As I sit to write this we are smack dab in the middle of a celebratory weekend here in North America. Yet I wonder what it is that we truly celebrate this weekend and if in fact we truly have cause for celebration or if NOW is the time to shift our focus toward OUR shared TRUTH?
We do have much to share, honour and celebrate about our connection HERE/NOW. Yet the vibration of the patriarchal celebrations taking place where I NOW live do not resonate.
With that BEing said I/WE ARE HERE NOW in service to the Divine Mother honouring ALL as together we heal and remember. WE ARE ONE.
Time to remember OUR TRUTH, OUR history through OUR Ancestry. It is time to heal and clear the feelings we come up against. It is important to note that many dear SOULS arrived here / NOW wounded. They / WE NOW have an opportunity to expand and move beyond the conditioned celebrations.
Take time to feel all YOU need to NOW. Without shame, fear or blame. Share your TRUTH. Use your voice for good. Inclusion. WE ARE ONE.
Celebrate YES, LET US. As we strive toward implementation daily of honouring OUR SACRED self. Connect with the LOVE of the Mother Within, who understands and knows ALL IS ONE. Walk barefoot upon her body…the Earth. Feel your own Divine body as you do. Through this connection more than any other you are supported and You/WE are healed.
It is time NOW to start peaceful, respectful conversations about OUR SHARED TRUTHS.
It is time to be mindful of how those who came before us feel, in order that we may support ALL to heal.
These are some of the energies abundantly celebrated this weekend.YET IS IT REALLY ALL FOR ONE – ONE FOR ALL?
Yet until each dear SOUL, as an unique expression of CREATOR’S LIGHT, MOTHER’S LOVE feel these energies stabalized from WITHIN do we not fall short of our mark of ALL AS ONE?
From the Higher perspective the answer is NO!! WE ARE right where WE ARE NOW – 2017 because we each choose to BE HERE and support ONE another to remember OUR SHARED TRUTHS. Here to nurture our uniquely creative expression of our understanding is the peacefully inclusive gift we give to ourselves and thereby others.
At this point I AM guided to pull some cards from the Keepers of Light Oracle and the messages that flows from these Keepers of LIGHT could not be more DIVINELY ALIGNED with the message my heart seeks to convey, to share. You will see from the image attached those who have come NOW to support us in ALL ways.
MERCURY was the first guided to appear and the energy emitted from this card feels so much like Archangel Michael yet with a planetary flair. The message MERCURY brings is this…
”All Souls seek open communication where all feel heard and safe to speak and share. To date a disconnect exists with communication and due to conditioning of days past. NOW ALL are called to communicate through the heart. Allow your heart to be the filter and purifier through which your words are delivered. Don’t hurt another with your words. If it is not TRUTH don’t say it. If it is not kind, please do remember there is no rewind after your words have been delivered. Once spoken they have been felt and imprinted into ours and others experience. When you speak ,share and listen do so from your heart. Feel the LOVE that you are and speak and listen in ways where those who you share with feel the LOVE too. ALL SOULS at the core of their experience simply want to be heard, feel heard and feel safe to express what they feel. All SOULS simply want to BE – FEEL and LIVE IN THE TRUTH OF THE LOVE THEY ARE. WE EACH ARE. Creative heart it is time to let your LIGHT SHINE. LOVE the human vessel of LIGHT that you each are. SOUL SEEDS, singing each other home, through the heart of ONE WITHIN. Word to your Mother.” ~ Mercury / AA Michael through Lisa
Such a random yet perfect lead in to our next messenger of LIGHT. Our guides LOVE to use humour to help us to see/feel the LIGHT that WE ARE. They use humour a lot to get our attention and to remind us that the human experience is meant to be fun and lived from the heart LOVING and LAUGHING.
Mother Mary is the next Keeper of LIght who comes with a message to share with us. Mother Mary is the Mother energy in all her glory and one of the most recognized by humans. Yet she is simply just an expression of a multifaceted expression of DIVINE LIFE GIVEN IN LOVE. The message she comes to share is ONE of LOVE and PEACE. Mary speaks…
“Love and Peace are the things of which YOU/WE all speak yet do we in body experience them? This question is surely deep and for some possibly even confusing yet it need not be. The answer is easy, quite simple in fact. How do you/WE feel in our holy human bodies? How are WE impacted by the words WE speak, OUR actions, OUR deeds?
Do WE feel at ease in OUR body?
Do WE feel kind, peaceful and loving?
If yes, well done!! Keep going, you are growing.
If no, well done!!! For you NOW feel and recognize and this is a great starting point for growth and evolution. NOW is the space in which the fertile ground for growth exists. NOW is the place in which YOU agreed to BE in order to nurture the seeds of reconnection through LOVE so that ALL SOULS may rise as ONE in the remembering of shared DIVINE/COSMIC TRUTHS. SEEDS OF LIGHT YOU EACH BE. SEEDS OF PEACE LOVED TO LIFE FROM DEEP STRONG ROOTS WITHIN.” Divine Mother through Lisa
Roots beautifully brings us to our final messenger of LIGHT for it is WITHIN the ties and tangles of OUR ROOTS that OUR TRUTH exists. It is WHITE FEATHER who comes to speak to us about OUR ANCESTORS. “Dear human/SOULS it is your ancestors who which to be heard and honoured by you. They want you to remember them, their struggles, their JOYS. They wish for you each to feel their loving support as you each through your connection to the ONE return home WITHIN so that ALL may be healed and remember YOU ARE WHOLE. HERE and NOW you are whole. You are encouraged by your LOVING ancestors to remember your TRUTHS WITHIN and NURTURE the LOVING connections you feel. As you celebrate this weekend they want you to celebrate LIFE, LOVE and JOY. Celebrate NOT the patriarch. Celebrate that which brings human SOULS to life….the Mother in her many forms. Celebrate your choice to be upon Mother Earth NOW. BE the change which sees/feels ALL AS ONE and come home to your shared DIVINE PLANETARY TRUTH that none is more important than the other. For in TRUTH YOU ARE ONE WITH ALL LIFE YOU SEE. Divisible only perceived by the ego (me) mind. You are deeply LOVE by all who came before and walk with you here NOW just beyond your ability to see.” ~ White Feather through Lisa
May we all take a moment or two today to reflect on what has been shared here and what it truly is we are celebrating this weekend.
Honour what you find and remember LIGHT DIVINE to thine own self be true. The Collective supports, honours and thanks you for your presence upon Mother Earth NOW. It is time to connect with your deep unhealed roots and RISE DIVINE HUMANS RISE. WE ARE THE SEEDS OF LIGHT THE MOTHER and HER CHILDREN HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR.
Super powerful and important to keep at the forefront. Especially now. Thank you lovely Lisa. Keep doing your thang, and word to your mother. 😊😘❤
So grateful for our Eternal connection Radiant Robin. I love you!!