Self acceptance is the answer to all my problems today and any day.
When I am disturbed, it is because I find some part of me, so aspect of self – some fact of my life – unacceptable. Therefore I can find no Serenity, no PEACE. Not within or without, until I see and accept all of me. Peace is what I deeply desire in my heart, in my life and globally. So I continue, to seek within so that I may bring the darker aspects of myself into the light so that others may see. Like me they too have the power to transform, to persevere, to live the life they have always wanted to life. We can do this. We can do this together, by doing our part and seeking within to uncover those parts of self don’t want to see, to admit, for fear of the thoughts, judgements and opinions of others. We do ourselves no favours by hiding, we must share and speak our truth so that others, may then do the same. You see our secrets, truly only work to keep us separated from one another. They isolate, they make us feel like we are bad, or the things that happened to us were bad. Neither of these things are true. In fact they are completely false!! This is the EGO…..fear, fear, fear, worry, worry, worry. The ego tells us that if people really knew me, what would they say? Oh no, what would they think if they only knew? They might not like the real me? Oh my goodness, how that may affect my own opinions of myself or my actions.
This is where self acceptance is key. Balance is key. We must honour the darker aspects of self in order to achieve and reach balance. We do this through self acceptance and self love. We are perfect and divine children of God and the Universe. They know everything, absolutely everything about us and guess what….THEY LOVE US ANYWAY. They never judge, they never condemn, their love for us never changes. It is pure eternal and unconditional love. We do not have to earn this. There is no need to doubt this….IT IS A GREAT TRUTH. It is grace, the unmerited gift we receive everyday, regardless of how we may be behaving or feeling on said day.
Everything absolutely everything is exactly as it should be today. Nothing, absolutely nothing happens in God’s world by mistake. Until we accept this great truth, we will not find peace. Unless, we accept ourselves, exactly as we are in this moment we will not experience peace. We must heal ourselves first in order for this wave to build momentum. This wave of love and peace that is now approaching our shores. This wave starts within your very own radiant and beautiful heart bright one. Oh yes, it does, it begins within your own heart and the key is SELF ACCEPTANCE…SELF LOVE AND ACCEPTANCE ARE THE KEYS. We need to concentrate more on what needs to be changed within, so that those things we see that need to be changed in the world, can actually happen. The journey to world peace, begins with our own healing. We must heal our hearts and accept all that we are so that we may blossom into all that we were born to be.
Self acceptance is the answer to all my problems today and any day.
Sending you all eternal, love, light and gratitude and my wish for each of you is PEACE. Namaste, Lisa (((<3)))
Yes! Yes! Yes!
Absolutely beautiful ~ Shine On!!
Julie, Julie, Julie….let’s shine together!!!