Raccoon has appeared as a guide for this first week of February 2021. The messages he has to share today are as varied and multi-layered as, are the masks, we wear personally and of course COLLECTIVELY. All is WELL it is as WE INTENDED it to BE, WELLness is the key of experience NOW. NOW is ETERNALLY the PRESENT point, OUR shared power point, if you will. The COLLECTIVE shift NOW in our midst is a great GIFT to humanity and ALL life upon Mother Earth. Accept it as so, and receive in the PRESENT the BLESSings of your DIVINE birthright.
No longer consent to the energy of disbelief. Tides are turning, ages are changing, this PRESENT NOW is a moment for BELIEF. This moment supports COLLECTIVE RELIEF. BREATHE. Pause. Release. Just like lather rinse, repeat only better. WE ARE TO BREATHE. PAUSE. RELEASE. REPEAT. Settle IN. Rest. Reflect WITHIN upon your core beliefs. BREATHE. Pause. Release. Repeat.
What are your beliefs? BREATHE. PAUSE. RELEASE. Settle down. Relax. WE ARE SUPPORTED. Time NOW to remove the inner mask, the mask of separation BREATHE. PAUSE. RELEASE. Relax. Life dear heART is more than you BElieve it to BE. You are as well. WELLness WITHIN is KEY. YOU ARE THAT KEY. BREATHE. PAUSE. RELEASE. BELIEVE. ALL are BEing called NOW to drink from the WELLSPRING WITHIN. It is a most HOLY space and nourishment for your DIVINE human SOUL. BREATHE deep and BEgin this Sacred exploration of LIFE BEyond the mask.
Transparency is the path of FREEdom BEyond conformity and WE EACH WERE BORN TO SUPPORT the RISE, after the long and painful fall. LIGHT IS ALL WE ARE, SHINE, BREATHE and BE JOYFULLY PRESENT FOR THE BLESSINGS OF NOW. Your Eternal Soul thank you. xo
Gratitude flowing Lisa xo
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