The following message came to me in meditation, about a week ago and I was guided to share it all with you today.
Service from a healed and honoured heart, offers the healing balm of love to all it touches.
Now, how beautiful is that? Thank you to the Universal Energy, called Eternal Love that brought that to me. I am blessed and feel connected with everything. Each and every one, of you who should find your way to reading this….I feel the connection. We are one. We are love. We are Light.
Now, many of us have spent years, building walls, protective barriers, fortresses if you will, around our hearts. We learn fear, from a young age. What are were we taught to fear? Love? Light? That is who we are, who we came here to be. So we start to believe the fear, the hype, doom and gloom. We build walls a little higher, we close our hearts to our own brilliance because, of, the illusion of fear. Who are we, not to share our love, our light with all who we meet? We are connected. We are one. We hold our wounds, very close to our hearts. Our Ego and fear, allow us to live in a place where we feel disconnected and sometimes very alone. Yet, we are never alone. Spirit is always with us. We always hold the key to unlock the love in our hearts. To set our SOUL free. Can’t you feel it? It wants to be free.
So how do, we go about setting our SOUL free? Well I have to first say, it is an inside job. Our answers won’t be figured out in our heads/Ego these answers only come from our hearts. It is where they have always been. It is only you and I that have walked away from our truth, our hearts, we moved upstairs to our heads OUR EGO. Other people don’t have our answers either. Teachers, Healers, Guides, etc. are brought to us as tools and yet they can not do our work for us. I say this to my clients all the time, it is up to you to do your own work. I can offer assistance and healings and guidance from Source. As much, as I’d like to I can not do your work. Now many are being called to wake up, do the grunt work, so to speak and let you love and light shine. You were born to be bright, you were born brilliant and now you are be asked to wake up to your own Light, your own DIVINITY.
Love is the way, not fear. Fear keeps you stuck, spinning your wheels, from one perceived disaster to another. Why me you ask? I ask, why not you? Why not me? There is much beauty to be found in your perceived disasters, disappointments, failures and even success. Much beauty, indeed.
It all starts with a willingness, to have a look within. Tune in and listen to your heart and what it is trying to tell you. Maybe you, all ready know and yet you feel like you can’t get started. Fear is all, that is, fear. FEAR – FACE EVERYTHING AND RECEIVE. Don’t be afraid. You are a Divine Child of God and the Universe. You are meant to shine brightly and brilliantly. You are love, you are light and you are very protected as you begin to walk the path to healing. Along the way, revealing evermore, your truth, your brilliance. You are love, you are light. Are you willing to walking this illuminated path?
It takes courage, my friends, it takes lots and lots of courage to step out of the darkness and into your LIGHT. It can be done though and we see this all around. Look at how many are talking of our LOVE and LIGHT. There are many Lightworkers, Eath Angels, if you will, all around. They are being awoken as if from a long sleep, a very long sleep. Now is the time? Are you ready? Are you willing? If you are come along with me, as we grow and evolve back to our original state. PURE ETERNAL LOVE and LIGHT. There is, LIGHT at the end of the tunnel that LIGHT is you. It is your SOUL, calling you home. Are you willing?
Once we are willing, to even, have a look at ourselves, sometimes what we see makes us uncomfortable. So again, we move back upstairs and the cycle begins again, we step further away from our TRUTH. I am here to say and I am sure many of you will agree, our TRUTH never changes. It is Eternal. It is our SOUL. It waits, patiently for us to return to our natural state of being. So we look, again and we start talking, although maybe reserved at first. If people knew that, they wouldn’t like me and we can’t have that. We are love, we are light. We want to be loved and liked, so we hold back. We take baby steps and I am here to say, baby steps are the way. Now though, our baby steps are more like leaps, because of the energic shifts taking place on the planet. We are all being lifted up and supported like never before. We are all being asked to take baby steps up to the plate of love and light and to feel our connection. Feel the love, see the light, in all that is. We are one. If we have the willingness to take a few baby steps, we will be amazed at how easy it can be once we stop struggling. The Universe, is pouring love and light on us like never before.
