As we approach this full moon in Sagittarius, I keep hearing full moon rising…Ready, Aim, Fire.
Since the Blood Moon in April,(here is a link to the post I shared at that time)
the recurring message has been this…..RELEASE AND HEAL ADDICTIONS.
It is important to note here that addictions manifest in many forms and I have been shown that they stem from the point of our Soul’s disconnect from its Divine Destiny. You see this is the human experience and this is what we agreed to come here to do. That BEing said, it is now time to get moving along the JOYFUL PATH OF SERVICE that OUR HEARTS, ONE HEART IS GUIDING US ALL TO WALK.
I believe strongly that many Lightworkers upon Mother Earth at this time, are still struggling with some form of addiction, whether it be the obvious ones such as, food, alcohol, tobacco or sex. To the more subtle ones such as repeating patterns of thought, behaviour, c0-dependence, negative self talk, doubt, fear….old tapes playing long past their ‘best before’ date. The time for addictions, as way to cope and ground as I have heard many say and have said this before myself.
The TRUTH is though that our addictions do not really support that which we convince ourselves they do. Many refuse to see their addictions as an issue or even to use them as a tool to overcome and and breakthrough such limiting self defeating behaviour. We justify and we judge, to this point not really coming to terms with Our Collective Truth, which is that WE ARE ONE and WE ALL CAME HERE FOR LOVE. It begins with YOU. It begins with me and that which we do personally has a great impact on the Collective, good, bad or otherwise.
The longer we stubbornly hold on to our addictions, we resist the influx of cleansing LIGHT. This LIGHT is here now as a “life support” to all who reside upon Mother Earth. The connection with this Light, supports the MANIFESTATION OF OUR INDIVIDUAL AND COLLECTIVE DIVINE BIRTHRIGHTS. This full moon is here, saying come on Bright Ones, you can do this. Don’t any longer sit rigid and afraid of the dark.
The message I have heard time and again throughout my human experience has been this….You are SPIRITUAL in your ESSENCE and this messages been coming through with such persistence for the entire year 2014. The year 2014 is a UNIVERSAL 7 year. A highly Spiritual vibration this number brings and no matter who you are or where you reside, you are very likely hearing the call. It is the call of our COLLECTIVE HEART. Can you feel it, can you hear it?
We know you do, it is that tingling feeling at the top of your head. This space is called the Crown chakra. At this time this the Collective Crown chakra is open. Yet with this opening comes confusion, if we are unsure of what we are experiencing. The confusion also comes from lack of grounding.
So how can we come to use this supportive energy in our own lives? Well first comes the awareness that it is happening. There is no denying that it is. We need to learn how to Ground down into our our physical BEing, without being weighed down by it. Our physical bodies are in Essence – A Divine Vessel of Light. We each are a Lightship, moving through the Eternal Cosmos of Life. We were all destined for a Blessed human experience, yet instead many have become burdened by life. Burdened with the responsibility of BEing human. The responsibility of BEing DIVINE. How many of you resonate with that this Divine Truth?
How many of us humans now walking upon Mother Earth, deeply feel the LOVE and LIGHT that is OUR DIVINE BIRTHRIGHT? Even those of us here in Service to the Divine, the Collective Greatest Good. How many of us are living in clear alignment with the SOUL path of this lifetime? If we are dealing with or unwilling to let go of addictions we are not in clear alignment.
It is Our Crown chakra which is our Receiver of Light, as it pours forth upon us from above, and it does also from below, entering through the Soul Root (soles of feet) and Root Chakra. It is up to us, the human BEing, who resides in the space between the Crown chakra and the Soul’s of our feet to welcome this Light in and through our bodies. Anchoring Ourselves in Love and Service to Mother Earth and ALL that is DIVINE, as we go forward and grow.
So far, so good, we really are doing great and it is important that we note this fact. Yet, Collectively the question for each of us is could we be doing more? This is a question each Soul must answer for themselves. The question has been asked and the answer already exists. It exists within you. It exists within me. We know what the answer is, now what are we going to do about it?
This brings us back to addictions my guides say, as this is the message they would like to be heard. Some of you will want to know who are these guides? And to that I, instinctively shrug my shoulders because in terms of my human understanding I don’t really know. Some energies are familiar to me, AA Michael and Raphael have been always near me, God is another energy I have always felt a direct connection to and I have learned that it is such, because within me is where God resides. Within each human you meet is the heart of God, of LOVE, of LIGHT. Each one of us born of the same Source energy, whatever we choose to call it, LOVE and LIGHT, TRUTH is the same for all. Are you hearing the call?
They say to me that where our trouble disconnect began (note: it will be different for each of us), was when we disconnected from the Inner God Essence, that which we all are. The disconnect within each of us took place for various reasons and under differing circumstances, yet the Essence was always the same. Our human experience which was originally ALL FOR LOVE, was for many too much for the beautiful delicate BEing of Light to bare. We could not understand what was happening, to our beautiful worlds,we was the Light that we were born of? We came for Love, yet for many love came with conditions. Rules. Good. Bad. Right. Wrong. Fear. God. Feel free to add to the list if you’d like, I could go on, yet won’t as I am sure you get the point.
