I am guided to share with you a rather personal experience that I had yesterday, as a way to guide us all to waking up to the everyday magic that is our intended birthright. I trust that by sharing, I am making inspired connections with those who are doing their everyday work. Thank you for being here and a part of my beautiful life. I honour and appreciate our connection.
Yesterday I was guided to ride down to the lake to record the last four video messages for participants in the September full moon healing circle. As I approach my happy place, my sacred space, where I always feel so peaceful and completely at ease, I hear bagpipes. The song that was being practiced was happy birthday. I pull up on my bike and park it. Then of course, I engage the gentleman in conversation. It was lovely and during the course of our talk I mentioned that I had seen him just the previous week up the street at which time he was playing Amazing Grace. We continue to talk. As he was very willing to share stories with me about himself and his bagpipes.
After our interaction I set myself up to record, under a tree, perched on a wee ledge by the shores of Lake Ontario. To say I was in my happy place would be a bit of an understatement. I began to record and the first 3 of the four videos were serenaded by the bagpipes. We even got to hear Amazing Grace. I felt so blessed and grateful for this beautiful, magical, rather simplistic experience. These are the moments we are here to enjoy. This is what life is truly all about.
I had also brought my journal and some cards with me, as I felt that I was being guided to write. When I finished recording the videos, I still had some time, so I decided heck why don’t I just record a grounding meditation video? Yes, I thought this is what I will do. So instead of writing I decide that I am going to do this video. Everything I feel is going along nice and smooth, I am on fire I think and oh so connected. Ha, the computer runs out of juice, the battery dies. The time of the video when it died was 3:22. More on that number later.
So now the computer is dead, and I think hey, I have my iPod in my bag, I will just record a voice message. Into the bag I go, still feeling totally connected and on fire. I pull out my iPod and try to turn it on. Guess what? No juice. The battery is dead!!
I giggled out loud and said okay, I get it, time for me to write. Then I promptly thanked AA Michael and all others working with me in that moment for their guidance. I then immediately followed their direction.
First, I was guided to fold my blanket and place it under and up against the base of the tree where I was seated. Next my journal and pen came out, and some crystals too. Raw Amber and Rainbow Moonstone. As instructed by my inner knowing, my higher self, my guides and angels, I sat with my back resting against that tree. Pen and journal in hand, crystals at my side, Shaman Wisdom oracles cards a few feet away, I begin to write and the following is what came through.
Journal entry October 2, 2013
Sitting under a tree, no technology.
Just the calling of my Soul as it speaks to me.
I sit, as I am guided.
I hear the whispers of love in the breeze, as it blows through the trees.
It is my Soul calling, eternally calling out to me.
The whispers they coax and encourage me.
Yet, still I sit.
As guided, I sit. I am asked to be still.
To listen to the leaves as they rustle in the breeze.
I am asked to sit and feel the waves as they wash over me.
Cleansing and healing they continue to flow.
Healing the pain.
My pain for I have owned it and protected it.
I have nurtured it and gave it a space to grow.
Yet as I sit, supported by all that is.
Supported by this tree, I know this to be true, I am free.
I am truly one with all that I see.
I am blessed and oh so grateful indeed.
To be able to follow the guidance that flows from within me.
The guidance that says…just sit and be still dear child you are doing great.
Your Truth flows, purely and freely from within.
It is beautiful, you are so bright.
Sit. Be Still. Be at Peace. Feel Love.
Love thy shadow, and live in the Light.
Sit and Shine.
All is on schedule in Divine and perfect time.
I loved being in that moment when everything simply flowed forth from within me.
Right after that was written I was guided to pull myself a card from the Shaman Wisdom deck and this is what I received…..
Card #44 – Basswood – Feminine – West – Saturn – Earth
Message from the guidebook by Leita Richesson
I am Basswood. I am the False Face mask of the Iroquois tobacco ceremony. When you put on the mask, you lose your identity and become whatever the mask represents. You are no longer the person, you are the spirit. The mask also signifies that you might be escaping reality and hiding from the truth. Remove that mask and come face to face with your life. I am the tree spirit, I am protection.
Now isn’t that amazing!!
Awesome really and what it speaks to me of is the need for each of us to be free of the masks we have worn. Just because it fits and is familiar doesn’t mean that it is necessary anymore.
For the last few days, I have been hearing over and over…
”Healer, heal thyself.”
This struck home with me yesterday after the above experience, because on my current path, I do so much for others. I love doing my work, and walking my life path, fulfilling my Mission in this lifetime. I know many others who do too. Yet, at the end of the day, what is most important for each of us walking a heart centred path. In whatever role we have chosen, is that we tend to ourselves and our hearts first. As we do, we are inspired and life just flows. We live in the now and because our hearts are open, we see the everyday magic and miracle that abound.
We are in touch with the magic of the now moment. This is where we need to be.
By creating space in our lives for us, for devotion to our Spiritual practices and way of life. As we recognize our connection to all things, we learn, we see, we grow and understand. All that we see in our outer reality, mirrors what we feel internally.
Please dear friends, do not shy away from you inner work. Do not keep neglecting and pushing down your inner knowing. It is essential that we each do our work.
As I was riding home from the lake, I keep hearing that line from the song “Time Warp”….take a step to the left. What my guides were trying to convey to me is that it is time, not just for me, for all of us. To take a step to the left, into Divine Love. As we do, we experience healing, we return to love. This helps us to come into balance and the Truth of our earthbound experience.
We are here to love and heal ourselves. We are here to be peaceful, happy and abundantly joyful. It is time, dear friends it is time to slide to the left slightly and welcome the New Paradigm.
Earlier I mentioned that my video stopped at 3:22, so in typical Lisa fashion because numbers are a sign and a way for years that my guides have been getting my attention, I am going to share the message from Doreen Virtue’s Angel Numbers 101 with all of you.
322 – This is a strong message from the ascended masters, urging you to “keep the faith,” and thus experience faith’s magical magnetic power, which draws to you everything good that you desire.
Now all I can say is I am so GRATEFUL and thank you to all of you who have taken the time to read this and connect with me so purely today.
It is an honour and a privilege…Namaste, Lisa
Image from my sacred spot taken October 2, 2013
Beautiful! Thank you for sharing the magical musings of your radiant heart. xo
Lisa <3 You have such passion in your words and the sharing of your light <3 I too recieved the message be your Authentic self yesterday ! So for me that is validation that I am hearing and receiving guidance ! Thank you sooo much for being real and being you … So much Love being sent and a Hug 🙂
Oh and thank you for being a guide for my friend Pam <3
Dear Lisa, What a blessing and reminder to follow our inner guidance everyday. We never know the magic that is right before us! Love to you!!
Thanks for sharing.
Wow!!! Thank you for sharing such love & wisdom with, It resonated deeply with me.
Love & light Jo xx
It is always a blessing to hear the words that come from your mouth Lisa you are a true OWL master love & Light….Pam
beautiful~!~ I love reading your post, they are inspirational. You are so awesome and I thank you for ALL you share and give to us~!~ Thank you!!