As I sit to write, I am guided by the words…..
An interesting idea, isn’t it? It feels as if there are many who still do not deeply understand, what this means, and the commitment it entails.
To honour oneself, requires us to daily pause and create space within our lives to connect to our heart, the home of our Eternal Soul. For we are all connected to one another through this space, yet again many have yet to acknowledge this Divine / Sacred TRUTH. Our Connection.
We are too busy, some may say, there are not enough hours in the day.
I disagree and my guides continue to insist there is plenty of time, sweet child plenty of time to do all that you have come to do. Today we simply ask you to settle into the Sacredness that is you and your life.
Breathe sweet child, breathe deeply. Honour the space between each breath, the void. Welcome it, settle in for this is the Sacred place within you. All mysteries revealed in the void. Inhale welcome and honour….exhale release and honour.
To honour thyself, we only need willing to listen. Slow down, stop, and listen to the wisdom that is whispered from our hearts to us in our moments of silence and stillness. It is challenging for many right now, with the busy lives we all lead to truly hear the calling of their hearts. For many are way too busy, doing that which brings no true happiness, no real joy and certainly no peace. For these gifts are not found in our busy lives, the real gifts of this journey are found in the moments we take the time to tune in, and trust the wisdom that we find within. We are each so much wiser than we currently know or accept.
These “things” many are busily seeking and attaining, do very little to create more inner balance, harmony and peace. These things that money buys us, do not make us happy, nor in plenty of cases do they make us more kind, more compassionate, more generous. Instead these things we desire, support the Collective disconnect.
The Truth of what I know at this point in my journey are that the true treasures we all seek are pretty much the same…
Peace, Joy, Love, Acceptance, Freedom, Happiness and Abundance in all its manifestations.
Another Truth that I know is that we all have equal access to these gifts, for it is Our Collective Divine Birthright. Yet these treasures are not to be found outside of ourselves. They are not to be found in the arms of another. They are not to be found in material acquisitions. No, these great treasures in fact have never been very far outside of our reach. The issue for many is that for too long now we have Collectively, been reaching out and not seeking within.
The time has come for each Soul to reach in and take hold of their destiny and as we each do, Collectively we will begin to lift each other up. Our combined TRUTH is that WE ARE ONE and each so worthy and deserving of LOVE and PEACE. It is a courageous journey that each and every SOUL is asked to take. Our time has come to each reach in and manifest into our daily lives the beautiful joyful life of our DREAMS.
Please do my friends, take a wee bit of time today turn off the noise of the outside world and seek that which is calling you from within. Take some time today to honour and acknowledge the space in between each breath, for there it is your kingdom awaits you. It is from this peaceful void where I look forward to meeting you.
Sending Love, Light, Respect and Gratitude to you……Namaste, Lisa
Image by me….welcoming the Light
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