In honour of all of our American friends gathered here on this page, who will be gathering around dinner tables with those that they love today. I have been guided to once again bring forth Soul messages, for all gathered here today. I want you all to know how much I love and appreciate you. Whether you know it or not, you inspire and encourage me each and everyday, to stay centred on the path of my heart. My Soul’s Mission. It is an honour and privilege to serve. Enjoy your day and Namaste, Lisa xo
Now close your eyes, breathe in nice and deep and take a few moments to connect with your Light Guides. Once you feel the connect ask your guides to direct you to the word or words that will bring you messages from your Soul, intended to serve your Greatest and Highest good. Your choices today are….
RABBIT – Beautiful radiant heart, astounding is your LIGHT . Breathe it all in, you are being birthed through your breathe into new life. This is a time of abundance in newfound ways. Breathing in Love, Exhale the Love, you feel so deeply within you. Peace, oh yes you crave peace and you have found that solace and comfort within, keep going. Keep breathing and know that this is a time of nurturing, a time of rest, a time of peace. Honour yourself, your path and just how far you have come in this life. The healing that has taking place and that is still taking place from within you is breathing new life into your physical, so that you may more clearly, and peacefully connect with the Truth of your Soul. This healing has been deep and old stuff that you have been releasing. Be patient with yourself, it will help you to be more patient with others. Divine Goddess energy swirls all around you. Connect with the rhythms and cycles of the Moon. Your Light dear Child, Shines Ever so Bright.
WHITE – This is a time of purity, innocence and joy. You deserve this time, and you are being asked to kick up your heals for some good old fashioned fun. What does that mean to you? Whatever you answer, DO IT!! This is a very strong and clear message from the guides all around you to take a break. You deserve this. After you have had some fun, whooped it up a bit, how about a nice long relaxing bubble bath. I see candles and smell some beautiful earthy essential oils. Breathe in all the goodness that you are. Reveal in all the beauty that you see. Well done, Bright Ones, your strong and clear connection to all that is, Shines ever so bright. Reveal in and appreciate the wonder that is you and your life. Take a break, you have earned it. Time to savour and enjoy all that makes you, YOU!!! Shine On, Bright Stars, Shine On!!
NAKED – Breakthroughs. This is an exciting time, and yet as I connect with this energy, there is some apprehension. It feels as though there is a new level of vulnerability, and this new state of being for many uncomfortable and unsettling. You have been striped back, peeled more layers of illusion and painful doubt away. Naked and for many this feeling of being alone. Left on our own naked and bare, unsure of how to fend for ourselves going forward. Be not afraid my guides are saying. You know sweet one you have never been alone. We have always been near every present, ever loving, always with the same message….LOVE. You are so beautiful and your heart eternally connected to the LIGHT. You are to be commended here for all of your work, and the fact that you have stepped up and taking responsibility for your life. You journey dear Child is no longer meant to be wrought with feelings of insecurity and fear. Stay in your heart, and Trust us. Trust you and the Truth that flows from deep within you. Don’t worry about what that might look or feel like for someone else. That really is not your concern, nor is it ours. We your guides and Angels are here supporting you on your Heart Centred Earth Walk. Which as many of you now know is indeed a multi-dimensional one. Don’t worry about what anyone else is doing or how they are doing it. Take care of that which you can, and leave the rest to the Creator of ALL things. Your job at this time is continue to focus on you and be amazed and the beauty of you, as you are striped bare. You are going to be amazed by the Lotus that blooms from within. It is an honour to walk this powerfully healing path of the heart with all of you. Namaste.
BEAR – This is a time of introspection and I really feel that for many the coming year is going to be all about the inner journey. Although a rather reflective year, it will still result in the outward manifestation of your hearts deep desires. I am guided to say here, remember God, your Guides and your Angels know what these desires and dreams of yours are. They support you on this path. And remind you for the wisdom of bear. Honouring the cycles of nature and using the winter months to hibernate and go within. I am seeing a cave here and it feels as if there are many who are reading this who know that they are being guided into new territory, yet have kinda been afraid to go. This is a sign that it is safe for you to go, into that cave/sanctuary within, and LOVE what you find. The gifts found here are truly life changing beautiful gifts. The visit to that inner cave is so worth your time. Dream on, Bright Ones, Dream On. If you have the dream, it means you also have the abilities, tools and all the time that you need to get things done. Take some time right now though to dream. Then to what you can, to realize and make your dreams come true. You are supported.
Thank you all for taking part in this Thanksgiving Day (USA) Interactive Soul Messages. I enjoyed bringing the messages forth and trust that they all resonate with you. Please remember take what you can use and leave the rest. Take the LOVE, that flows to each of you now and remember….You are never alone, We are all in this together. I am honoured and feel so much gratitude to each of you gathered here. Walk softly dear friends, walk gently with your heart. Sending Love, Respect and Gratitude, Namaste, Lisa