Past Life Readings can bring healing into you Human Experience, now.
I have been guided to share with all of you a recent healing experience that I had. This healing came to be through, the process of accessing a past life that I lived. Many have told me the varied and many past lives that I have had and each time I was told about a past live I was intrigued and amazed actually at how much relevance my previous incarnation had with my current reality. Much insight has been gained and healing received.
Accessing my own and others past lives has been a deep desire of mine for quite some time. And as such I have been working diligently with my guides to access my own and others Akashic Records. The Akashic Records are like a library wherein all Universal information is stored. A place where every word ever spoken, every life ever lived is contained. We all have access to this Universal Library, we must only have a desire to open ourselves up to the wealth of wisdom and knowledge stored here.
I feel blessed that this beautiful storehouse of information has opened and continues to open for me daily. This is very exciting to me as my Soul’s Purpose is to be of service to humanity bring love, healing and peace to all who seek it. This Universal Library brings a whole other element to my work. God’s work <3.
So please allow me to share a most healing experience that I have recently had. These past few months have been times of intense change and sometimes awkwardly uncomfortable. In the spring I got married and a couple months later, I left my job to focus completely on my LIfe’s work…my Soul’s Purpose. To say it has been a completely transformative time would be an understatement.
Well as we all know those things in life worth having often don’t come easily. For the longest time my heart’s deep desire has been for love, peace and joy. From the outside looking in most would assume that I have all my stuff together. I have a nice home, a loving husband, a growing business and a beautiful son. We they would be right on most accounts…..with the exception maybe of having it all together….all the time. I don’t!! I am here having a very human experience and along with that comes some interesting stuff….challenging stuff, relationship stuff, you get it….this is the human experience.
Yet within our physical body is a SOUL, our beautiful soul and the divine blueprint for our life. It is our job to uncover that which resides, within so that we may live as loving, peacefully and comfortably within our human reality.
So after an incredibly intensely emotional week, I leaned heavily upon my guides for support and the guidance I needed, to move forward on this path more confidently and free, from the limitations and restrictions of my human self. Wow, did they ever come through.
Here is the story….
Before meditation one day I was guided to bring specific crystals with me and really spend some time clearing and preparing my space. I lit candles, open a window, saged the room and then myself. All the while speaking and calling on Archangel Michael and Saint Germain to clear and cleanse my space as well as me….transmuting any negative and lower vibration energies from around and within me. The room was bright with light. I asked to be protected as I took this next step of my healing journey….this last step of my healing that has surfaced in order for me to fully ascend and reach Enlightenment. Self worth, is this final layer, and it is deeply rooted within me and I have felt strongly for quite some time that this issue stemmed from many past life experiences. So I went into my meditation on this day with the intention to be released from and show anything I needed to see in order for me to heal this last layer of self.
As I laid down, I was guided to place some crystals on me…..bloodstone on my sacral chakra, selenite on my heart, auralite 23 on my third eye, and in my left hand a clear quartz point recordkeeper and in my right a piece of Madagascar jasper. The energy was beautiful and I was a bit surprised by the positioning of the crystals. I was then guided to listen to a Theta BrainWave meditation…again this surprised me as it is not one I have used before.
Anyway, I intended to follow all guidance I received and complied with the direction I was given. I settled in and with the intention that I be shown anything that would be relevant to my current situation with my husband that was intense and needed to be healed. Breathing deeply into my belly, I began to relax and settle in, deep, deep belly breathing and with each breath I could feel my body relaxing more and more.
Oh, I guess, it would be important for me to mention at this point that upon waking on this particular day, the pain through the right side (the giving side) of my body was incredibly intense. The pain in my hip, knee and into my heel was the most intense followed closely by my right shoulder and side of my neck. I was working with my deep breathing to send some prana (life force energy) into these tight spaces. It was working and slowly but surely the pain started to ease up. I continued to breath.
As always, I felt the presence of many around me and Archangel Raphael was actually positioned above and to the left of me, showering me with his beautiful and healing emerald green light. Next I began to see orbs of light all around me and the one that most wanted my attention was purple in colour and I immediately thought of Archangel Metatron and Saint Germain. I focused sending all unwanted energy and aspects of self that were no longer serving my higher purpose into the purple orb. It was coming directly toward me and my third eye. It began to get bigger and bigger as time went on. It then changed direction and there was green swirls throughout it, which I felt was healing that was already taking place. When I say this I feel the healing was happening deeply on a Soul level. Obstacles were being removed, and the path was being cleared.
