Right here, right now as you are reading this your guides and angels are right there with you. They are with you offering you comfort, love and support. Turn your troubles over to them. Ask them to relieve you of your suffering, your pain, your fear. Breathe in deeply. Feel their love. They hear you and they want you to know that they have heard your call for help and are already into action. They ask you to listen for the guidance they are sending your way. Pay attention, to the signs you are receiving. We are all receiving them, the question is are we listening? Are we staying open and teachable? Are we willing to take the action, according to the guidance you receive, to make positive and necessary changes in our lives? In our way of thinking, feeling, seeing, and therefore living? Grace, the unmerited gift from God. Trust deeply, that if you are honestly working with prayer and then taking the time to listen, through meditation, your answers will come. Trust, and breathe deeply. You are so very loved, guided and protected, along your healing path. Trust that when the time is right, you answers will appear, almost as if by magic. Well when they appear, don’t forget to send out gratitude to the Spirit that conspires to make wishes come true, and dreams become reality. Trust, breathe deeply and trust. You are worthy and deserving of the life of your dreams. You are worthy and deserving of love. Prayer and meditation are your direct and eternal contact with with all that is, all there ever was and all there ever will be……PURE, ETERNAL, UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and LIGHT. You are loved, oh yes indeed you are so very loved.
Love and Light, Lisa xo
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