PELICAN – FORGIVENESS – “Let go of your judgements”
Forgiveness is key to our Spiritual development and evolution. This week we are being guided to first offer this beautiful gift to ourselves and we are being reminded that as we judge others, the sad reality is we judge ourselves more harshly. Let go of judgements right now as they do not serve your greatest and highest good. Offer yourself forgiveness and then offer forgiveness to others. This will in turn set your heart free. Free yourself from the bondage of self and your perceived mistakes and of the past. Regardless, of your thoughts, actions or words you are unconditionally loved, accepted and forgiven by God, your angels and the Universe as a whole….be free <3 Message from guidebook - Each time you judge yourself or others, you immediately create the illusion of separation from your environment, from other human beings, and most critically, separation from the Creator and all of creation. Immersing yourself in this illusion creates pain that manifests as hurt, anger, or even attack in words or deed. And if you stop and reflect, you’ll find that what you judge in others is really a projection of a shadow aspect of yourself. Therefore, the source of these judgements is not just contained in the other - it’s something in yourself that you may not be aware of. Once you realize how judgments separate, there’s an opportunity to forgive - first, the other person for his or her perceived transgressions or shortcomings, then yourself as you identify the shadow aspect in you that had projected onto this individual. In the light of this realization, all illusion of separation vanishes. This is true forgiveness - not an empty mantra you repeat over and over again in order to support some false notion of forgiveness, but a genuine release of any and all judgments. When you’ve forgiven, this act returns you to a state of love, acceptance, and peacefulness. You’ll know when this has happened because you’ll feel the natural and tranquil state of unity with the Creator and all of creation. Additional Associations - Grace, Unselfishness, Self-sacrifice, cooperation
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