Message from the Divine Ascended Masters as a collective consciousness.
Relax and breathe dear ones, you have nothing to fear. We surround you at this time with radiant rainbows of love and light. You see us don’t you? We have been actively and increasingly making our presence known. There is an abundance of love flowing down upon you now. There is an abundance of all that you need to meet the requirements of your human reality. Believe this dear ones just relax and breath knowing this is the truth. There is nothing to worry about or fear as you are completely surrounded and support by love at this time. Relax and breathe, relax and breath. As you exhale, allow stress and worry to leave your body. With each exhalation feel yourself becoming lighter, with each inhalation feel yourself filling up with our rainbow healing light. This is you. This is your natural state of being. We are one and together we are moving to greater levels of peace and understanding. Oh yes, this is happening on a global scale. More importantly to us though this is happening at the most basic of levels. It is happening within the hearts of every human on the planet at this time. Breathe into the process, breathe in your divinity and breath in our connection. Our connection is one of eternal, pure unconditional love. You are greatly supported at this time dear ones, all we ask is that you release your need to hold on to fear. Because you see, all that is real is only LOVE. Sending you waves of healing rainbow light to fill your body and open up your heart. We are one.
Love and light, Namaste, the Divine Ascended Masters of Light channeled through Lisa Lyle
Image sourced from Google images
Dear Lisa, thank you for the beautiful channeled message.
I love it
Love, namaste, Jetske