As we move through these very energetically shifting times, I was guided today to write a bit about how to care for ourselves. What I am about to share with you all if first hand experience from a Lightworker/Healer/Guide, here in service to humanity. The thing is that I just like you also have to learn to find my footing as I go. Over the past weekend energy shifted rather abruptly in my personal life, and although it truly was nothing earth shattering, I was indeed rattled. It was a very clearly illustrated example how easily it is sometimes to allow ourselves to be influenced by outside sources. When at the end of the day, it is never about those circumstances outside of ourselves. Never!!
After a rough weekend, today our home was hit by another curve ball. One that I could almost anticipate and feel coming. I think we all did. Those in my home, like myself are highly sensitive to shifts in energy, so sensitive that we can often forget how quickly we can manifest a certain event or situation merely with our thoughts.
So today once the curve ball, hit, I would say my initial response was one of fear….”oh my goodness, how are we going to survive? How much more can I take, was a question that was running mucky little thoughts through my head.” Thankfully, for me and the rest of my household, I had an early morning appointment with a beautiful healer in my life… chiropractor. Truthfully, she has become an intricate part of my healing process over the last three months. I like to say when I visit her twice weekly it is like a mini therapy session. It is not a joke, this is truthfully how I feel.
I am being guided here to backtrack just a wee little bit to Friday, when I felt a huge inner shift that felt more like a purification throughout my entire physical body. This shift took place about 15 minutes before my appointment and I was told that my adjustment on Friday was going to help me align to some new energy that had just come in. I was also told that it would also be followed by a big release, a letting go. You see without a doubt we are all experience the new and more highly charged energies that we are receiving and yet in order to really welcome them in, we must be willing to make some room for them, otherwise we simply become blocked and stagnant. We all know how nasty stagnant water can be. Well it is the same for us, if our energy is blocked and no amount of holding on will change this.
From my perspective while I type this message, I have to say I find the whole situation now a little amusing, although a few short hours ago I did not really feel this way.
So what changed you may ask….well I did, I changed the way I was feeling by deeply getting in touch with my emotions and the fear and doubt that I allowed to seep in. Instead of getting or staying in this heavy space I took a few necessary and most beneficial action steps. Here they are….
1. Prayer – this was the very first thing I did this morning and it was something I hadn’t really done in quite some time. Oh yes, I meditate daily and follow to the best of my ability my inner knowing and guidance, yet prayer was something I haven’t earnestly done in a while. It felt really good to connect with my creator in this way, although I do not feel at all I am praying to some abstract person outside of myself. God is now and has always been within me.
2. Cut some flowers – I was guided this morning to cut three beautiful pink peonies out of our garden and gift them to my beautiful chiropractor this morning. I felt such peace and deep gratitude from this one small act of thoughtfulness.
3. Share Truth – I spoke my truth this morning and shared raw emotions for the first time in my many visits. Well today certainly wasn’t the first time I shared my truth with “my therapist”, it was the first time I allowed her to see my deep emotions. I let them all out and it felt good. I relaxed in and easily allowed myself to be adjusted today, and what adjustments I had. Big, beautiful and full of love.
4. Water, Water, Water….and then more water. At this point I think I am on my 5th litre and still thirsty. By in-taking more water, I have been gently supporting the releasing and letting go process and helping to clear energy blocks within my physical body.
5. Asking for Help – This does not come easily for me, particularly when I am being guided to reach out to other people. I am truly a person who has for a long time, had this go it alone attitude. I made a conscious decision years ago, that I could only count on me, to have my own back. By making that decision I have isolated myself from the abundance of support I have all around me in the human form. I mean I have always had my guides and angels, it was the humans I was never so sure of. Yet I feel like my uncertainty about others merely created a wall between me and them. Today, I reached out to my fellow sisters and received from them the messages I needed to hear most. Truthfully reaffirming for me that the answers I seek reside within and my connection to source is clear and strong.
6. Nature, Tears & Movement – I was feeling totally off side and out of balance and so I decided to help my self release and shift the energy. I took my yoga mat outside, along with my laptop and a favourite playlist and I took a journey within. What a beautiful gift I gave myself in doing that and another reminder that as much as I do and give to others, I must first offer to my beautiful self. Working with my breathe today and tuning in and listening to what my body needed was just what my soul needed. I was free, I let go, I felt peace. The tears flowed. Now they were not tears of regret or sorrow. Crying for what I don’t have. No actually they were healing tears and exactly what I needed. Released and suppressed emotional sludge…old beliefs, patterns of reacting, conditioning, pain. I let it all out and continued to stay focused on what my body had to say. I let go and it felt good.
7. Notice the signs – When I was finished my beautiful yoga practice which mostly focused on hip and heart openers along with neck opening, the time was 2:11 p.m. My guides have for years send me messages and signs of their presence via numbers. At that exact moment I received a text from a beautiful sister of my heart asking if I wanted to chat. Well of course I did and again it was exactly what my refreshed and renewed soul needed in that moment.
I am being guided to share the message of the number 211 with you all, as it is written in Doreen Virtue’s Angel Numbers 101 book.
211 – Now is the time for you to rise above any seeming problems; and ensure that every word you speak, write, or think is as positive as possible. You are manifesting very quickly, so you want to ensure that you focus solely upon your desired outcomes and do not dwell upon any fears.
Most Divinely timed message, wouldn’t you agree?
Following these simple steps today and of course allowing my inner guidance to lead the way, I was shown once again how I am responsible for my experience always. And I am indeed the most powerful manifester of my life and experience. By 4 p.m. this afternoon that curveball that came flying at us this morning, hardly seems like that big of a deal. Although this morning it felt enormous.
The issue that presented this morning is no longer an issue. Truthfully it never really was, because the Universe already had a peaceful and beautiful solution on the way. I needed only be present in my heart space to see what was there all along. Beautiful, pure, undying LOVE.
Thank you to the 5 beautiful sisters of my heart today, who took some time to help remind me of the LIGHT that I am and that only love is real. They also once again reminded me that not for one minute are we ever travelling alone, and we need only be willing to reach out and we will see….WE INDEED ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER, and simply helping one another to REMEMBER the TRUTH OF OUR DIVINITY.
Thank you beautiful sister, from the bottom of my heart I thank you.
Wave upon wave of love, light and gratitude to each of you reading this now…..I LOVE YOU and I SEE YOU. Namaste, Lisa xo
What an insightful post. Feeling so frustrated that nothing really has come to fruition for me, I am so glad to have your guidance on actual practices. You comments are so upbeat and positive that I look forward to everything you have to say. I have even done shaking and am starting to believe that it has released some of the negative and blocked energy in me. I am keeping my fingers crossed that my hip pain will stay away.
You are helping me to change my focus and believe in a promising tomorrow.
Dear Tasha, Thank you for sharing and thank you for continuing to courageously walk the path of your beautiful healing heart. Much love, light, gratitude and respect to you bright one!! Lisa xo