. So hope the full moon lets me go of my fears.
It will as along as you are willing to release the hold this fear has on you Sylvia. Sending you lots of love, light, respect and gratitude, Lisa xo
Please know I feel the presence of AA Michael walking with you offering you strength and courage. Lisa