Each Divine Soul, each Vessel of Light was affected differently based on their experience and their sensitivities. Energetically though it is the feelings, that for all of us, are the same and it makes sense doesn’t it? Considering we all came for the same Divine human experience. LOVE, JOY and an ABUNDANT LIFE.
We each craved LOVE and often found that externally it wasn’t there, not in the Unconditional way, that was our Divine Birthright. Yet that didn’t mean, that love did not exist, for it did. It always has. The trouble with Love as it is currently understood by the masses is that, it is conditional, based on some perceived right or superiority of one over another and this is just not the TRUTH of LOVE. There is a do it this way or else mentality that still exists and this mentality is detrimental to society as a whole.
I have never really understood or connected with that idea of love anyway, except maybe when it come toward self. For many on the planet at this time, it is self love, that is the area of lack in our lives.
Yet don’t we know on some level that in TRUTH there is nothing missing at all. It is only our disconnect from our own Divinity that is the missing link. For this link is the key for all. The proverbial key to the kingdom of heaven, here upon Mother Earth, if you will. Heaven on Earth has always been my dream….just a regular Garden of Eden/Lisa, if you will, please feel free to add your name here.
Did/do you have a similar dream? If your answer was yes, this message is for you….the Universe supports you in Manifestation of the life of your dreams. This message is true for all who are reading this and it is true, even for those not yet aware. We ALL came here with all we needed to live the life of Our Dreams. A life filled with peace, happiness, and an abundance of LOVE and the many Blessings Love brings.
Humans have moved away Collectively and individually, over lifetimes from the Essence of our COLLECTIVE DIVINE TRUTH and our INTENDED DIVINE BIRTHRIGHT.
When it comes to addictions, for many they simply became a way to cope with a life that we did not understand and which was weighing us down. A life which we were living in which others pulled the strings. These strings are energetic attachments in our physical bodies and they are mainly activated and stored within the sacral and heart chakras. When we couldn’t understand emotionally what was taking place within our 3D experience many of us turned to, or were lead to substances. At the time we felt that these things would support us and help us to ground, fit in if you will. Initially we felt these things, which became habits would help us to cope or escape. Maybe we just did took our first drink, smoke or toke be cool and fit it. It is important to note here that at the age we turned to addictive behaviours, we stunt our grown emotionally.
Whatever our reasons were it was, these ideas conditioned our beliefs and affected either negatively or positively and had detrimental impact on our feelings of self worth. Throw addictions into the mix and we have a cauldron of hot boiling wax, which if not, tended will boil over and cause much undue pain. This pain often presents as anger and frustration at the lot life has dealt. When in fact the key to freedom from the pain is the painstaking, heart wrenching inner journey.
We are each responsible for our unique life experience and we are also responsible for the fulfillment of our DREAMS. To point fingers in any direction, only serves to guide us to understand that when we do, there are always three pointing back at us. This leads me time and again to the fact that the most important person in my life is me. All my life experience…good, bad or otherwise, begins with and within me. This is the same for each of us whether or not it is fully understood in this moment.
When it comes to LOVE, it is up to us to take responsibility for the Love that we feel. If we don’t fill up our own cup, there is surely no one else who ever will. At least not for any length of time.
Addictions do not fill our cups and support self love. Although many will disagree, and that is fine, as long as it is understood that this is merely denial. From my own personal experience it is my addictions which have keep the idea of suffering real. What were once ways to cope/ground/escape for many are really now only hindrances to personal Spiritual growth.
Addictions do not support us in grounding, although I have heard many a great justifications for why they do so. I have used such justifications myself. The TRUTH is though justification in any form, is merely the ego’s way of not wanting to let go of its negative hold your DIVINE SOUL.
The good news is that the ego in TRUTH is a great friend, a mighty fine teacher if you are willing to listen. At this time for many the pain that is stored within is making it clear that it is time to listen. In Truth addictions of any form are the very things which burden many Light Souls. Throughout the human experience something will always be missing and we will experience lack when we place love on some outside factor, or condition. Seeing this, which is what this full moon is asking of each of us to do, will be the starting point. The jump off….leap of Faith point if you will. Right now it is all about the FAITHFUL FREE FALL. My guides assure me that it is safe for us ALL to jump and let go. We will fly if we do and we will fly high easily and naturally.
Leading up to and following for the few days after the full moon we will be asked to let go of those habits/addictions that we have picked up and for many carried for far too long. We are asked to love ourselves enough to take action to support healthy changes. Let go of the idea that in order to receive love there is something that we must do or be other than, that which we are. There are no strings or conditions attached to love, as we have been shown. Love and more importantly SELF LOVE are not given only when terms are agreeable and we are good little boys and girls. LOVE is the RIGHT OF EVERY LIVING SOUL, regardless of deed.
So for all of us right now it is important to explore what our beliefs are around love, particularly as it relates to the opinions and teachings of any person, organization, religion, any system that taught you, that they know better than you what is right for you. We all have the very same connection to Source. For the SOURCE we all seek, resides within.
Isn’t it, so much easier though for those with personal agendas to control the masses through continual messages laced with fear and untruth?
