With all this talk of shifts and ascension I thought that I would write a wee bit on how we become Masters ourselves.
I feel strongly that following some simple steps will make the transition easier for all of us. Here is my list…..
INTENTION – What is it that you want/desire for you life? What steps are you willing to take to get there? Be clear and focused with your intentions and then be willing to take the action steps to arrive at your destination. Don’t forget to have fun along the way.
ATTENTION – Remember where attention goes, energy flows. Keep your attention focused only on your desires. Keep your thoughts positive and begin to work with affirmations and loving kindness toward self. Pay attention to that which you desire and be willing to release the rest.
PRACTICE – What we do and think we become. Our behaviours become our habits. Our habits become our character. The more that we practice positive thinking and actions the more we receive. Practice gratitude and unconditional often. Practice self love and acceptance as they are key to our spiritual growth. React less.
GUIDANCE – Whether your guidance comes from a book, a teacher, your guides and angels or your own divine inner guidance, be willing to listen and walk in the direction you are being lead. Beware of false prophets and remember WE ARE ALL PROPHETS OF OUR OWN DESTINY. If something does not ring true for you, trust that. Slow down and disconnect from technology often so that you can hear more clearly your own inner voice. Trust your inner voice, because the truth is your heart, your soul knows the way. When you can hear your inner voice, again be willing to take any action steps required. Remember you and your alone can determine which path is right and true for you.
SURRENDER – Relax, Release and Let Go, into the flow of Divine Love. The more you are able to do this the more easily that which you deeply desire begins to manifest in your life. Remember when it comes to the world of Spirit time is non-existent. Let go of the confines of your mind and trust in the beautiful and divine wisdom within your heart. Trust your process. Knowing that each of us has our own unique and individual path to walk. Stop comparing your life to other peoples. Believe in the dreams of your heart and know that it is possible to life the life you deeply desire, as long as you are willing to roll up your sleeves and get to work.
Remember dear ones anything worth having in your life requires a bit of work. This work is inner work and it is not about changing the conditions in your life or the people in your life. No instead it is about going within and changing those things about yourself that you feel must change. The spiritual path is a long and winding road and always the joy is found in the beautiful although sometimes messy journey. Be brave as you walk your path and know that the road less traveled is so much more fun!!!
With Divine Love and Gratitude to you all
Thank you Lisa Lyle for clearly articulating the important and necessary steps on becoming Masters of ourselves. Much appreciated! Blessings to you!
Thanks for this beautiful way of looking at life and things of importance. Thanks for spreading the Light!