For three days now, I have had a cute little visitor in my backyard, at least once each day. My furry four legged visitor has been a little chipmunk. It is highly unusual for chipmunks to be out and about at this time of year as it is winter. In fact, I cannot recall ever before seeing a chipmunk at this time.
Of course from the first spotting of this little guy, I knew that he was bringing a message to me. Off I went to my handy little Spirit Animal pocket guided by Dr. Steven Farmer. Here is what the message that this book brings from chipmunk…….
Trust that you’re well protected and that there is no real danger you’ll have to face.
Be curious and willing to investigate anything of interest that comes your way.
Go out for walks, and when you do, take the time to pause and explore anything that attracts your attention, from the tiniest pebble or flower to the bista that’s on the horizon.
Once you’ve completed a creative piece or project, keep it to yourself for a few weeks before revealing to others.
Pay more attention to the vocal characteristics of those you encounter – volume, pitch, and inflection – than actual words as a way of discerning more about the person than speech alone reveals.
As I read and now type those messages, so much of the message that chipmunk brings, comes as confirmation of messages and wisdom that is flowing from within me.
We have just experienced and many still basking in the glow of our beloved Grandmother Moon as she shone in Cancer. Some of us might be wondering what the heck just happened. Our experience at this time will greatly depend on our level of understanding. Personally I have really enjoyed this moon as it is my familiar according to my natal chart. The moon was in Cancer when I was born…..for the last couple of nights I have noticed what a beautiful glow she has been casting upon us. Each beam of light she has been casting upon us has been filled with healing light for all to receive. We need only set the intention to be open to receive.
This full moon was a watery one, asking and sometimes forcing us to the depth of unhealed emotions. As always the full moon is about releasing and letting go of all that no longer serves. Yet still are unsure of what exactly it is that they are letting go of.
Well my guides have been pretty clear these days that we don’t have to know, we simply need ask for the release, trusting that they know of that which is as yet, unseen to us.
The dilemma comes for many when they try to rectify the logical mind with the heart mind. For me quite honestly never the two shall meet. Yet they can work beautifully in harmony for peace and our highest good if we allow. If we trust.
The recurring message at this time, although you will not hear it in mainstream media, is that we are all safe, and equipped to handle everything, and I mean everything that comes our way. If we weren’t we wouldn’t be here experiencing it. We are all being lead this year down the beautiful divine path of self discovery, and it is going to be a brilliantly bright year, as many begin to open up to the Truth of who they are. In fact, it is the Truth of who we all are. Sadly, much of what we have learned here upon earth has not been the truth and certainly not the whole TRUTH.
Right now we are all being asked on many levels to slow down, sink within your pure eternal God-like essence.
Many are asking okay so what exactly does that mean?
First do not resist the calling that flows to you from within your heart space, the heart is your inner compass, your motherboard, so to speak. The heart was always intended to lead the way, yet somewhere along the line we forgot, society told different and many facets still do today. We began to doubt and second guess ourselves to this point we are today. Our Mother Earth is struggling to bring herself back into balance, our resources that were freely given have had claim staked to them as if one Soul is more deserving than another. So many Souls incarnate are walking around numb with pain, confusion reins from within. So many suffer from Soul sickening diseases, without truly understanding the part they have played in it. Many sadly still feel that God is an energy and entity to be feared, one who expects us to continually atone for our “sins”, when in fact that is just not the TRUTH at all.
What is it that our Ever loving Father (sky) and Mother (earth) want from us? What is it that they wish for each and every one of us? Well don’t quote me on this, yet I am pretty confident when I say that their wish for us is that we see our own divinity, connect with our own light and in turn we stake our claim in our Divine Birthright. Our Divine Birthright is one of peace, connectedness, joy and abundance. A life in which we trust and deeply know that in every moment all that we need is within. A life of reverence for all things, deeply healing feelings of brotherhood / sisterhood. Compassion and respect for all living things.
It may appear like that is a tall order, an impossible dream yet I am sure it is not, because if it was I wouldn’t have it in the first place.
So when I hear this message that chipmunk brings, I feel like it is simple wisdom that our Divine Father / Mother are trying to impart…..they are encouraging us that if we feel a stirring within your heart, you are simply asked to follow it as you let go in the joyful flow of the moment. Knowing that time that you take for you, just for you is not wasted nor unproductive, it is exactly the healing medicine that your Soul needs. Actually it is the preventative medicine going forward that is going to support you as you begin to manifest the beautiful life of your dreams.
Listen more than you speak, and when you listen do so with the ears of your heart.
Observe more than you speak, and when you observe do so with the ears of your heart.
Connect with your Divinity and kiss the earth often with your feet, because as you do you and your Mother both receive healing. This relationship is far deeper and profound that many yet believe.
Connect with your Divinity and uncover the gifts freely given by your Father which reside right there within.
Be of service when you can, and if you can’t please do no harm, we all are in this together.
Above all else I am being guided to say, is trust the truth and wisdom of your inner guide. You were born to be independent, self sufficient and free. You were born to live in joy and experience the life of your dreams. You are the only one who can do it for you….just like I am the only one who can do it for me.
As my fun loving familiar guide these days Vishnu would say…..”go on Lisa, dive right into the Cosmic sea of infinite possibility, life is all about Creation, go on get busy and create.”
Don’t ya, just love him and the little chipmunk too?
Sending you all so much love, light, respect and gratitude….Namaste, Lisa xo
Image sourced from Google
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