Release and let go of that which no longer serves your greater good or if you wish your souls purpose. My wonderful, compassion and loving Uncle Reg use to always say “Lisa if you worry why pray and if you pray why worry?” How much time do we spend worrying about things? We think our worrying is going to change things. Affect the outcome of events. And it will indeed only not as we had hoped. Whatever you are worrying about you will eventually manifest into being. We create the outcome good or bad.
What are the things that are blocking us from being all that we were meant to be? EGO, PRIDE, FEAR – both of success as well as failure, thought patterns, self defeating behaviours, other people and the list could literally go on and on. I have found that it is usually ME that is blocking ME from being all I was meant to be.
So how then do we break through these blocks so that we can live our dreams, life the life we were born to live? Is it even realistic to believe that our dreams can come true? OF COURSE IT IS!! Thing is if we don’t believe in our dreams – in ourselves – our dreams will never be realized.
That is a pretty powerful statement. How many of us actually believe that? Most of us should easily be able to come up with a situation where we were so worried about an outcome that we actually worried that outcome into fruition. We are masters at worrying about the worst case scenario and then we wonder why it is that we have such bad luck, we just can’t ever get a break, oh poor us the odds are always stacked against us. We go through life believing that the black cloud of doom is right over our heads and we can’t figure out why we can’t get ahead. I use to think that way and I spend so much time worrying that I couldn’t sleep because I couldn’t stop the mind. Monkey mind. I was always imagining and preparing myself for the worst and never really surprised when it happened. Each time a not so pleasant situation became my reality I would get a little more down and depressed waiting for the next shoe to drop. Oh what a joy I was.
That was me until I was introduced to Louise Hay and her wonderfully inspiring book called You Can Heal Your Life (see Amazon side ad to order). This book was a Godsend for someone like me. I helped me to realize that more often then not it was my thinking that was the determining factor in the way a situation played out. Either I could waste my life worrying or I could work on changing the way I thought about life. That my friends is way easier said then done. For years I had been someone who was very negative – negative by nature I use to say. I am not sure where this came from and really it doesn’t even matter. What is important is that I recognized it. Once we become aware of something it gives us the power to change it. Change US because we all know that we can’t change others no matter how badly we wish for them to change. Each of us must be responsible for the work that is ours. We always have a choice whether we believe it or not. Free will is a very powerful thing and too often it is fueled by fear and insecurities. My hope is that eventually we are able to reach a place where free will is fueled by love and compassion for all.
Luckily for those of us on a spiritual path once we become aware we can no longer hide from ourselves, our truth. Lots of times our truth isn’t all that cute. Sometimes we find out that there is a lot about us that is a bit like a frightened child fearing that we won’t get what is rightfully ours. If I don’t think and analyze this situation to death it won’t work out the way I want it to. We spend so much time worrying that we often fail to see all the good that is around and within us. We create DIS-EASE and discomfort in our bodies. That is, until we realize we have the power of choice and we always have. We teach this to our children from a young age. Oh no don’t touch that you may get hurt. They then make the choice to touch it and sure enough they get hurt. They start to realize that they have a choice to listen or not to and then based on the choice they make, there is a consequence. They soon come to understand that we have their best interests at heart and they start to make wiser choices (we hope). Why is it that as we age we often feel like we don’t have a choice? We give our power away to people, places and things and make them responsible for the course of our lives. We suffer the consequences of giving our power away and in turn many of us fail to realize that we have the potential to achieve great things if only we make a choice. What do you choose?
It takes a lot of patience and hard work to change negative thinking into positive and the power is always in the moment of the negative thought. It is only a thought and you can chose to think it or not. Practice. Practice. Practice.
Louise Hay teaches us about he power of positive affirmations. Back when I was first introduced to affirmations I lived on my own and I covered my apartment in cue cards with all kinds of affirmations on them to help remind me of the light within me. I had the power. The affirmations were on my bathroom mirror, on the fridge, on my dresser, coffee table, you name it and they were there. I even carried some with me all the time. It may sound silly yet this was the only way that I was able to change those negative thought patterns that were so deeply ingrained in me. Soon the fruits of my efforts were starting to be seen. Life was good and I was responsible for making it so. Affirmations worked for my way back then and they continue to work for me today as well (I just don’t have them everywhere now ;-)).
Affirmations are a very powerful tool. One with which we can change our lives. How many of us really understand and believe that we are THE PROPHETS OF OUR OWN DESTINY? Isn’t that an interesting statement? I remember when I first heard. Then and now I still find it a very profound statement. One that makes a lot of sense. Over the years I have been shown time and time again that as I think, I receive. I try today not to spend much energy thinking about what I don’t want and instead I choose to focus on what I do want and then I take the necessary actions to get there. Spending time in meditation has also helped to quiet the monkey mind and I am happy to report that it is not so difficult for me to quiet the mind and think positive thoughts today. Oh yes, I still revert back from time to time to negative thinking and I am quickly reminded by my body via discomfort why that no longer works for me.
Today I live in a much nicer head space. I am always looking for the good in myself and others and the world as a whole. I mean seriously folks who wants to spend time with Mr or Ms Doom and Gloom? Who wants to be around the person who is so rigid in their thinking that they can’t see the light of reason shining through? These are not fun people to hang around and once we are walking a path that is a positive cup half full path we will no longer be attracting such downers into our lives. We will not be able to handle the negative energy as we will find it depletes ours.
Like attracts like or my preference light attracts light.
We are all powerful individuals who have our own choices to make. Today I choose to use my power to spread light and love into the world. Even to those who may not be walking the same path as me. When we are living from our hearts we will come to realize that we are all valuable human beings and it is our responsibility to treat each other with respect, kindness and compassion regardless of any of the things that may make us different. We are all more alike then a lot of people believe. When one person is able to find the courage to make the choices that will allow them to live their truth, they will in turn help to inspire another to find their courage, and on and on it will go. From the light of one heart we can help one another heal and grow. We can change the our life, the world and the course of our future if only we just believe in our own power.
How do you choose to use your power?
Raise your thoughts up to ones that honour your greatest good. Reach for the stars. Live your dreams and let your light shine. It is beautiful and so are you. Share yourself and your gifts with all who are willing to receive and trust that you are being divinely lead. We all are and it is our choice to see it. Own your power and use is wisely because like we were taught so long ago…there are always a consequences for every choice whether conscious or unconscious. Don’t let limiting thoughts or beliefs keep your stuck. We all deserve to be happy, joyous and free.
Believe in yourself. Believe in a power greater then yourself. Believe that you have a choice. All things are possible. Wonderful things are possible if only we just believe.
What do you believe?
My wish for you today is that you are able to own your power and make only choices that are going to serve your highest good. Let fears and insecurities fade away and be replaced by love, courage and compassion for all. Namaste.
Love & light from my heart to yours,
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