Crystal of the Week – Snowflake Obsidian
Keynotes – Empowerment, Protection, Ideas, Talents
Obsidian is a stone without boundaries or limitations. As a result, it works extremely fast and with great power. It brings the truth to the surfaces, and has a reflective qualities and is merciless in exposing flaws, weaknesses, and blockages. There is no place to hide when obsidian is around. This stone guides us to grow and lends us support as we do. It dissolves destructive and disempowering conditions. Use with care. This stone can and will bring negative emotions and unpleasant truths rushing to the surface. Again use, this stone with care and preferably with the guidance of someone who will be able to provide you with the Spiritual support you may need. This is a strongly protective stone, forming a shield against negativity, and provides excellent grounding from the base chakra to the centre of the earth.
Highly sensitive people benefit greatly from the protective energies from this stone. Snowflake obsidian has all of the generic qualities of obsidian (as do all other obsidians), as well as, this is an excellent stone for the sacral chakra, calming and soothing your emotions as well as putting you in the right frame of mind to be receptive, to seeing some deeply ingrained patterns of behaviour. Teaches the value of the mistake as well as any successes. This is a stone of purity, balancing mind, body and spirit. This beauty helps us to see the truth of who and what we are, and guides us to recognize and release, negative thinking and stressful mental patterns. Promotes inner centering. Help us begin to feel one with all that is, frees us from isolation and loneliness, empowering us and aiding us in meditation.
Message from guidebook –
You have so many wonderful inspirations, ideas and talents that, to date, you have kept hidden, protecting and nurturing them within the fertile and loving landscape of your heart and imagination. And rightly so, for the last few years have been like an incubation period, a time in which you have subconsciously been collecting creative fuel to be used at a later date. Well, that time has now come! You will soon begin to express and empower your ideas and inspirations as you discover practical applications for them in the physical world. It is time for you to shine so don’t hold back any longer!
Message from the guidebook comes from Toni Carmine Salerno’s Crystal Oracle <3
Thank you so much, Lisa. Namaste! 🙂