We are on the eve here of what some are calling the most powerful Full Moon of the year <3. Being someone who is sensitive to energies and ruled by the moon and her cycles I feel these times intensely. Actually the truth is we all do, whether we are aware of what is going on, we are feeling it. Many are being shaken right to their core and this frankly is the point. Time to wake up and get out of your own way. Move out of the fear and into the love. The love and oneness that we are.
Okay so I hear some of you asking…”how do we do this?”
Simply my answer is awareness and stillness and these are nurtured through meditation, breath and body work.
Energetically we have been on this up and down, round and round, bumpy ride for the last 17 months or so. If we thought 2012, was an energetic one, although much of the energy of 2012 was fear based. This year 2013, has been equally energetic and yet much more love based. More gentle and nurturing if we listen to and follow the guidance coming in to deepen our connection within. Our souls have been calling us home, a return to wholeness they say. This is our deep desire, and yet many are still resisting. Oh yes, many are talking now and asking lots of questions, yet few are willing to go to the lengths it takes and effort that is required of them to actually manifest the change they claim to desire.
There are still those who refuse to take any responsibility for the state and condition of their life, let alone their heart. Why do we resist the calling of our hearts? Why are we afraid to branch out on our own dancing and skipping joyfully to the beautiful and perfectly divine beat of our own heart. Once again the simple answer is fear and once again it feels as if for some this has been amping up for weeks. Hold tightly they think this is the way. Oh no, my guides say, this is not the way. Breath and flow, release and let go……
I feel confident of my ability to share this with all of you because I was and can still be from time to time that person that holds on too tightly. To anything and most detrimental the fear and all the uncomfortable emotions that come along with it. It wasn’t all that long ago my physical body felt about ninety. Hanging on tightly I was, and happy to say, not so much today. For the most part I feel really balanced and peaceful. If you do not feel this way, you can at any time you choose.
Wake up, the answers are within. Wake up, you work is not your life. Wake up, you are not what happened to you. Wake up, you are not your pain. Wake up, there is need or room for guilt, blame and shame. Wake up, you know the TRUTH. You feel the TRUTH, it is within YOU.
Wake up the rhythm of your your breath as it blends with your heart. Send your breathe all the way down so it meets your belly, your diaphragm. Feel it lift and expand. Feel the light glow from within. This is you. This is truth. Inhale love, exhale peace. Inhale love, exhale peace. Within your beautiful physical body, which is actually a LIGHT BODY, is the power of the entire UNIVERSE. Your potential is unlimited. Yet you limit it. You fear and you hold on to the fear. Let it go….
Life is really very simple, yet many still find it confusingly complicated and refuse to believe that peace is possible for them. The resist that which will set them free. They deny themselves any true commitment to peace. They seek externally, for that which they hold so tightly within.
So back now, to how do we come return to wholeness and experience joy? Simply we take time each and everyday. No exceptions, no excuses and we honour our heart, we honour our bodies, by journeying within. It does not need to be a complicated discipline, just some focused awareness on the movement of your breath in your physical body and the beat of your beautiful heart.
Breathe in love, exhale light. Keep breathing and create a sacred space within each day where it is safe for you to just BE. It is not complicated and confusing, no quite the opposite actually, it is simple and flowing. It is connecting with the dandelions and trees, the birds and the bees. This is where the magic happens. This is where the peace is found. It has always been there. Right there within you. It is time for you the beauty and divinity of YOU. It is time for us to feel, truly feel the oneness that is us. Our planet, the plants, the seas, the wind and the trees….this is us. The sun, the moon, the stars. We are all connected in a deep and profound way.
As storms brew around us and structures that once stood begin to fall, fear will want to step back in and help you out, yet it would be unwise to reach out and accept that back in. This is a time of TRUTH speaking and for 20 years or so the Universe has been speaking to me about GREAT TRUTH’S. The greatest of these is that WE ARE ONE!! Wake up!!
We can, if we so choose continue to walk through life ignoring this and carry on our merry way. Yet it will not change the GREAT TRUTH!! WE ARE ONE! WE ARE EQUAL! WHAT WE DO MATTERS! It is time to unify. This unity begins within.
We must continue to speak our TRUTH. For many it is about coming to terms with and processing the TRUTH. Again wherever you are on this spectrum there is work to do. Speaking TRUTH is not aggressive. It is respectful and heart centred. It will not make another feel inferior….the speaker must not have any illusions about being superior. We are ONE. WE ARE EQUAL. It is time to reclaim our POWER. It is time to WAKE UP WORLD. WE ARE ONE. How can we help one another?
For me my life I have know for a long time was about SERVICE. I have come to understand another GREAT TRUTH through my own process of reunion to self through healing, that along the way I have have little to no control on how things would play out. Who would stay, who would go and even the work I would do. The more I have been willing to trust and follow the guidance I receive from within, the more peaceful I have become. This is a huge feat and I take time to glance back from time to time to acknowledge and appreciate just how far I have come. Sometimes, I pat myself on the back and say….”you have come a long way, baby. Look at you!! Well done”. Often I am amazed and in awe of the numerous transformations that have taken place and I know that they will continue to unfold as I go along.
Where I am going is very exciting and quite uncertain, yet the greatest lesson I am being guided through at this time is how to best SERVE me.
Let me tell you what my life looks like today in these fast changing and structure crumbling times. As the weather permits I have found that more and more I am being guided back into nature. Our winter was very long here and for me that is challenging, mostly on my emotions as I love to be outside and can feel quite boxed in during unfavourable weather. So now even just hanging out in my backyard sitting on the grass brings me back to peace rather quickly. I also have the good fortune to live on the shore of Lake Ontario and have myself a favourite little spot, where it love to go and just BE.
I use to resist this down time, because there was the fear about finances and for many that fear still exists. It is like unless we are busy doing something there will be no way to survive and make our way. This is false. Our busyness in many cases keeps us from thriving.
I am not speaking here solely from a financial perspective. Thriving encompasses so much more. How do you feel? How do you think? How well do you let go? How well do you flow? How well do you serve you? Are you happy? Are you peaceful? Are you grateful? Do you experience JOY?
Things are changing, structures are falling, foundations crumbling and believe me when I say that this is a very good thing. Uncomfortable yes, isn’t all change. Necessary, indeed.
We are ONE. And as far as I can see it we have all come here at this time for GREAT PURPOSE. Believe in your own! At this time trust your unique process. Continue to speak and stand in your TRUTH from your heart. Continue to release, expand and share.
Show the world that you care and that we all matter. You do this by showing yourself that you care and matter! Allow the walls and structures that have been built around and within you to crumble and fall. Allow this to happen, do not resist. This is a vital and necessary part of the healing process, individually and globally. Unity Consciousness, requires us to wake up to our own DIVINITY. There is no one in your life more powerful than YOU.
Wake up and take a stand for you. Listen to the rhythm of your breath and the beat of your heart and get to work doing what you have come here to do. The time has come bright ones for you to remember who and what you TRULY are. You are the Universe and the Universe is you!!!
You are the Earth and the Earth is YOU!! I AM ME AND YOU ARE YOU….TOGETHER WE ARE ONE!!
Wishing you all the blessing of healing offered by our Beloved Luna / Grandmother Moon. Allow here light to show you the way. YOU ARE LOVE….WE ARE ONE.
Namaste, Lisa
Image taken by me of our Beloved Grandmother Moon as seen from my backyard last night.
THANK YOU SO MUCH for this beautifully written post. You have no idea how much I needed to hear all of this and be reminded of some things I have let slide due to the craziness of life that I have been experiencing. You are truly amazing and give so much to us. Bless you, always. xoxoxo