Today I am guided to bring forth some messages from your SOUL.
So right now, please take a deep breathe, plant both of your feet on the ground and ask your guides, angels and Higher self to guide to you the word that has a message for you today. After you have read the words, please close your eyes, and continue to breathe in nice and deep and allow yourself to feel / hear the answer.
Intuitively allow yourself to be guided to the word or words that have messages for you today. These messages are intended to support your healing path bringing you into Alignment with the Truth that resides within you.
Your words today are…..
UNIVERSE – Your message today is that your beautiful sensitive self needs you to take the time to find the balance you seek…..hint, it will be found within. There is much energy swirling all around you and at this time in order to feel more balanced, grounded and centred you need to send your roots down into Mother Earth and allow her to support you as you ascend and you integrate more fully into your Light body, which at this time if very dense….after all we are earthlings here for a human experience. Ground and shield, ground and shield is what I keep hearing over and over. I also feel the energy of Crane all around you helping to bring this greater sense of balance into your life. You are supported at this time and in fact are strongly encouraged to release a fear. When you are being true to your heart and your Divine Life Mission all of your needs will be abundantly met. Believe in you and the beautiful work you have come at this time to do. Keep focused on the path that takes you deeper within. You are on the right path, you are right on time. Keep up the good work and don’t be afraid to SHINE.
COSMIC – Your message today is to keep on, keepin’ on……..MOVE FORWARD, without fear. Fear is an Illusion and a tactic that the ego uses to keep us from doing what we love and what our hearts are calling out to us to do. Trust your heart, it knows the way, and it always has. Chances are you are feeling rather tense and unsure these days and it is natural and normal to feel this way as you experience massive shifts from within. These shifts are quaking from the core of your BEing. You are being called, and you know it is true to stand up for YOU. There is no one else that can do it for you and there is no one else that can do what you have come to do. Believe in you and your Magical, Divine, God-given gifts. Your Cosmic family surrounds you and are saying it is time to open them up….your gifts that is. You don’t have to look at all outside of yourself for your gifts, there are right there, right now, within you. The beautiful gentle energy of Deer surrounds you at this time. Deer comes to remind you that gentleness with self is most important as you venture outside of what has been your comfort zone. You are safe to proceed. Know that you are about to embark upon a magical adventure and Deer has come to guide your softly and gently along the way.
TRUTH – You are TRUSTWORTHY and the inner nudges and guidance you are receiving at this time can be trusted. In fact, all in indicators are that they should be TRUSTED….now without delay. You dear one are a RAINBOW WARRIOR, pure of heart with much wisdom and knowledge within you that as of yet you are unaware of. It is time to wake up to and accept the TRUTH of who and what you are and that which you have come here to do. Allow yourself to follow the inner pull that is calling you home. That home that you seek is within you and it always has been. You have walked upon our dear Mother Earth, many many times, and now is the time you are asked to call forth that ancient wisdom that resides within. You dear heart are a true Rainbow Warrior and it is your time to SHINE <3…..from within to without. I feel the energy of Grasshopper around you and right way, I see and feel the movie Karate Kid…….wax on, wax off….clear away the clutter so that you may more clearly see. Take that leap of FAITH you are being called to take and know that the UNIVERSE supports you as you do. Do not any longer discredit your inner knowing, TRUST your GUT!!!
GALAXY – Make a decision and take action to achieve your goal. Happiness is what you seek and that is only found within, never from external sources. The root of the happiness that you desire is hidden at this time under layers of pain. You have used this pain as a protective sheath that you have shrouded yourself in. It is not working, and the Universe is asking that you make a decision now to be HAPPY. Don’t wait for conditions to be “right”. The right time is now and in fact it is the only moment that matters. Choose happiness, choose LOVE, choose PEACE. This dear one is who you are, underneath that sheath. I am being asked to remind you of GRATITUDE and it is in the expressing of GRATITUDE that we truly find the peace that we seek. There are no mistakes in the Great scheme of things, and this means that you are not a mistake and those perceived mistakes that you keep revisit are a great starting point to being to release the pain. You are BRILLIANCE, you are DIVINE and the TRUTH of the matter my friend is that you were BORN TO SHINE. The song….This little LIGHT of mine, comes to mind here. No longer view your sensitive nature as a fault, for it is in fact your strength, your purpose your power. Claim it, own it, be it!!! Happiness is a state of mind and it begins with GRATITUDE in the here and now. There is no other time. Duck quacks at your side, asking you to open up to the Majesty of you.
HOME – Do not jump to conclusions. Change takes time and practice and at this time you are guided to focus on self care via your Spiritual practices. Discipline and consistency is key. There are many BEings of Light that support you as you deepen this inner journey. If feel strongly the presence of my familiar guide here….OWL. Do not fear the darkness that you see, for this is merely an aspect of your beautiful Divine self. It is time to balance the polarities that you see and feel and all of these are balance from within. All is necessary and all has equal value. I feel that you are being called to meditation as it is in the stillness that you will be able to see and feel the answers that you seek. Owl will take you on a magical journey to the depth of your SOUL if you allow, if you seek. You my dear friend are so much wiser than you `think`. Actually it is your thinking that prevents you from seeing clearly. Move out of your head and into your heart, this my friends is HOME.
Thank you all for taking part in these interactive readings today. I trust that the messages resonate and offer you clarity and support as you continue to walk more deeply from your heart. Alone we must do our work, yet never forget we are all connected via our healing hearts.
Shine on, beautiful SOULS you are so support as you go.
Sending Love, Light Respect and Gratitude, Lisa xo
I selected Cosmic! The message resonates with me. Much gratitude to you, Lisa, for sharing the wisdom of your heart and these messages.
It is my privilege, honour and JOY beautiful big sister of my heart…..we are so wise….at times beyond our belief. Keep on, keepin on…xo
I am still struggling to wrap my head around all of this. I always believed these words r true.
Why struggle dear Catherine? Get out of your head, instead allow your heart to welcome in the truth that you see and feel in your messages. We are ONE. Sending Love, Light, Respect and Gratitude, Lisa
Thank you Lisa. Universe and Truth called to me. Beautiful messages : )