Panther has been a regular visitor to me lately in meditation and the message he brings is to be brave and follow your heart always. Follow your hearts desires and just go for it. Take a leap of faith and know that you are protected as you do. Black Panther is asking us all to be brave as we follow the guidance we are receiving, as we uncover more of our Authentic Self. He asks us to move forward, fearlessly and trust that by following our passion, we will indeed be lead to the place we are meant to be. Trust, he reminds us, just trust.
Message from guidebook –
The winding road of your life, with all its twist and turns, expected and unexpected, has brought you to this point. Your faring quite well, yet there’s an urgent need that you’re feeling in your bones and your soul – the need to express more and more fluently your true self, your inner core. It’s so much safer and in some ways easier to deny yourself the fruits of following your true passion. Questions of safety and survival abound by stepping into this total expression of who you truly are. Let them remain as questions, cast them aside, and embrace what turns you on.
Once you’ve discovered what your true passion is – and you probably already know what it is – by honouring it and living it, all else will be taken care of. Does that surprise you? Challenge you? Trust that your inner yearning is real, and express it, if not all at once, then gradually – but express it. Don’t worry about how it will look to others or whether or not anyone at all would approve. When it comes to the end of your days, you will be able to say with all sincerity and without reservation that you life your life passionately and in truth!!!
Additional Associations: Sensuality, Strength, Clarity, Solitude
Message from guidebook comes from Dr. Stephen Farmer’s Power Animals Oracle deck
Great! I had some obstacles to my passion of dancing but I turned bACK to it.
Yay, Jetske back to doing what you love. THAT IS AWESOME!!