Love is the way, there is no room for fear right now. We are being asked to move forward in love. We are all being guided and supported to do this.
It is often times, helpful to write down your fears and then burn them. Let them go up in smoke and neutrilized by the Universal Energy flow of love. Fear has, no hold on you once expressed and released. Either verbally, by sharing with someone else, or by writing and sharing with God and the Universe, your Angels. Get rid of everything that has been holding you back and weighing down your heart. Get it off your chest, literally. By sharing our thoughts and fears honestly with another, we come to understand that others, have often have or have experience the same worries. We share, we come connected, we become aware. We are not so unique, after all. I use to say that I suffered from terminal uniqueness. Now I don’t suffer much at all because I see my place in the world.
My uniqueness, along with my awareness of our connectedness, is exactly what is, needed at this time. We all came here for great things. We are all a piece of the puzzle and now we are being asked to place our pieces. Look at the big picture, see the beauty, feel the love. We are one. We are connected. I have heard it called Unity Consciousness and just love that.
There are no shortcuts to healing and like I said earlier, it is an inside job. Bodywork/ Energy work is key for lots of us in freeing blocks in our physical body. Our emotions get stored in our bodies and it is our job to keep our house clear and clean. Working with our breath is a good way to get in touch with how we are feeling. Dis-ease comes from a place of unwillingness to look at something. What don’t you want to see, to feel? What is it that you are hiding? Who are you hiding from? Remember we must be willing to do something about what, find when we look within. All of it, the good, the bad and the ugly, if you will. Or as someone, close to my heart likes to say…”warts and all”. We must be willing to see it all, love it all, accept it all, before we will be free, from its hold on us. Free to be, who you, were born to be and believe me when I say to you. You were born for great things. You were born to experience to be and experience Pure Eternal Unconditional Love. You were born free and at peace, and now you are being called to come back home. Come back to the beautiful light filled space that is your heart.
Each person must travel this path from head to heart on their own, believing and knowing at the same time we are never, truly alone. Spirit is always, with us, providing us with all that we need to fulfill our destiny. It is our job to settle down and tune in to, connect to all that is, all that ever was. Pure Eternal Unconditional Love and Light. As we heal our hearts begin to expand and open by the day. We see the love. We feel the love. We are the love. We have new eyes, we now, see through the eyes of our heart. We see through the eyes of our SOUL.
Once we start breaking down the self imposed walls that we have built, we learn the great TRUTH. We are enough and we are deserving and worthy of love. Self love. We are all one, and in connecting with others and sharing openly your TRUTH, we come to understand, our purpose. Our Divine Life’s Purpose…we are not meant to be anyone except who truly are…Children of God and the Universe. Love and Light. We are meant to be our own shining star and in doing so allow others to do the same. I feel so honoured, and truthfully grateful, that I took the baby steps, that have brought me here today. Honouring and accepting, loving and nurturing myself, so that I could be free. So that I could live my Divine Life’s Purpose of being of service to humanity. Speaking the TRUTH, that resides in my heart and hoping inspiring others to give themselves the same gift of love. You are love, you always have been.
Remember there are no Shortcuts to healing, my friends. Yes, indeed there is an abundance of support and help for those who are willing to take some baby steps in the direction of their birthright…PURE ETERNAL UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and LIGHT. I am so excited, that you have decide to embark upon this most wonderful journey and I look forward to being of Service to Humanity, with Spirit, as my guide. I am guided and support by the Universe always. So honoured is my heart, to have made the connection with all of you and I look forward to sharing my love, light and truth with you. With the hope that you too, find the courage, to heal your heart so that, you may start see the brilliance of you, that I all ready clearly see. You are love. You are light. We are one.
Sending you eternal love, light and gratitude,
Lisa xo
Thank You.
You are so welcome, Michelle xo
Thank you. Love to you. Have a nice weekend. Namaste
Yes Lisa this world is built with “narrow domestic walls” – like religion – cast – cread and everyone wants to prove my religion is he best but forgetting to connect to the source .