Crystal of the Week – Ruby
Ruby – Great detoxifier for the body, blood and lymphatic system. This stone also activates and stimulates the pineal gland (3rd eye). Help to bring up negative emotions for transmutation. This is a most dynamic stone and I am being guided to ask you to trust your intuition as to how meant to be used and work for you.
Intuitive message – To me the message of this crystal today was all about roots and foundations. Plant your roots deep and be nourished by our Mother Earth. Stand your ground, tall and proud and know that if you heart is guiding you in a particular direction, chances are this is the path you are meant to follow. Trust your path. Trust your path. Spend time in nature rooting and grounding your energies down. You are supported. You are guided. And you are so very loved.
Keynotes of this crystal – Passion, Love, Precious Memories
Message from the guidebook -Your passion for someone you love is being rekindled and you will soon find yourself glowing with a newfound sense of joy and wonder for life. As you find yourself reflecting on all the blessings and precious memories derived from this beautiful relationship, you realise that bad times are easily forgotten, yet precious memories of love live forever.
Love is an ocean which forever ebbs and flows. At times a raging sea – at times tranquil and calm.
This message from from the Guidebook with Toni Carmine Salerno’s Crystal Oracle deck
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