Next I caught the scent of something floral yet, very earthy and truthfully I wasn’t able to place it then and still can’t now. It is not really important and if it is, it will be revealed to me. Anyway, as this smell was wafting past my nose, I began to hear the sound of rushing water. At first I thought it was a stream, although it turned out to be an ocean, and the waves were crashing on the shore. I knew, this place, it was very familiar and comfortable for me. Very peaceful and soothing, the sounds and the smell were. My guide told me I had lived here….this was my life as I had lived it then.
My sense was the time was approximately 1850’s or 1860’s. My attire was simple and cozy….I wore a loose dress with an apron or bib over top. I did not live in Canada, at that time, I felt very strongly that it was either Scotland or Ireland. Our home was modest and very comfortable. I say our home because by this time I knew that my current husband, was also my husband in this lifetime that I was being shown. We lived in a cabin style home, which although it was on the water, it was set back quite a distance from the shore. The area all around our home was wooded and I could see that we gardened, and lived off of the earth. There were no children around and when I inquired about this, I was told we were unable to have any. Yet I was shown that we were very happy and so in love. We worked and lived off of the land. We were well liked and respected in our community, yet we chose to remain mostly to ourselves. When needed my husband would help locals with work that needed to be done and I assisted with births, deaths, and it was me that the locals would come to when looking for a potion or remedy of sorts. I made my own herbal remedies and essences. We loved the earth and our lives.
On this particular day I was being shown, it was early afternoon and the sun had started its descent in the sky. I was heading down to the shore, to sit by the ocean, my happy place. The shoreline was all craggy, jutting rocks and then lead down to a beautiful little calm inlet. That is where I was headed.
Well, on this day, I lost my footing and slipped and fell. I landed awkwardly on the right side of my body and was unable to move or get up. There was a lush bunch of green moss around me and I could hear so clearly the waves gently crashing on the shore and it was so beautiful. I knew that I would be unable to move and needed to wait where I was for my husband to return from work and then come looking for me. I drifted in and out of consciousness while I laid there. The next thing is knew is that the sky had darkened and there was a crescent moon hanging in the sky. My husband was at my side and very upset. He had arrived too late to do anything to save me, and so he laid down with me as I passed away peacefully. As I was passing and throughout my time on the rocks, I was visited by angels, fairies, sprites and animal friends.
Well needless to say, my husband was devastated by the loss and he was also angry at me for leaving him. He moved through his days sad, lonely and longer for different days. Eventually, he decided to take his own life and as he did he laid himself down on the same rocks where I had passed.
I was also shown some other stuff from during this lifetime which I will reveal at another time. Plus two other lifetimes were shown to me as well. There was so much healing that came from this former life together. A simple reminder to be grateful and appreciate all that we have, as it can be gone in a heartbeat. Enjoy our family, friends and community. My son, what a gift he is to both of us, such a beautiful gift indeed. Making time to connect and trust the flow and process of our lives. Live in the moment. Don’t sweat the small stuff as it steals the joy from today.
I shared this experience with hubby and we both agreed that much healing can be brought forth from that life together into this new reality. We have nothing to fear, and are being guided to loosen up our grip on the reins. I mean seriously we aren’t in charge anyway, GOD is and where we sit right here right now, we are being guided to find the joy in the moment. It is here, oh yes, it is right here.
At the end of my meditation Hanuman, came to pay me a visit. He was dancing around me, almost taunting and teasing me to let loose and have some fun. Take that leap of faith and watch yourself soar to new heights.
With eternal love and gratitude, Lisa
beautiful, thank you for sharing <3. Such a good lesson for all of us, loosen up the reins, enjoy life and trust God…
Yes, loosen up the reins indeed. Although it is not always easy it truly is the best way for us to live comfortably now in our current reality. Lots of love to you Marybeth xo
Beautiful, thank you for sharing it. How does this help you in this body?
Hello Jetske, The way that this experience has helped me recently in this lifetime, is that it allowed both my husband and I too see that there were other experiences together that had left their imprint on our hearts. This being said those imprints caused us to act/react in ways that were not always for the good of our relationship now….today we see our relationship and each others through different eyes. I hope this answers you question xo