Today I was guided to bundle up and head down to the lake, aka my happy place. As I was walking down, I received guidance that I should ask about how we can gently access and embrace our shadow self. As a good student, I did as I was directed and put the question out there to the Universe, my guides, angels, and GOD. I am grateful for the wisdom and guidance that came forth and I share it here with you all today.
First, it was clear the FREEDOM was the Power word of the day. I believe that through accessing the shadow and loving and embracing that which we see, we gain true freedom of our SPIRIT.
As I often am, I was guided to pull myself some cards from the variety of decks. First up were two cards from my very own deck, Everyday Wisdom.
The cards were #33 – Pink and #12 – God and what away what I felt these two cards were speaking of was the need for giving and receiving of Unconditional Love. We are all beautiful Beloved Children in the eyes of God. There is meant to be no separation between ourselves and others. We are one. We all share the same home….Mother Earth. It is time for us all to remember and honour our connection to all things.
The next two cards came from the Angels of Atlantis oracle deck. The cards were Archangel Raziel – DIVINE MYSTERY and Ramaela – JOY.
What my inner wisdom what saying is that we are all meant to tap into the Divine Mystery, of God and our connection to God and all that is. Through this connection we are meant to heal and discover our own unique gifts. These gifts were bestowed upon us by God, himself. Once we tap into our gifts we are meant to share them by being of service to others. Through this service we will be transformed by the JOY that we feel. The JOY we experience when we give ourselves the FREEDOM to just me, who we are, doing all that we came here to do is limitless. And truly the answer to many of our prayers.
Next up were two cards from the Angels of Atlantis oracle deck. The cards were Archangel Haniel – COURAGE and Archangel Michael – PATIENCE.
Right away I where be brave and take the time you need to release and heal your pain so that you may discover and uncover your unique and beautiful gifts. Please know that this is not an overnight process. It takes time and practice, as well as a lot of courage and patience. Don’t give up and down back away from painful challenges. Don’t any longer hide yourself from yourself and the world. We need you. You are simply being asked to courageously stay centred and focused on the beautiful healing path of your heart. This is the path of true FREEDOM. This is the path of JOY.
Next I drew two cards from The Wisdom of Trees oracle deck. The card that came through were HOLLY and SUGAR MAPLE.
The feelings that I experienced right away was that Holly is speaking to us about connection to our own inner LIGHT in order to see, feel and heal the disowned Shadow (dark). Sugar Maple was speaking to me about honouring all the seasons of our lives, each as they come. When the time is right we will indeed harvest the bounty of the seeds we have sown. All the while we are meant to be enjoying the sweetness that life has to offer. That sweetness is meant to be experienced by all of us, not just a “chosen few”. We are all the Chosen Ones and it is not the time for us to let the Light of our merged Divinity and Humanity SHINE. It is all of our time, because we were all born to SHINE and experience the JOY of being alive. We are all free to choose to accept the LOVE that we are. In the acceptance of this LOVE, we free ourselves from the conditioned fear that we have lived with for far too long. It is old, outdated and stale. It is no longer necessary, nor is very believable any longer. It is our LOVE that will save us all.
Our connection to our own DIVINITY, that pure eternal SOURCE LIGHT that burns brightly within us all. As a result of our own inner work, we are now beginning to the LIGHT and LOVE that we are shining all over our beautiful planet. Stay in your hearts bright ones, everything is going to be okay.
There is truly nothing to fear, except continuing to buy into the false fear the collective ego, has been collectively trying to sell. It is bullshit and honestly friends I am so sick of the bullshit. Aren’t you? It is time to shed the shed the skin of fear and move into the LIGHT and TRUTH that resides in your beautiful heart. That TRUTH includes all things.
That TRUTH is we are all ONE and what we do MATTERS!! We all have some very real and highly important work to do. Let’s get to it!! Please remember all we can do is to love and share with and support one another as we all shift and move ever more into the New Paradigm. The Paradigm of Divine Love and ONENESS. UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS. Let’s get us each be willing to do that which we have come here to do.
Dear ones, simply try to the best of your ability each and every day to stay centred our hearts and the love that resides within this space. Remember who you are and what you do matters.
Our final cards came from the Shaman Wisdom oracle deck. The cards that came through were #30 – Bearberry (Feminine, South, Water, Sun), #55 – Quartz (Feminine, 7th Chakra, Water) and #42 – Cherry (Feminine, North, Venus, Water).
I love that all of these cards were feminine energy as well as water. This speaks to me strongly of the need for unconditional love as we move through the deep waters of our own emotions as well as the collective emotional body. I was also really drawn to the fact that the two plant cards together had a beautifully balanced energy. The balance occurred via the directions of South and North and Sun (Power) and Venus (Love). This speaks volumes that we are balanced and in alignment when we stand TRUTHFULLY in our power which resides in the LOVE that we each are.
The Quartz card #55 speaks again of the same idea that through our crown chakra connection we are guided to feel the TRUTH of our connection to all things. This is a big part of the change and shift that we are all experiencing at this time. The number of this card speak of change, big changes and the reality is that we are all moving through and feeling these deep and profound changes that are currently taking place all over Mother Earth. We are guided that as we move through our own personal changes, to remember that everyone we see is also doing the same, as best as they can. As we remember who we truly are and claim our power and connect deep within, we collectively begin to feel nurtured, nourished and supported by our Universal and very real connection to all that is, all that ever was and all that every will be.
It is our time to SHINE, everyone, so go on and get to it. We are counting on you.
With Divine Love, Respect and Gratitude, Lisa
Wow Lisa!! I so resonate with your divine messages. Thank you for sharing and being a guiding light. I still have work to do and I will do it. I know that I have to be patient as I go through the deep waters to reach the ultimate – Freedom. The freedom to be me to the fullest in the most loving and joyful way. God grant me the patience and help me to persevere. Thank you for laying it all out for us and that we can do this. Yes we can!! Lots of love to you Lisa!! xo
Thank you my friend blessings as always