We are BEing guided to walk through the hidden dark within and step into the Light. This walk through the dark is not intended to scare people off or to keep us stuck repeating patterns and unsupportive behaviours. This walk, it is intended to help each SOUL step into the glorious LIGHT of their Divine Birthright. Each SOUL must take the this walk, in order to achieve any lasting peace and happiness, in their human form.
For many who struggle with any form of addiction, there are strings and emotional attachments that continue to get tugged and these strings for all people are connected to the our Sacral and Heart chakras. The Sacral chakra the space between your hips is the emotional storehouse in the physical body and I believe the core space of self worth. This space in our physical bodies is for many in great need of healing. Our Heart chakra is the home of our human heart and the space I believe that holds for each of us OUR ETERNAL SOUL. It is the Heart that was intended to lead the way just like a compass. Yet it is not what we have been told or lead to believe by society, religion, or any organization that takes the power away from the people.
This misuse of power is often done under the guise of love and safety, yet in truth this type of power is all about control. For those in perceived power positions it is not about self control it is about control of the masses. This so called democracy on many levels has not served our current society well.
As we work with the energy of this full moon, we are being asked to take a long hard, honest look at ourselves and our behaviours, habits and addictive tendencies. When you look within, do not judge yourself for that which you do, simply observe and become aware of the ways in which your behaviours, limit your forward movement toward the fulfillment of your DREAMS. Allow Grandmother moon to guide you as you come face to face with the shadows within and know that as you do, it is in the shadows that you will discover/uncover your greatest gifts.
Many who now walk upon Mother Earth came with the intention of serving the Greater Good of ALL. Yet how can we when, sitting in addiction? Regardless of what the addiction or justification for it may be, addictions in any form are just not supportive.. It is time to get to the root cause of our issues, and for each of us it requires a brave journey into the shadow, for it is within that all issues begin.
Balance and harmony are one the way and they are the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel. Don’t be afraid to walk through that tunnel for there are many who walk with you. The entire Universe supports you in releasing that which holds you back, or holds you tight within.
It is time for ALL humanity to begin to shine. When we shine, we support others in doing the same thing. When we take responsibility for our lives and the state and condition of our hearts, then we begin to align with our true DIVINE power.
Now is the time my beautiful friends, for each of us unique stars to shine our brilliant brand of LIGHT into the world. For what we do matters, and has far and wide reaching effects. This is a time for happiness and peace and neither of these things will be found based on conditions outside of ourselves. ALL WILL BE FOUND WITHIN.
This moon is asking us to come to terms with our TRUTH and to clean up from the inside out so that we may sparkle as was our original intent. Please do not be afraid to do you work, for yours, is necessary and noble work.
The more clear your channel (physical body) is the better able we will each be able to serve. Remember the finest teachers are those who have learned their lessons and who have walked through the inner fires for themselves.
The Universe is asking each of you now……how well did you learn to let go? It is from this clear space that you are all being called to stand up and take your rightful place.
Sending Lots of Love and the Brightest of Full Moon Blessings………Lisa
P.S. If you would like to be a part of the Full Moon Healing (distant) circle on the 13 of June please click on the link below to register…..
I am very much hoping I can still be part of this full moon healing circle although Now after just reading yr words , I believe I’m already part of the healing process as my response is yes, yes and yes I am ready to live and love to live , the emotions of being ready to face up are so excited about life and love and knowing that it’s up to me , really feeling this is unbelievably uplifting . Thankyou for the realisation that what I want more than any thing is to love my self give this a voice to be heard..
Hi Lisa
I have listened to your oracle card readings for over a year now and they have kept me on spiritual track many a time, grounding me as I move forward into the week. I have just read your Full Moon rising article about releasing and healing addictions and I know I need to address some heart healing which I also know is holding me back in my life.
I have lead my life with a very open and honest heart and also with courage and independence as woman. I have met many lovely people along my journey but I have also experienced betrayal which has shut me down on some level over the last decade. The person that has impacted me the most recently on that level is with my older sister with some of her behaviour during this last decade.
Without going into all the details, I don’t trust her anymore and wondered if you had any guidance on how to maintain a relationship without feeling the stress I feel around her because of this… because my natural state is to very open and honest I actually feel physical stress symptoms around my heart because I now want to keep my inner world private from her and therefore am holding back conversations I would normally have because I don’t trust her and basically don’t want her to know. She is my sister so I still have to have some contact with her but I do keep it to infrequent ie. family occasions. I also have a younger sister and older brother with no issues.
I have had a couple of female friendship betrayals also and I just ended the relationship immediately as I am a very independent soul and don’t hang around people who are insecure around me or say or do things to show me that is the case, as I would not do that to them. However, when it is family it makes it more difficult as your connections are for a lifetime! I also have some lovely female friendships just so you know I am not a woman who has always had issues with women 🙂 but I do think I have experienced jealousy issues which I have felt angered about because I couldn’t be more down to earth and non-showy in my personality but they have still felt threatened?!
Do you have any articles on keeping an open heart around people you don’t trust but still have to have contact with – being such an open and honest soul, I find it stressful if I have to stay guarded around people I should be close to.
Much love, Margaret