So today my friends when I was guided that I would be bringing forth some Intuitive Soul messages, my guides had me look around. What I saw, was a Dog, a Cat, a Frog, on a Log. They exclaimed that is it, those are the words for these messages today. I am kinda excited as it was quite cute to see all my little friends gathered around me.
So, now close your eyes, breathe in nice and deep and take a few moments to connect with your Light Guides. Once you feel the connect ask your guides to direct you to the word or words that will bring you messages from your Soul, intended to serve your Greatest and Highest good. The magical words today are…..
DOG – My dog is so little and yet I tell ya, she is mighty. So right away around all of you I feel very much the presence of God and his Beloved Archangel Michael. Yes, dear friends they are right there with you too. Feel them? Oh yes, they say you can. Take a moment here to connect if you are unsure. Yet this they say is exactly what it is your are at this time moving through. Shaking yourself out of worry and doubt. We are right here they say, right here and now and in every moment. Breathe in nice and deep……let go completely as you exhale, totally, completely, deeply release. Right here and now in this moment you have all you could ever need….for anything. At this time there is a need for some rest and renewal time. Integration if you will. As you have been releasing you have no doubt been exposed to some deeper TRUTHS. These TRUTHS those you hold true about you. Your beauty and your SOUL’S ESSENCE has been exposed and it is so beautiful yet you feel so raw in your vulnerability. It feels comfortable to shy away. Yet dear ones, it is only you, that you are shying away from. God, does not want this for you, nor he says from you. You were born to shine bright, oh yes, so brilliant and BRIGHT. Within you all resides the Mighty Power of the Universe and that which UNITES us ALL. It is your power, use it wisely, as all of creation begins and ends within you. As so the cycles go. Claim your power, and get out there and do with all of your might, all that it is your heart calls you to do. God walks with you, God is within you. Solar Plexus Healing <3
CAT – Ah, the independent life of the cat. Always, owning his right to free will choices. Our pets can teach us so much about ourselves. Anytime, when I connect with this energy, I feel regal and royal. The King and Queen totally in command of their audience, and so discerning with whom they choose to share with or not. My guides are speaking right now of balance of the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine. As well I am feeling very much Solar Plexus chakra, your Divine power centre. The mother ship if you will, the seat of personal power. These days, I feel strong the presence of Vishnu with me and he brought me a most beautiful message recently. He speaks to us all of the power of the Universe that resides within us. We can choose to acknowledge this or not. You see this is the gift and beauty of free will. There is nothing truly that is a must for any of us. Most of us cringe at that word! Yet at this time, as we come to the end of the year 2013, there is a need for many to reflect and have a wee look back. For many this will be an eye opening and inspiring experience because the TRUTH is you have come so far. Oh yes, you have. Don’t deny it and start with the comparing and the shoulda, wouldas and couldas. Don’t go there, that pattern no longer serves. This is a time of appreciation and gratitude for all that is. All that you are. Take some time right now, to stretch out nice and long. Rest back and soak it all in. Feel the love and admiration that your angels send you right now. You are so very beautiful they say, and they remind you that today is the only place you need to be today. Stay right here in this moment and feel the LOVE. This is who you ARE.
FROG – Transformation through purification. Purification through practice and discipline. As I connect with this energy I feel the need to gently remind about cycles and rhythm of life. As the tadpole is born into the Frog there is a process that is always followed. You cannot rush the birth of new life. There is a recurring theme in all of the messages today, and it is of not rushing, not pushing, not fearing, one single thing. Simply relax and allow all things to flow freely through you. Gently she goes, gently she goes……I have been hearing this a lot lately. I have also been shown in the last 36 hours or so vividly how the mental body is often way out in front of the physical body. There is no way for our physical bodies to keep up with the intensity of the thoughts, always rushing ahead. Yet, my guides often sit back with concern and ask where is the race….why all the confusion? It is the mental body that is calling for some tender loving attention right now. There is a need for pure and truthful supportive self talk. Stop being so mean to you….stop feeling like you have somehow missed the boat. You haven’t, and right now in this present moment you are being asked to pause for a moment. Simply sit and affirm the following with me…..”In this moment I cleanse and purify with my breathe my physical, emotional and spiritual bodies. My mental body is in a peaceful and restful state.” And so it is….
LOG – Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily gently down the stream…….this is the energy I feel as I connect with this word today. I feel as if I just heard a collective sigh of relief. Now is time to just kick back and have some plain old fashion fun, whatever that means to you. Right now in this moment decide to relax and celebrate you. You have moved through some very deeply rooted karmic issues and have healed coming out on the other side, feeling a renewed sense of direction and purpose. If you aren’t quite feeling it yet, my guides are saying it is because you haven’t allowed space for the settling in phase. This is not the time and space to welcome in the new. Releasing is done at this time, and there is no need to do anything except settle joyfully into the new. Joyfully she goes…..gently down the stream.
Thank you all for taking part in these Interactive Soul Messages. I enjoyed bringing the messages forth and trust that they all resonate with you. Please remember take what you can use and leave the rest. Take the LOVE, that flows to each of you now and remember….You are never alone, We are all in this together. I am honoured and feel so much gratitude to each of you gathered here. Walk softly dear friends, walk gently with your heart. Sending Love, Respect and Gratitude, Namaste, Lisa
thank you so very much LIsa
Thank you 🙂