Change is in the air and I suspect you are all feeling the strong currents of change in your own life. I have been shown that a great change is currently taking place upon the earth and within the hearts and minds of all humans who walk upon her. This change is shaking us to our very core, it is happening on a global scale and it is happening rapidly.
Knowing that life is change, and change is inevitable, how can we align ourselves with these currents of change so that this transitionary period brings us closer to our Authentic / Higher Self? Well as my guides are always saying to me…
Be brave, dear one be brave and know that we are with you every step of the way. Archangel Michael is working so closely with all of us right now. He has been my lifelong companion and protector, many times protecting me from myself. . When courage and strength are required this is the guy for the job. And this Master Protector, is up to the task. He is everywhere, always.
Call on him now and become familiar with his energy as it feels to you. Remember angels always bring love, and The Mighty Archangel Michael brings this abundantly. Love is really just faith in action and where is faith there is hope. Hope brings peace and hope brings healing. Courage get us there. Let AA Michael and love guide you through.
At this time we are being guided to face ourselves and our truths. Many foundations are being shaken. Painful memories are flooding back, it is important to face that which you fear. Feeling your pain won’t kill you, no it won’t. It will only serve to make you stronger, more brilliant than before. Asking for help and shedding tears are not signs of weakness, on no quite the opposite really, they are a sign of great strength.
I have heard it said, and have to agree that…pain is the touchstone of all Spiritual growth.
Your Soul came for a purpose, we all did. And we all came here with Divine Life Mission, that we are meant to fulfill. We have all the tools to fulfill this mission. We are all being called now to make peace with our past so that we can fulfill these missions and do the work that we came here to do. Walk the path of your heart with courage and confidence and know that all done in love, is good. Yes, very good indeed.
It takes great courage to walk the path of the heart and to follow the wisdom within. When we do our lives open up in new and exciting ways and the love we feel and the love that we share simply multiplies and creates beautiful ripples in the sea of the Universal Light that connects and runs through us all.
Lately I have received much insight from my guides as to the cleanse and purification that is now happening upon our Beloved Mother Earth. For all of humanity karma is being cleansed and balanced. Now is a time of out with the old (fear based masculine reality). And in with the new Divine Feminine energies. The energies are birthing the new earth. During this great cleanse the single most supportive thing that we can do for ourselves is to be gentle and kind.
Gentleness and kindness are the energies now that are meant to lead the way, back to wholeness. It is important that we offer these beautiful gifts to ourselves. We are here to become the Masters of our own Destiny. What we believe, we can indeed achieve. As we courageously move through these transitional times, we are all being abundantly supported by the Universal Energies of Love and Light. There are many Ascended Masters supporting this process.
This is a time of great healing, and it is a multi layered, multidimensional process. Healing does not happen overnight, it takes time and courage to heal. Work with the beautiful Divine Feminine energy that is here supporting you right now. This energy is full of unconditonal love and compassion and it is truly leading the way. Healing on a deep Soul level is what we are all being guided and called to do. As we do Archangel Michael is here with us offering us strength, courage and protection. Ascended Masters such as Quan Yin, and Mother Mary are here gently and compassionately guiding us to align with our Higher Selves. We are being guided to delve the depths of our beautiful, yet wounded hearts, so that we may heal.
Our hearts know the way and they always have. Yet, as a result the sadness, sorrow and pain that we have experienced in our human reality, we have shied away from this Great Truth. We have done this, we think, as a way of protecting ourselves from further pain. Yet all this truly does is blocks us from the light of love that is our birthright.
Do not get me wrong, there indeed has been much sadness, sorrow and pain, in our lives and yet here we are still standing, still smiling and still breathing. We are now and have always been connected to our Source, the God that resides within. Yet many have allowed the disappointments and harsh realities of their human experience make them hard and bitter. Full of fear, resentment, guilt, shame and blame. The world they think, and the people in it, have done them wrong. These fearful ones, are often quite miserable and they want you to know it. As they say misery, loves company.
They also say that with love all things are possible. That is the side I prefer to stand on, you see I am an eternal optimist who always believes that with love and hope all things are possible. Miracles happen, and we need only be open to receive.
Forgiveness is an integral part of the cleansing process and without going too deeply into that process, just know that it is indeed a process. Forgiveness actually sets our Soul free. With it comes understanding and acceptance that everyone including yourself, has done the absolute best that they could at any given time with the tools that they had. Forgiveness, does not mean we condone bad behaviour, it simply means that we are no longer going to be held hostage by the pain that it caused us. Forgiveness is truly the gift that we gift ourselves. It brings with it many blessings and so much love.
I have heard it said and absolutely love this….Our lives shrink or expand in direct proportion to the the amount of courage we have.
I am so happy to say that when I look around at all the the changes taking place I can’t help but to be excited and very hopeful for our future. There are so many brave and courageous Spiritual Warriors now walking upon this earth who are beginning to see and use their divine power in the way it was intended. Our powers are meant and intended to be used for good. The greater and higher good of all humanity, if you will. Now to some this may seem like a lofty dream and maybe even impossible. This is my dream and I strongly believe that a world full of love and peace is possible.
This new wave of Spiritual Warriors, who are riding the waves of Divine Feminine love are going to see to that. They are beginning to stand up for themselves, which is a beautiful and courageous act of love. They are breaking free from the self imposed prison of the mind. They are moving beautifully into their radiant hearts.
These Spiritual Warriors are beacons of light that draw many to their shores.
They have often been through much and we wonder how can they still be standing after all it all? Their challenges to us appear, to have been insurmountable and yet here they stand stronger and more radiant than before. How is this possible? Well, I say, all things are possible with a loving, courageous and willing heart.
