Energetically today has been interesting. Here where I live the sun has been shining all day and there has been a brisk wind blowing. The birds are busily happy creating nests and courting on another with beautiful sweet songs and delightful dances in the wind.
Personally it feels good to be on the other side of our Scorpio Full moon. Although clarity is not yet crystal clear as self care and compassionate self talk guide the way, the day is becoming LIGHTER . We are becoming LIGHTER
. Breathing deep and being in each moment is very supportive.
A whole Legion of Light has made their loving presence known to me today and of course Archangel Michael heads the procession and wished to support some clarity for each of us today. He guided me to the Blue Angel Oracle for support.
Before shuffling the cards I asked for our dear ever present guide to offer us some clarity around why we are feeling as we do these days. Here are the cards that appeared together quickly after the question was posed.
Here is the message that flows through my Higher Self as connected to the Legion of Light, guided by Archangel Michael
Beautiful SOULS at this time in your experience you are moving through a very advanced stage of your personal human SOUL evolution. You are being encouraged to expand and take a stand in ways previously only dreamed of. Yet it was you who had the dream beautiful child of LIGHT. It was you who agreed to come to the Earth plane of the Divine Mother and seed the purity of your heart here and NOW. In order for this to happen you needed all of your varied experiences. You needed them to support your growth and return home to the LOVE WITHIN. The Unconditional LOVE of your SOUL. You have done so well thus far and the knowing that we have is that you will continue to do well, in fact thrive as new growth and life flows forth from you. You are encouraged at this time to shift your focus away from the external and to go within many times per your earth day. Go within and tune into how you are feeling. Are you trusting yourself and your inner knowing? Are you making the necessary changes that support your optimal radiant health…MIND, BODY, SPIRIT (SOUL)? Please do these things of which you are called to do. Trust the slow pace that you feel yourself moving because remember, this LIFE, you LIFE is not a race. We are not playing beat the clock here in the SPIRIT realms although you humans sure do like to play that game. Yet do you really enjoy the rat race? Do you really? Step by step and breath by breath you have been called ever deeper into your beautiful heart. With each call you have wondered and questioned whether it could be true. You wondered whether you had all you needed to do what you came here to do. WELL DEAR SOUL THE ANSWER TO ALL OF THE ABOVE IS A SOUL RESOUNDING YES!!! YOU GOT THIS. THIS IS WHAT YOU CAME FOR. Transformation through LOVE into the NEW EARTH NOW where dreams really do come true. Heaven is real and it is here for you NOW. New beginnings through NEW EARTH YOU abound. When in doubt call upon your Legion of Light who LOVE YOU UNCONDITIONALLY. Take a deep breathe and choose to LOVE YOU WHERE YOU ARE NOW. Never before have you been called to hold and stabilize such a strong frequency. You are unique and your are needed here and NOW. BE PRESENT FOR YOURSELF. YOU DESERVE YOUR LOVE. Prayer is your conversations with the CREATOR of ALL
Thank you for your SACRED HEART WORK. You have done well. Stay the course of your heart and know that as you continue to HEAL you support the COLLECTIVE EXPANSION OF ALL THINGS LOVE AND LIGHT HERE NOW. HEAVEN ON EARTH IS OUR DELIGHTFUL BIRTHRIGHT .
With so much Love and Gratitude, Lisa and her Legion of Light
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