I have been guided to offer twice monthly group healing sessions in conjunction with the New and Full Moons.
These sessions will be by donation only and a minimum donation of $20 is required. Space in these healings will be limited to 21, as it is the number of completion. A time of new beginnings.
All sessions are done distantly, so you can be anywhere in the world and still participate. Each participant will received the full length voice recording of the session and then within 48 hours a private video message just for them. It is truly my honour to bring light, love, hope and healing to as many people as I can. Allowing God, the Spirit that moves through us all to bring us back to a place of balance. A deep knowing and understanding our our connection to all things and the wisdom to know that we are eternal Children of God and the Universe and we are made up of pure love and light.
Yours in divine love and service. Namaste, Lisa
New Moon Group Healing Sessions
Next date – Tuesday November 13, 2012 at 12:00 p.m. EST
The New Moon occurs when the Sun and the Moon are in the same sign. This makes for a powerful alignment and opens a powerful energy portal for us to work with, if we so choose. New Moons are a great time to set intentions, that help us to manifest that which we deeply desire. This energy is very supportive in helping us to alignment with our Higher Self, our I AM presence which resides within. How you work with this powerful and supportive energy is entirely up to you.
This group healing is intended to align those within the group to the God Consciousness, which resides within their heart. So that they may indeed open themselves to the eternal gifts that resides within that only they unlock. New Moon energies are very supportive on inner reflection and inward focus. It encourages us to learn, trust and get comfortable with the unknown. It supports us as we allow the old to fall away, in order to make room for the new. The New Moon is like a blank canvas, just waiting for you to express your truth upon it. Knowing that deep within this is what you were born to do.
You have the power to manifest the life of your dreams and are indeed the prophet of your own destiny.
When in alignment with your I AM presence there is nothing that can block or prevent you from all the love, light and abundance that is your birthright. The intention of this group healing is to align all within the group, to their unique blueprint for living, within this physical reality. As you move through this reflective time you are being prepared to work with the Full Moon energies which are a time of action and breakthroughs.
Space in all group healings is limited to 21 and is based on first come first serve.
Make your donation today to book your space in the New Moon in Scorpio Healing on November 13th.
Full Moon Group Healing Sessions
Next date – Wednesday November 28, 2012 at 12 p.m. EST
When the Moon is full the Sun and the Moon are in opposite zodiac signs. This is a time that is supercharged with balancing energies, although many tend to be thrown off by the intensity of the moon’s effect on us as she reaches her peak. This is a time when the Solar (masculine) and the Lunar (feminine) energies are in harmony. Now is a wonderful time for us to find a healthy balance of these two energies within. They are within all of us whether male or female.
For those who set intentions with the New Moon, this is now a time of forward movement and a time for action, upon your intentions.
The Full Moon supports and encourages breakthroughs and releases of that which no longer serves our greatest and highest good. The intention for this healing to clear and remove any blockages with you physical and etheric bodies which may be still in your way, whether on a conscious or subconscious level. This healing supports and encourages the release of emotional blockages and fears that hold you back from realizing your Highest Potential.
Space in all group healings, is limited to 21 and is based on first come first serve.
Make your donation today to book your space in the Full Moon in Gemini Healing on November 28th.
Hello Lisa,
🙂 How are u? Will this session (New Moon Group Healing Session) last about an hour?
Hi Tawny,
I will likely be channeling for about an hour and a half to two hours. xo