Beautiful SOULS here is your message of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE REVEALS

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If you were guided to the LEFT card here is your message…
Beautiful SOUL, your life is a tapestry of experiences all weaving together to bring you to this powerful NOW moment of your ETERNAL SOULS journey. Breathe into that knowing and appreciate all that has brought you to this point in “time”. I am hearing let your UNIQUE flag fly, take flight and shine. Archangel Michael walks with you each moment and is lovingly encouraging you to LIVE YOUR TRUTH. LOVE the LIFE you have and if you are not LOVING life, it is time to make a choice. CHOOSE LOVE. CHOOSE PEACE. CHOOSE the path of acceptance. Follow the path that brings you the experience of JOY. Be willing to release with LOVE all that has come before this moment. You are an ETERNAL SOUL an ETERNAL stream of SOURCE. Believe in yourself, trust your unique process and get busy living your best most vibrant expression of LIFE. You were born for this. JOY is your birthright Rise each day and choose to SHINE.
Message on the card You are a living work of art, a most sacred and eternal being, a multidimensional field of energy with no beginning or end. You are a floating island of consciousness, swimming within a cosmic sea of love. Life the dream, dare to be extraordinary.
If you were guided to the CENTRE card here is your message…
Earth Angel you were born to let your LIGHT and heart SHINE. NOW is your time to break free from the ties that bind. Time to tune into your heart and to trust the guidance and wisdom that flows from this space within your physical experience. Your heart is the home of ancient and ETERNAL wisdom. Your heart is the home of the ESSENCE of your SOUL and the energy of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. Follow the LIGHT within and know that as you follow your heart you are walking the path of your TRUE north. You are a SHINING star that exists beyond this dimension. Unconditional LOVE is your BLESSing and it is the lesson that you came here to express and experience in full form. Streams of God’s LIGHT flow to and emanate through you. Time to live your TRUTH. Share your TRUTH and use your TRUTH to unify all from WITHIN. You Earth Angel are gift and BLESSING to humanity. Believe in yourself. Believe in your TRUTH. And remember heart centred dreams really do come true. You are AMAZING!
Message on the card Through the power of love all shall unfold in the most perfect way for all concerned. This card is a blessing from an angel who is here to reassure you that all is well. There is no need to worry. All is bathed in a sea of divine love.
If you were guided to the RIGHT card here is your message…
Beautiful SOUL take a moment NOW to settle into the TRUTH that you know. Unconditional LOVE is the key to your expanded experience of BEing human. Your emotions may feel all over the place these days and you may feel like you are swimming in a raging sea. Key is to understand you are the captain of your ship, your ability to navigate the emotional waters you are within comes down to your ability to honour and accept what you see, feel and experience in each NOW moment. Honour your emotional simply by allowing them to flow through you. Breathe and release. Breathe and release. Peace is an inside job and it BEgins with you. The LIGHT of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE shines upon you and it encourages and supports you to BE the CHANGE you wish to see. Repression is no longer an option if you BELIEVE in PEACE. Be willing to face what is present for you in the NOW and with your breathe be willing to release what no longer supports your experience of an ABUNDANT PEACEFUL human life. All SOULS are worthy and deserving of peace. All peaceful journey’s begin within the PRESENT. Here and NOW choose to BE the LOVE that you are. You are supported. You are LOVED and you are WISE BEYOND your current level of belief
Message on the card Help is on its way. The raging sea will soon abate and a great light will heal your heart. This is a time of deep, profound and positive transformation, courage, strength and patience are required. You are supported by a see of love.
I trust you have felt loved and supported by your messages. I LOVE YOU! Love and Gratitude overflowing in all directions, Lisa and crew xo
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