Hello Beautiful Souls, you may have noticed I have not been writing much of late, at least not here on this blog. Yet, writing is exactly what I have been doing. The old school kind with pen and paper, if you catch my drift. Writing like this has always been such a beautiful process, which helps me to understand and see the TRUTH of me.
I am sure I have said it many times before, yet I feel it is important to say it once again. Each and every time I write I feel and know that these are conversations that I have with God. It makes sense doesn’t it in LIGHT of the fact that within each of us is where GOD resides.
Mother, Father, God is how I have been guided to connect the energies of the Holy Trinity within. We are God, each and every human one of us and what a beautiful connection it is that we share. Yet it isn’t always pretty now is it? Lets have a little giggle here, because seriously if we can’t laugh at ourselves we are missing out on some fun. Humour is a great teacher and it leads a great many of us to Humility, a most beautiful virtue.
Another Great Truth about all of us here at this time is that at our core we are SPIRITUAL BEINGS and DIVINITY IS OUR ESSENCE. This is the main missing link for many upon our planet at this time. A lack of recognition and connection with the Sacred Being that is them.
The great calling I have been receiving these days and I feel it is the same for many, is that it is time to get over myself. Time to get over ourselves individually and collectively and release all the pain we have been holding onto for such a very long time. Release and let go of all that has ever insulted your beautiful SOUL, offended or caused you pain.
For we are ONE so your pain is also mine. As we actively take part in our personal heal we have a greater impact on the whole. What we do matters.
Free yourself from the bondage of self, from within. For you see you that has always held you prisoner, it is that which has prevented the embodiment of total FREEDOM to BE.
Believe in the goodness that you. Believe your DREAMS, for you long ago Intended for them to come true.
It is time for us all to breathe a great big sigh of relief and as we exhale just let go of tension, for it is not so important that we know, what it is that we let go of. What is most important, is that we continue to breahe in LOVE and LIGHT, exhale all dead weight. Release all burdens with each exhale. You load will after a few deep cycles of breathe will feel LIGHTENED.
Right now what I feel is happening for many of us is that we are stepping out from the shadows within. These shadows that have been darkening our door and dampening our human experience have been our very own. Those aspects of your beautiful self that you have been denying have very likely recently had a spotlight shone upon them. You see there is nothing to be fearful of, for it is only you.
Now is a time for ownership, deep and far reaching healing is taking place right now. This healing is multi-dimensional. We are so much more than we currently know or ACCEPT.
Personally, the time between the last full moon, in Libra and this approaching full moon in Scorpio, it has been a great time of inner reflection. Meditation, Journeying, Healing on many levels and releasing all resistance within me to this process. It has been a time where I have been asked to come to terms with the TRUTH about me and my MISSION. I have been asked to come into ACCEPTANCE, of all that I AM. Saint / Sinner, I AM it all, yet I didn’t want to really acknowledge the perceived darker side of me. Oh yes folks, it exists.
Self worth has always been an issue for me. I have often felt that I fell short of other people’s expectations of me. And I suppose many times I likely have. You see with expectations come resentments and there can be no PEACE when we live with feelings such as these.
I have heard it many times over the years, that I have been misguided by my beautiful heart. Yet, I do not believe this is so. For I have always known it is the heart that is meant to be our guide, our heart is meant to be used as our compass out of the dark and into the LIGHT of LOVE that we are. How could another know of our specific journey? They couldn’t it is ours, we wrote the map, we charted our course and it is us that must act if we ever hope to manifest the life of our DREAMS and in turn fulfill our Soul Contracts. We cannot hide who we are in fear of the opinions of others, as this does not SUPPORT OUR MISSION.
All that being said, I am going to be sharing more of what I call the “the ramblings of my healing heart” with all of you. I TRUST that in honouring this process, I will be supporting others to also come into ACCEPTANCE of their DIVINE TRUTH. For it TRULY is OUR DIVINE TRUTH.
It is in the circle of love and passion that burns within my heart that I meet you ALL. We are all on equal playing field of course, interchangeably “student/teacher”. You see my eyes, in God’s eyes, we are all equal and our only purpose is to LOVE and guide one another compassionately home to the LOVE, that has always resided within. We must honour and heal our human experience as we embrace our SPIRITUAL ESSENCE.
Charity begins at home, has always been a favourite saying of mine and at this time the Universe is urging us to honour and respect this and get on living, loving and simply being happy. It is time to ACCEPT, life on life’s terms and get on with it.
I AM BEing guided to step out and share the TRUTH, many GREAT TRUTHS that have always resided within my heart, yet I was afraid to share. How dare I? Well how could I not is what my guides keep saying to me.
So as I continue to move through the deep layers of my SOUL’S healing journey, it is my hope that as I share these TRUTHS which reside within me, they will resonate and support you as you remember you own GREAT TRUTH.
I ask to be guided so that my words come through in the most, loving, gentle and compassionate way, offering healing, comfort and love to those who read them. For I just like you am continually learning, expanding and evolving, actively releasing as I go. As mentioned before, it is not always an easy or pretty process, yet I don’t believe for me it is what I am meant to do.
A GREAT TRUTH is we all came here for LOVE. YES, we did. We came as LOVE, it is our natural state. It is our messy, ugly, beautiful humanity that is our finest and greatest teacher of LOVE, if we allow it to BE. The LOVE I speak of begins within. There is nothing that comes from outside of ourselves. It is us, who is asked through our connection to Mother/Father/God, the Trinity within to fill our cup. Once our cup is filled it begins to flow freely and unrestricted, unconditional in its flows as LOVE to all those around us. This is OUR STRENGTH. This is OUR COLLECTIVE PURPOSE.
For now though our focus is meant to be turned within, to the Wise Counsel that has always called Our Heart home, our SOUL has always resided here. Let us not, us not spend any more time judging ourselves, nor should we focus much upon those who may be judging us, or those who have opinions of what our life should be.
It is a time for PEACE.
It is a time for HAPPINESS and ALL indicators lead me each and every time to the same thing…. each and every SOUL’S journey must begin by taking that courageous, step within. This is where all manifestation in our human reality begins.
We are all so beautiful in our humanness, yet is time for us to honour the beauty that is also us….OUR SPIRITUAL ESSENCE. It is time to honour and recognize the TRUTH of that part of yourself that you have for so long denied, some might call this the “darkside”. Yet own it we must.
Stand strong in the TRUTH that resides, within. Know that your beautiful DREAMS really are meant to come true. It is critical right now that you BELIEVE in YOU. And remember, my friends, if is and always has been our TRUTH that SETS US FREE. YOUR SOUL IS CALLING OUT TO YOU TO HONOUR YOURS. You have the POWER, you have always held the key. Go on, Brave SOUL and dare to be all that you came here to be. Courageously open that door from within and confidently step onto the SACRED PATH of YOUR DESTINY.
Sending you all so much, Love, Light, Respect and Gratitude, from my Healing Rainbow Heart to yours.
Namaste, Lisa
The image here is of the beautiful card my son gave me for Mother’s Day and it is of one of my most Beloved Guides, the Compassionate Quan Yin.
Thank you Lisa for such profound and beautiful words! I resonate with everything you have shared in this heartfelt message.