Interactive Reading <3
Today’s interactive reading will bring forth messages from your Angels and Guides to support you on the healing path of your heart today. I will be drawing cards from Doreen Virtue’s – Messages from Your Angels Oracle deck.
Centre yourself by taking a nice big inhale and exhale through your mouth, close your eyes as you do and repeat this until you feel at ease. Focus your intention on connecting with your Angels and Guides and then choose one of the following.
86, 322, 825
#86 – Your card today is CRYSTAL – “Have faith and hope, because there is something positive and new on the horizon that you can’t yet see.”
I keep hearing that patience is required. Remember everything happens in Divine and Perfect time. In God’s time if you will, not (add your name here)’s time. This is a Great Truth and the more willingly you settle into this, the more easily you will be able to relax into the flow. I am also hearing that working with the Divine Energies of crystals will also serve you well at this time. Any crystal you are drawn to will do the trick. Believe in yourself and your natural abilities and you will soon see what all the challenges have been about. Stay the course Bright ones, you are right on track. It is almost time to harvest those seeds you have been so courageously and lovingly sowing. With Love and Gratitude to you, Lisa xo
#322 – Your card today is AURORA – “You are flying high right now, which may threaten others. But don’t descend, because others will soon become inspired by your example.”
Stay the course. You have been trusting and listening to your own inner guidance and you have been taking action accordingly. Do not pay attention to the nay-sayers, they do not walk your path, nor have they come here to do what you are here doing. There is no one else like you and there is no one that can bring the Light that which you are meant to share with the world. Keep going, chin up and chest proud. Allow your heart to continue to lead the way, and soon there will be others who say, well if they can do it, than so can I. Walk your talk and lead by example. Be sure that all you do is inspired by love and motivated with compassion. Walk the path of your heart with Integrity. You are a way-shower and the world needs you to keep shining your brilliant eternal LIGHT. Thank you for the beautiful reflections that I see. With Love and Gratitude, Lisa xo
#825 – Your card today is SHANTI – “I am the Angel of Peace, I bring you new tranquility and a smoother road ahead.”
Peace dear child, always begins within. You have recently moved through and may be moving through some turbulent waters. Know that today you are being gently guided within to your centre. Inhale love, exhale peace. Keep breathing nice and deep and as you do, feel the peace begin to return. Know that you path is not without purpose and know too that it is not without challenges, yet most importantly know dear child that you are meant to live in peace. This peace is not something that is found outside of you, remember peace always begins within and today this Angel has come to help you return to your beautiful peaceful quiet centre. Chant, Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti…….repeat until you feel the warm embrace of peace once more. Be Grateful for each and everyday. With Love and Peace, Lisa xo
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I trust your messages resonated and that you felt just how unconditionally loved you are today. Shine on, beautiful friends, shine on!!! Lisa
Thanks Lisa… just what I needed to hear right now. <3
I picked 322 and it is exactly me, where I am at and where I am going, Thank you
I am so pleased Jeannie, thank you so much for taking the time to comment. I appreciate you. With love and gratitude, Lisa