I was guided today to pull a card for all of us today to bring us a message that is most needed at this time. This is a card that leads us to the energies that may be helping or hindering us this weekend.
I was guided to my ASK AN ANGEL oracle deck by Toni Carmine Salerno http://www.amazon.co.uk/Ask-An-Angel-Oracle-Cards/dp/0975768328
I asked that I be a clear and pure channel so that I may bring message that serve the greatest and highest good of all who are guided to read this.
Our card is SAMAEL – BATTLE
Right away, my guides are saying that this battle is the one within. It is between your ego and your Higher Self. My guides are stressing the point that you ego is not the enemy that many of you view it to be. When used rightly it can indeed become one of your greatest teachers and from a place of understanding you may continue to expand into the beautiful light you were born to be. There is much imagery on this card that leads me to feel the divinity within each and everyone of us. There is a beautiful cross within which resides a heart. This is guiding me to say that regardless of what your specific beliefs may be, that within the heart of each and every human on the planet there is the light and love of our Creator. There is no one thing that you must believe dear ones. It is about finding that which resonates with you and that you feel connected to and allowing that connection to propel you forward along your path. There is also something which appears to be a flower of sorts at the third eye in this image and again what I am hearing is that each and everyone of you has the ability to see clearly what is right and true for you. We are all gifted and it is up to us to unlock our gifts and therefore our full potential. Seeing the ego for what it truly is takes great courage and often times requires great sacrifice. Today disengage in any way that you can from the chatter in your head (ego) and tune in the peace within your heart. What are your hopes and dreams? What steps do you need to take to realize them? What must fall away or end? Today disconnect from those mind numbing activities such as tv. And spend some time connecting to the divinity within your beautiful heart. Take the necessary steps downward from your head (ego) and into your heart. This is where you make a conscious effort to bring peace and end the raging battle within. Stop fighting or resisting the flow of the Universe through you. All the ego to teach you that which you have yet to learn and remember only you have the power to put a stop to the inner turmoil and conflict. There is no one out there that can do this for you. This extending of the olive branch is one that you must extend within. Remember what you think, do and say matters. We are all interconnected and what affects you in turn affects me and vice versa. Today let the peaceful revolution begin….it begins within each and every heart and mind of every human on the planet. Please I urge you today to do your part. You are responsible. I am responsible and together we can make a difference. Samael is here today asking us to honour and accept our shadow self because in doing this we come to understand that it is a necessary part of ourselves that we much merge with our HIgher Self so we may once again be whole.
Waves of love, light and gratitude to all of you. Namaste, Lisa xo
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