Crystal of the Week – Petrified Wood
Intuitive message – This has been a time of deep karmic healing for many of you and as you continue to heal and release you are beginning to uncover the true nature of your God given gifts. They are ancient and as old as time. They stand the test of time and they truly are your strength and purpose. Keep going within to uncover the wealth of transformative gifts that reside within you. You are safe and guided to keep going. You are an eternal and infinite Child of God and the Universe. Believe in YOU!! With Love, Respect and Gratitude, Lisa
Keynotes of this crystal – Standing the Test of Time, Transformation, Strength
Message from the guidebook –
True wisdom stands the test of time because it stems from the eternal part of our nature – the soul. A magical transformation is about to occur through an unexpected turn of events. This is all the result of the strength and commitment you have long shown toward something you truly believe in. It will soon be time to accept your reward – knowing you were right after all. The strength and commitment you have shown for so long will serve you well. Many who have, until now, either ridiculed you or attempted to discredit you, will all of a sudden want to jump on your side. It is possible to stand firm in your beliefs, yet also to show compassion toward others.
This message from from the Guidebook with Toni Carmine Salerno’s Crystal Oracle deck
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