Once again I am guided to share with all of you another journal entry, as a guide for us all to awakening the Shaman / Master within us. Remember dear friends what we do matters and together we can support the dream of all of humanity as brothers and sisters of the Light.
Here we go….
The time is now 1:55 p.m. and I have arrived at my happy place, once again with my bagpiper friend serenading me with Amazing Grace. Immediately my friend and I greet each other, and right away he asks me about my son. By name I might add. I was touched.
Settling myself, I am guided to pull some cards. I received earlier guidance to bring the following decks with me:
Wisdom of the Hidden Realms – by Colette Baron Reid
Sacred Path – by Jamie Samms
Shaman Oracle – Leita Richesson
Following is the spread that came through for me and my intuitive feelings and the messages that each of these cards bring as sourced through my higher self.
Card 1 – Rainbow Prince – #26 – Compensation – Perseverance
What I feel the message the Rainbow Prince, brings to me and indeed to all of us walking a heart centred path, is the reassurance that patient perseverance is the way to financial abundance and freedom. In this moment I feel free and connected to all that be, as Amazing Grace is lifted by the gentle breeze.
Card 2 – Lady of the Mirror – #44 – Reflection – Non-Judgement
The Lady of the Mirror speaks to me of gentleness with self. As I see, I receive.
The angel message from the number 44 says….The angels are giving you extra comfort, love and support right now. Ask them for help with everything and listen to their guidance through your intuition.
My prayer (please feel free to use it)
Dear God, Guides, Angels and Beings of Light,
I ask you now for help manifesting financial flow. I will do as you guide. Please help me to focus my actions with the intention of being of service for my own and humanities highest and greatest good. I feel your every loving presence surrounding me. This love also flows from within me. May all words I speak inspire, uplift, empower and unite, all of God’s Divine creations, so that we truly do experience heaven here on earth. Amen, thank you and so it is.
Card 3 – Shaman’s Death – #41 – Death & Rebirth
Willingness is needed to let things die. As we become willing we grow. Actually it is to the degree that we are willing that growth takes place. As we let go of the old, new life begins. We are transformed through and by the process of letting go. We must be willing to let aspects of our current and former selves to fall away. To die, so that we may be reborn. We must be willing to put the pain, our pain to rest. We do this by feeling our pain, thereby releasing it and once it has surfaced and move through us we can let it go.
Shaman’s Prayer (from the guidebook by Jamie Sams)
I do ask for death,
For the parts of me,
That will not hear
Or speak the Truth,
Which are blind to see.
Ge me birth again,
With love as my guide,
Truth and beauty as my path,
With nothing left to hide.
As I wrote that, I heard my guides say – “this is the Great unveiling.” Personally, I just cannot wait to see humanity rise above and unite. I am happy and I am free, to just be me. We can all be this free because it is a choice. For me, each and every time, I choose the path of peace and I know that peace flows from within. It does not flow the other way, from the outside in. In this moment I chose Love and that brings me deep peace. It is from this heart centred space that all else, all good, flows.
I am willing time and time again to die the Shaman’s death, so that I may be born anew. Reborn. Refreshed. Renewed. And so the wheel continues to turn.
Card 4 – Coral – #13 – Nurturing
Nurturing ourselves is key at this time and it is the Divine Mother who walks with us reminding us of this each and every day. She speaks to me often of the importance of nurturing myself, my heart and my soul with tender loving self care. We must she says give ourselves time to integrate. We are guided to nurture ourselves gently and compassionately through this integration.
We are all living in dynamic times, which are energetically shifting rapidly, shaking everything and everyone up. There is nothing or no one who is exempt from this, although many may still be unaware of what exactly is taking place.
Settling ourselves, and our home, Mother Earth, with love is the greatest medicine at this time. Collectively we are doing really good. I am guided to say….”keep focusing on and sharing the love from within. If you are still having trouble connecting with your own Divinity, get outside in nature. Sit on the grass, under a tree. Place your hands and feets upon the earth and you will soon see. Please your Mother insists that you do this and she will in turn willingly and lovingly assist you with your healing. Go on now, get outside today and connect. Believe me when I say, as I sit out here today, I feel your Love. I see your Light. Mother Earth does too, and we both would like to say….THANK YOU!!
Know that what you do matters. It matters a lot. Stay on the path of your heart and walk forward in Love. If you must look behind you, please do so in Love. Working with God, your Guides and your Angels to heal the pain so all that remains within you is the Love that you are and all the Love that you have shared in your time here.
The Divine Unconditionally loving Mother walks with you. She is with you each and every step of the way. Welcome her in this moment and simply say….THANK YOU, I LOVE YOU, I SEE and FEEL YOU. NAMASTE.
After I had written what you just read above, I was guided to read some of the guidebook message of this card. What really struck me was the prayer, as I feel it clearly echoes the words of my heart. So with all of you I share…..
Red Coral please remind me of the blood of all my kin.
Each of us has feelings that reflect the joy within.
May I nurture my own needs, then learn to share in turn
The love that is my essence
The heart that in me burns.
Finally my last card that came forth was ELK – #15 – North – Masculine – Fire
Before I share with you the message from the guidebook, I would like to mention that for a couple of weeks now I have been seeing what I felt was a Stag in my minds eye. When this card came out, I thought, oh here it is. This is what I have been seeing and feeling around me. I love the messages that this wise guide brings. Enjoy.
From the guidebook (by Leita Richesson)
I am Elk. I run the distance with stamina and strength. I feel my powerful legs carry me steadily away from my enemies and danger. My ability to survive is based in pacing myself 0 using no unnecessary movement. My fiery jealously rears its rack when confronted with competion, by my love is deep and powerful, emanating from my pure heart. I prefer the company of my own gender when not mating. My loyalty is fierce yet gentle.
I am capable of great accomplishment. I am gratitude. I am majesty and beauty.
I run the distance with stamina and strength. If I have loped into your life today, I am reminding you to “pace” yourself. Are you taking proper card of your physical body and your spiritual needs? You can accomplish much for the strength of purpose deep in your heart, but not if you are “unwell” or “burned out”.
My medicine for you is an indication that you need to re-establish your connect to your own feminine or masculine nature. Do you need to develop more power or more gentleness? Perhaps you are jealous or envious….or you are on the receiving end of these energy-sapping emotions. The need here is to go within, find the piece of the puzzle that provides answers to the riddle. Once found, release it, let it go, allowing unconditional love to flow freely in your experience. I am majesty and beauty.
Remember my dear friends….”TO FEEL IS TO HEAL.”
Thank you again for taking the time to connect with me today. Thank you for courageously walking the healing path of your heart. It is an honour and privilege to share this journey with each and everyone of you.
Waves of Divine Love, Respect and Gratitude to each and every one of you.
Namaste, Lisa
Once again a pleasure to walk with you to your special place Lisa.
With love & gratitude….Pam Namest <3
Dear Lisa, this is absolutely divine and beautiful. I resonated with what you wrote and the words are eloquent and easy to flow with. The prayers are touching and meaningful, thank you for sharing these divine messages with all of us. I am grateful to have you in my life. Blessings to you! Much love and gratitude xoxo
Thank you Lisa…Much needed and beautifully written. Namaste ~ Gina