For days now, Spider’s have been making their presence known to me, showing up randomly on the counter, my dresser, my shawl, I mean seriously they have been everywhere. Little ones, not like the big hairy ones that my husband is fond of and with which I share my home, currently about 5. These little guys are just cute, in a non frightening way.
What I feel that Spider wants me and in fact all reading this to understand is that…..
“We are the weavers of our own destiny. We are here to expand the web of love to all that we meet, all that we see. We understand we are all part of the same beautiful web. So much more powerful than we have been lead to believe. We are so much more powerful than many even know. For many their power is just too much to believe. Yet believe we must. This is OUR TIME. The weaving of this web began a very long time ago and it is time to accept responsibility for our part of the web. The web Spider speaks to me of is the magical web of LOVE. It is a web of LIGHT that ripples through all time and space. Our Light reverberates throughout the Cosmos. Oh yes my friends it is true, we are so much know that we know. We are all powerful and we are each uniquely gifted. It is time that we honour our uniqueness. It is time to allow it to show and shine.”
Ha…show and shine made me giggle as I had the image of those cars that gather in parking lots during the nice weather. Folks gathered round, some in chairs others standing while the owner of the car, lovingly cares for his prized possession. He is so proud, he is a shining and a beaming, he is so loving his baby, often times many are called by a special name….LOL.
The use of this image, I believe is to show how we have no problem being proud of what we do that brings us material possessions. Yet when it comes to our Divine gifts, we shy away, in fact many have yet to come out of the proverbial closet and say…..THIS IS IT, THIS IS ME, THIS IS WHO I AM and I LOVE IT and because I LOVE ME now I can also LOVE you.
Well the TRUTH is, my friend it is now time to come out of the closet and let your brilliant colours show. Give yourself permission to JUST BE YOU. That is enough. Get adventurous, go even further and step a little more outside your rather small closet and give yourself permission to do something different. Add a new design to the ever expanding web of LIGHT. Do your thing, strut your stuff, toot your own horn.
Above all else honour Our Mother (Earth) and honour Our Father, thereby honouring the GOD that resides right there within you. Within our hearts where all resides is where our intricate web of connection begins. We have been weaving for a very long time my friends, a very long time indeed.
Please know that your unique expression of LOVE and LIGHT is just what the world needs at this time. Go on BRIGHT SHINING LIGHTS, SHINE!!!! This is OUR time, this is what we came for. Power to the bright shining free thinking people, here to weave together, the NEW EARTH, WEB OF LIFE.”
Thank you all for BEing here and responsibly and respectfully doing your part. It is an honour to weave with you.
Sending Love, Light, Respect and Gratitude, Lisa ((( <3 )))
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