I was strongly guided to come to the computer and share all of this with you today. So I trust and share from a grateful, healing and loving heart with all of you.
It is safe, for you to be who you are and to feel what you feel. Be not afraid, as you move through this final difficult phase. Remember you chose it so you can overcome it. There is no reason to hide who you are anymore. There is no reason for you to seek outside of yourself for approval. It is time for you to just be…..warts and all comes to mind here, lol.
Do not any longer allow your happiness to be dependent on something or someone else other than you. Love is what will truly set us all free. Pure and simply, unconditional no strings attached LOVE. The first and most important step into the LOVE that you are, is to recognize that you are and offer LOVE to YOU. You deserve it. We all do!!
When we are in LOVE with ourselves, warts and all, we could never hurt another. We don’t want to because we know in truth we only hurt ourselves. Yet, for those not well versed in how love feels, or in actual fact what Unconditional LOVE feels like, this Self-Love thing, can become quite a stumbling block. Yet, it doesn’t have to be. Trust me, it really doesn’t.
When we are living in LOVE we are kind, compassionate, friendly, non-judgmental, supportive, generous, loving and this list could go on. Please feel free to add what you like.
When we are still living in our fear and our pain, we tend to be critical, judgmental, unkind, self centred, selfish and sometimes downright mean. Often we turn to vices (alcohol, drugs, food, sex) to suppress the deep pain that all of these behaviours are motivated by. For those who are still stuck in their painful past and those things we haven’t forgiven ourselves for, this is a particularly challenging time. We lash out at those we love, or at least claim to love. Yet our behaviour is not at all loving. We continue to inflict wounds not only on the hearts of others, but our very own heart too.
This is a time of NO MORE WOUNDS!!
Haven’t we suffered enough? Individually? Collectively? Is it not time for a change? Is it not time to be happy? To feel worthy and deserving of the LOVE that is our birthright? To experience Joy, Peace and Contentment, Happiness, knowing that we are Infinitely supported and Abundantly provided for. Knowing that we are indeed very Blessed!
At this time many are being pushed beyond their comfort zone and the realms of what has just rather naively been accepted as TRUTH. The time has come for each of us to get comfortable with our TRUTH and clear away residual pain, that’s time has long ago passed and move forward. Keeping in mind that, what rings true for me, may not, may not necessarily resonate as truth in you. Let us not judge, criticize and condemn people for not feeling as we do. Diversity is good, great in fact, as we have much we can learn from one another. Particularly when we feel that it is okay for us to share ourselves TRUTHFULLY with others……warts and all. As long as we can remain respectful of one another and understand that we originate from one Creator, we will be okay. More than okay actually, WE WILL THRIVE!!!
The time has come to make decisions in your life, for you life. Stand up for and continue to believe in the dreams of your heart. The are real and indeed waiting to come true. You need only continue to tune into your breath and the beat of your heart. And the TRUTH that resides within will guide the way. Trust and have faith that you are indeed so worthy and deserving of all good things.
It is time to break-free from all those thoughts, words, beliefs and falsehoods that you have been told, and even told yourself for a very long time. Lifetimes in fact. It is the time of our Karmic Undoing, time to break free, break vows, and sacred contracts, so that we may do our work here birthing the New Earth. The age of the Divine Feminine, Grandmother Moon and Mother Earth, GAIA working to create harmony and balance. Physically, emotionally, and Spiritually.
It is time to move forward with the next phase of your Mission. You know the way, now all you need to do is go on and take that first step. Remember, it is safe for you to be who you are and to feel what you feel. It is time for us all to step into the the wonder and beauty of who we are. Get over yourself. Get into yourself. Seek within working with your breath to move how you truly feel so that you can release your pain. Forgive yourself, as God and the Angels already have, and carry on. You have some very important work to do and now is go time. Hop to it.
With Divine Love and Gratitude to all of you. Namaste, Lisa
Image sourced from Google
This is beautiful Lisa. Thank you for following you guidance and sharing with us. Namaste Soul sister xo
Ms Lisa Lyle this is beautiful and poetic. Thank you for sharing your words of wisdom with all of us and always inspiring me. Blessings to you! Keep on keep on xoxo
Lisa I can’t express how much I needed to hear this today although 3 days late but as you say we receive exactly when we are supposed too and although I know these things..even share these things, I too need the reminder. Blessings always my love~Gina Meiklereid
thank you I was hoping you would have some insight after that lovely moon last night thank you from the bottom of my heart ;o) Karen
Amazingly enough this was written a couple of months ago and I was guided to share it again today. Thank you for being here Karen, you matter in my life. With love and gratitude to you….welcome in the Full Moon Blessings the Universe is flowing in your direction. Open your beautiful arms and heart to receive. You are safe. Namaste, Lisa