This is wonderful time for us to be setting intentions. Manifesting our deepest desires. What is it that you truly want for your life? What do you see yourself doing? Who are you surrounded by? Look at how happy and carefree you appear. This my friends can be your reality.
Now is a time for us to be focusing on that which we want in our life. A time to release the repetitive thought patterns, that tell you it is not possible. Those thoughts that keep you stuck in any situation, which you find yourself in. Once stuck it is sometimes hard to keep pushing, through the muck. We become tired, angry, lonely, exhausted, deflated, complacent…..the list goes on.
Now is an excellent time, to think about, all that you would like to see in your life? What job would you like to have? What type of relationship do you envision? Home? Family? Have a look at all of these things. Instead of viewing your current situation, as one you must live with. How about starting to take affirmative steps in the direction of your dreams. We must take the action steps friends, we must.
Make a list of your dreams. Write them in a journal….just write them. Get them out of your head, and into your heart by expressing them. Once we take pen to paper, expressing our truth and our hearts desires, we welcome these into our lives. We plant seeds. That which we focus on we receive. Come on, you all know this to be the truth….look around you, what do you see? Look within, what do you feel. Let go of, which is no longer serving your greatest and highest good.
Look around now, and notice that which makes your heart sing. That which brings you JOY, LOVE, PEACE….ahh, now doesn’t that feel nice?
Often times, we are surprised that once we reach or achieve a certain goal that we set. Such as, we buy a house. We furnish it. Fill it with stuff. Meet the man of our dreams, fall in love, get married…live in the furnished house and still it is not enough. So we we decide we need a child. We nurture our child, a DIVINE BEING and then realize…still…not enough. I am sure you can see what I am getting at. We spend so much time seeking outward, for things, possessions, for love and acceptance, for fulfillment. Yet, we still sense a lack. So we continue to seek outward to fill that void with more stuff, a bigger house, a new car, another child…yet, still a void, a yearning.
How often, do you spend time seeking within for you guidance and answers?
Connecting to Spirit. The Spirit and Energy of the Universe.
All too often, the answer is not enough. So we, continue to yearn and our heart aches for those things that are most desirable to us.
Lately, I have been seeing lots of fire rituals in healing’s that I have been doing. Now with the New Moon, being in, the Sun Sign of Aries, it makes total sense. Write down all that outdated stuff, patterns, thoughts emotions, anything that is no longer serving your greatest and highest good.
Excellent…..NOW BURN IT. Let it go……release its power over you.
Next, write down all that you would like to see in your life. It could be something like, a quality, being more forgiving, more courageous, more loving and compassionate. Or it could be something more specific, like your ideal job, partner, home. Write it down, plant the seeds. Send your intentions out the the UNIVERSE. Honour your dreams. Honour them as sacred. Create a sacred space. A vision board. Burn a candle. Create an alter. A place of HONOUR. SACRED SPACE. Nurture your dreams to fruition.
The seeds we plant now in all areas of our life are the rewards we sow later. Start living every single day like the GLORIOUS GIFT, that it is. Release the old to make room for the new. Honour the seasons of your life. The darkness and the light. Be grateful for it all. Know that seasons change. They must….we must.
Connect with the rhythms of the Universe. The Moon….The Sun…..The Stars…..Mother Earth….all of it. Become aware of your connection…..see SPIRIT in everything…..ETERNAL LOVE. Have a look around my friends and see with the eyes of your HEART. So blessed and so connected.
The New Moon is the first step working up to the Full Moon. It is a great time to get in sync with rhythms of the Universal. The cycles of the Moon, the ebb and flow of the tides. Connect with it. Feel its energy. Your energy is so connect to all of it. Do you feel your power? I DO!!
Take baby steps if you need to in travelling the path of LOVE and LIGHT. Walk confidently in the direction of your dreams. And please, please, please….STAY POSITIVE. Focus your intentions, only on, that with lifts you up…as if, wind beneath your wings. The life of your dreams is about to manifest, if only you will honour and let it. Call on your guides and angels for support and guidance with your dreams. They are just waiting there for you to reach out and up for help. Go on…you can do it.
Yours in love and service,
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