I AM guided to begin to once again share more of my writing with you. This following piece was some writing I did while sitting outside by the lake enjoying the winter sun on my face.
Some days I just don’t know. Should I stay or should I go? The Universe sings out GROW, dear one, GROW, GROW, GROW. Yet the ego cries out….NO, NO, NO.
Patterns repeat, old tapes play, saying…..”Down sweet Lisa, come on don’t you know your place?”
The Universe sings…..”Dear sweet Lisa, don’t you know….you dear one were born for so much more.”
Really? Who me? How could it be?
The Universe sings out…..”HOW COULD YOU NOT BE ALL THAT AND MORE? You were born of the STARS CHILD, BRILLIANT and BRIGHT. You agreed to this journey upon Mother Earth. You agreed to come and SHINE YOUR BEAUTIFUL LIGHT. That was the deal agreed to long ago. Now ALL WE ask of you dear child is to BE WILLING TO LET GO. Yes, time and again we ask this of you. We know it is not alway easy, yet we have shown that each time you WILLING do so, YOU GROW. We see you so BEAUTIFUL and BRIGHT. You were not born to be small and meek, cramped within a box made by man. Oh no dear one, you were born of the expansive CREATOR heart. The world needs your LIGHT. No longer is it necessary to resist and fight. GROW, GROW, GROW and LIGHT is the way. Go on dear one, ignite the lamp WITHIN. Today, WE, YOUR LEGION OF LIGHT want you to know, we LOVE and ADORE you and WE, assure you there is so much more in store for you when you WILLING LET GO. Allow your beautiful heart to lead the way….SHINE ON BRIGHT ONE, SHINE ON!!”
As I sat upon Mother Earth that day, with pen in hand, I felt her LOVE and SUPPORT encouraging me to continue to GROUND down. Anchor in the LOVE and LIGHT that WE are into her HEART and BE FREE.
So much Love and Gratitude I feel to be able to open and channel words that encourage, inspire and heal. Namaste, Lisa
Wow! This is great Lisa. Thank you for sharing. I am down in the doldrums this month, so inspires me. Love you.
Hang in there gorgeous Penny, this is energetically a challenging month for many. Keep breathing deep, YOU GOT THIS. Sending you love xo
That line – patterns repeat, old tapes play!! Right on. I cannot believe up they come for release again. Thank you for this Lisa.
Yup isn’t this the way Mary, what we hold on too, ALWAYS comes up again for release. Now we just need to LET IT GO!!! Thanks for commenting here, I appreciate you xo