As we move through our healing, we begin to see ourselves and others from a Higher perspective. When life is viewed from this Higher perspective, anything is possible. The brave Spiritual Warriors, now walking upon the earth are no different than anyone else. They simply made a decision to look within and uncover and heal the pain that they found. Courage and willingness, encouraged and allowed a great healing to take place within their lives and their beautiful hearts.
Moving through pain is often quite uncomfortable and not at all where we want to be. Yet, move through it we must. We will find that once on the other side of our pain life opens up and we see something new that we didn’t notice before. Our new perspective helps us to see. Our life expands in ways we never thought possible. Something has shifted within and we are changed, our life is changed and this is always for the better. Healing helps us to become more soft, gentle and loving than ever before. We see that all of our life has had purpose, yes all of it. Even the stuff that doesn’t always make sense or seem fair. By following and honouring our own inner divine guidance, we transform.
There is more light and love in our hearts and our lives than ever before. We shine in the way that we were born to. Our light encourages others to shine. Although we are Spiritual beings, we accept our humanness and we accept the humanness of others. We have risen above the obstacles that our human experiences presented to us….good, bad or otherwise. We have come to know and we deeply understand and accept our Divinity.
We know that peace is indeed possible and it always begins within. Please allow the light of love to lead the way.
When love leads the way, gentleness, compassion and understanding of self and others follows. All things are possible with love.
Healing and moving forward is not a time for harsh judgement of ourselves or others. It is also not a time to worry about the opinions that others may have about you. Your healing path is yours and yours alone. No one can walk the path for you, nor can they determine what is right for you. The path of the heart dear ones, is a path we must walk alone with God, the angels and our guides. This is not a time for fear, worry and doubt as all they do is to keep you separate from others and from your Authentic/Higher Self.
It is so true that we never truly know what someone else has had to walk through, nor do we know the trials and tribulations that they have faced. I deeply admire courage in others, and am so inspired by it. Courage opens the door to great healing and great love, both of which begin within our own beautiful healing heart.
Learning to trust the inner guidance we are receiving takes great courage and again is a process. One one thing I have learned is that no matter how many times I have tried to walk or turn away from the truth that resides within, I can’t!! It is within me and it never changes. It is who I AM. If we turn from our truth, it will simply find another way to get our attention and acknowledgement of it.
I, and I, suspect others as well, often know what we must do long before we actually have the courage and willingness to do it. What is right and true for me, may not be right and true for you. Remember we all came here with a purpose and it is our work to uncover it. By honouring and respecting our truth we begin to see rightly and many doors of opportunity open before our eyes. As we free ourselves from the wreakage of our painful past, we love again. Oh yes, we love again and now we love, more deeply.
With love and acceptance great things are possible. The love and acceptance of self and life on life’s terms is where it begins. Right now the change that is occurring is very unsettling for many and we may feel like we don’t have any control and that is because, truthfully we don’t. At least not over people, places and things. We cannot change our past, we can not worry abou the future. We must find a way to live peacefully and comfortably right here and now in the present moment. The good news is that we can do this because we have control over our thoughts, which as we know create our reality. So it is really about changing our thoughts in order to flow with Universe as it moves through us, right here and now..
As we begin to align our human self to our Higher Self we begin to move out of our fearful heads and into our truly loving and divine hearts. And as unsettling and uncomfortable as change is, please know that, it is also a sacred and holy time.
Although, we may not know exactly what lies ahead for us, we can be confident that all change is good. As we allow the past and that which no longer serves our greatest and highest good to fall away, we make room for the new to enter. Right now in this moment you are being asked and reassured that it is safe for you to trust the path of your heart and where it is leading you. As you follow the path of your heart remember you never, ever walk alone. Call on Archangel Michael now and feel his loving presence with you. Asking for the help that you need, because you dear one are a brave and courageous Spiritual Warrior and the world needs your light. Asking for the help you need is not a sign of weakness, oh no it is instead a beautiful display of strength.
It takes courage to stand up with others for something you believe in. It takes far greater courage to stand alone, when it appears, there is no one standing there with you. Remember you are never alone and at these times, calling upon AA Michael for support is most beneficial indeed. He offers you strength, courage, guidance and protection and most of all he offers you love. He along with many others are with you every step of the way. Go on now, allow yourself to be that brilliant, radiant light you were born to be.
You are a worthy and deserving Child of God and the Universe and the world needs your light. You dear child are a bright and beautiful shining star who was born to shine. Peace, love, joy and abundance are your birthright and just wanting for you to reach out and claim it.
Sending you all the love, strength and courage that you need, to walk the path of your heart compassionately and confidently in the direction of your dreams.
Dreams really do come true, if only you just believe.
Thank you brave Spiritual Warriors for walking this illuminated path with me. It is such and honour to stand in your light.
With divine love and gratitude. Namaste, Lisa xo
Thank you so much for strengthening my vision as I move forward now even more courageous
Knowing all along that Peace, Love,Joy and Light vibrations unite me with the universe,the world and every living thing …I totally appreciate you in your sharing this with us on Facebook the best reading of the day! <3
Lisa – I enjoyed every word! ((Radiant Hugs))
POWERFUL and true- Thank You very much
wow. thank you . not sure why but there are tears in my eyes. I am not sad at all. I have had to say the very least an interesting year and a half. During this time there have been great changes in my life and myself.
Thank you so very much for the words of inspiration
Thank you for being here Jessie and taking the time to connect. Tears of joy and understanding is what you shed. AA Michael walks very close with you. Call on him often he is there to serve. You are very welcome. Love and gratitude, Lisa