I was guided this morning to pull a card from my Angels of Atlantis oracle deck for this page.
I have asked to be a clear channel so that I may bring forth message for the greatest and highest good of all who are guided to read this as well as for humanity as a whole.
The card that came forward almost immediately is ARCHANGEL RAPHAEL – EARTH FORCE. Dear Children, it is I AA Raphael who has come to bring you a message today and this is a message of love and healing for your beautiful souls as well as that for your Divine Mother Earth. There is a wave of resistance happening right now and this wave is taking place within you. I urge to today not to resist, instead let go and allow the flow of the Universe to move through you as freely as possible. In order for this to happen you must also observe and become aware of how you are affected by the Universal laws of cause and effect. There is a natural and divine rhythm to everything in life. The more you come to understand this rhythm and how it affects you day to day the more easily you will transition and move through these times of rapid change upon your planet. This shift is also occurring within each and every human heart on the planet. For those who are not in tune or aware of the impact of energies upon them there is confusion and turmoil. For those who are already on the spiritual path these changes are making some feel off balance and uncentered. Today I have come to ask you to spend time grounding and centring yourself by connecting to your Divine Mother. Planet your feet firmly on the ground and inhale the beautifully nurturing support she offers. There is also a need for detoxification right now. As your energies are shifted and you move to a higher state of being, you will feel the need for this detox. Foods among other things that use to hold an appeal to you, no longer will. Fresh, unrefined, unprocessed foods in as close to their natural state as possible is key. Also lots and lots of fresh water, many are not currently drinking enough of it and this also slows the process of change and letting go. So make sure you are drinking at least 3 litres of water per day….at least. There are many changes happening upon the earth at this time and you dear one are an intrical part of this change. Do you part to the best of your ability everyday and know that what you do matters and does indeed make a difference and has an impact on the collective consciousness. Allow the Earth Force Energies to ground and nurture you as you move through this change and focus on what you can do today to move through this great transformation with more ease and grace. Sending you waves emerald green and white light healing light to support and love your at this time.
Namaste, Lisa (((<3)))
Hello,I had the pleasure of attending an Angels of Atlantis seminar in Donegal,Ireland recently.It was wonderful and I pulled this very card.It so resonates with me and my true purpose.