Intuitive Message – Pay attention to your nighttime dreams as well as those daydreams. Dreams really do come true.
Message from guidebook – There’s a place underneath the conscious mind, below the instinctual self, where one’s usual identity is dissolved and you are pure witness, observing your experience from a completely detached perspective. This place is called the dreamtime, where all apparent boundaries between self and other disappear. What remains is unadulterated awareness, specific to you, yet at the same time expanded into the boundless universe. In this place that is at the very core of your experience, you also profoundly comprehend that you’re simultaneously a body and something much greater than merely a body. The dreamtime is a place where there’s no sense of boundaries between your body and surroundings.
In this mystical, surreal state of pure experience, you’re always guided and protected by the wise and ageless inspiration of Spirit. Your dreams and visions are the window into this absolute reality, so watch your dreams closely and pay attention to your visions. They will always guide you and lead you, but most especially at this time.
Additional Associations – Primal, Ancient, Reflexive, Spontaneous
Message from guidebook comes from Dr. Stephen Farmer’s Power Animals Oracle deck
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