Weekly Intuitive Guidance November 11 – 17, 2013
This week I have been guided to share with all of you the messages from the guidebook by Steven D. Farmer for our cards that came forward for our week ahead.
All 3 cards came from the Earth Magic Oracle deck by Steven D. Farmer http://www.amazon.ca/Earth-Magic-Oracle-Cards-Guidebook/dp/1401925359
The first card out was….WATERFALL – EFFORTLESS
Intuitive messages through me….Don’t fight, nor struggle any longer, simply settle in, deeply within and honour your Divine flow.
Guidebook messages…
Water naturally flows from higher to lower ground, eventually finding its way to the ocean. One of Nature’s most exquisite and dynamic demonstrations of this fact is the waterfall. Graceful, powerful and effortless, she can take our breath away with her cascading beauty. She readily flows around that which may otherwise impeded. She’s extremely patient, persistent, and skillful in the way she ever so gradually shapes and carves her passageways down the slope of the mountain.
Note how the waterfall forms ribbons that according with the artistry of the stone faces she descends, joining the calmer pool for the a rest before she continues her journey. There is no strain or stress in this movement. The water simply follows natural law in the interaction between the formations of the precipice that she traverses and the power fluidity and adaptability of her flow. Effortless!
You have come to the edge of your comfort zone and find yourself fighting to resist moving past the perceived precipice of who you are, how you can be, or what you can do. Spirit is asking you to step beyond the edge and allow yourself to do so with ease rather than struggle. Yes, at times physical exertion is necessary, but when performed with fluidity and grace, even when the task seems daunting, you’ll find that the movement moves you effortlessly.
Approach the present situation or relationship with awareness and grace. Do not try to make it effortless – that just creates more strain. The key word here is to allow. This is not a time to fight, but to surrender to the will of Spirit, even if you are being asked to let go completely and tumble into the brink of Creation itself. You will find the waters there to be ultimately still and calm. Keep your focus on your solar plexus and your breath, breathing through any tension. Relaxing and yielding to the movement that is occurring at any given moment makes your life effortless.
The second card out was…..DESERT – VISION QUEST
Intuitive messages through me…..What is your vision? Reach in and embrace it, all is indeed possible and at this time, we are all receiving. It is up to us what we choose to do with the information we receive. If you are unsure of your vision, then simply allow and create space within your daily life to sit quietly and seek to quiet your mind enough to hear the message your heart has been continually trying to say. It is time we quieted down and listened obediently to the wisdom which resides within our hearts. It is time. Oh yes, this card also makes me feel thirsty and think of water, so please be sure you are drinking enough.
Guidebook messages…..
In this arid climate zone that we call desert, images shift and change throughout the day, yet always maintain a sharp and defined presence. Those hardy species of flora and fauna that have found a home in the desert have adapted over eons to the relative harshness that’s a strong characteristic of these lands. Throughout history, we’ve passed down many stories of people wandering the desert. Often they’re about religious figures and ascended masters who had journeyed there and returned to their people with remarkable visions.
The desert is an ideal place to seek a vision or, more accurately, to allow a vision to come to you. The quiet and peace of such an environment is conducive to the solitude required to have this type of profound experience. Spending time in this region without the usual accoutrements of the civilized world can present survival challenges or at least seem to. And this could rightfully be called a spirit quest, where through steadiness in this seemingly bleak environment, it becomes possible to receive direct guidance for Spirit internally and in the world around you.
A “vision quest” is a process whereby you spend a few days in the wilderness alone. Typically, you carry only water and some sacred items with you, and you spend most of the time praying or meditating. Many who have completed a vision quest assert that it is a powerful and even life-changing experience, and report vivid and profound revelations. It is said that “the desert does not lie,” so partaking in this can help you discover the truth about your purpose, or at least give you some clues.
It is time for you to go on a vision quest. Designate a place in Nature in which to dwell, whether for a couple of hours or a few days. Spend the majority of your time while there praying and meditating. It is best to be in a location where you can truly find solitude, even if it is in a quiet corner of a park for an afternoon. Wherever you go, take your question, concern, or challenge with you into prayer or meditation. Allow it to float around in your consciousness, and watch what shows up.
This is one of the more powerful card. By drawing it, whatever other messages you may have received are amplified threefold.
How are you loving this week so far? Wowzer!!
Finally third card for this week was….SPRING EQUINOX – REBIRTH
Intuitive message through me…..Well as those who have been a part of our Moon Healing circles will know my guides have been saying for a while now that with the Full Moon in Libra we will finally feel the balance we have been working toward. Come Spring we will see beginning to nicely take root and blossom the our deepest heartfelt intentions and desires. Keep breathing deeply my friends, the ride is not over yet, although the beginning has been rather nicely done. Keep going, you are doing great. FYI, the Full Moon in Libra occurs on April 15, 2014, along with a Lunar Eclipse.
The spring equinox, also called the vernal equinox, occurs on March 20 or 21 in the Northern Hemisphere and September 20 or 21 in the Southern Hemisphere. This is the point when the sun crossed the plane of the equator, and day and night are the same length across the planet. Earth Mother is pregnant and is birthing once again. Crops can once again be planted.
This card features a rendition of Ostara, sometimes spelled Oestre or Eastre, as Germanic goddess of spring. Ostara is also a northern European name for Astarte, which means “womb”; and is another name for Venus, the goddess of love, passion, and creativity. The Christian holiday of Easter stems from this goddess, and in this card we see some archetypal symbols of the spring equinox that represent the rebirth of the world, such as rabbits, eggs and flowers. It is indeed a time for renewal.
You thought this passage you have been through would never end. Just as certain that the light of the world fade every few months, it makes its return, and the Earth rejoices. The fresh breath of spring sweeps away the cobwebs acquired from the absence of the light. The light is now obviously increasing as Nature begins to emerge in all her many forms, shapes and colours that remind us of the continual cycles of Earth Mother.
This cycle of rebirth you are experiencing follows a considerably challenging time. Any tears you may have shed have cleared the way for what has been gestating, which is now ripe and ready to emerge. That which no longer serves you need to be put to rest so that a freshness and newness of spirit can make itself known to you.
Sometimes birth can be painful, particularly in that passage just before delivery, yet what emerges can be fresh and beautiful. Be with the emergence of this next cycle with faith and grace.
To sum it all up, I feel strongly this is an incredibly empowering week, where we continue to walk the unique healing path of our heart. Our SOUL, as we rest in the pool of love that eternally surround us. We resist nothing, we simply settle into lives ever changing Divine flow.
Sending you all Unconditional Love, Light, Respect and Gratitude,
Namaste, Lisa
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